Yes, I do celebrate the New Moon, the Full Moon, every Equinox and both Solstice times (I think there is a hidden Pagan inside of me). Why? Because it makes sense to me. It is the celebration of our cycles, life, death, rebirth, a celebration of seasons and quite frankly I frigging love to celebrate most things! In my world life is a glorious, joyful adventure and the more reasons to celebrate and share thoughts, feelings, laughter and glorious food – the better.
One of the questions I often receive is “When and how do I make New Moon wishes and how do I know that I’m doing them correctly?” It’s really very easy and glorious fun. First and foremost, you make the wishes/intentions/commitments at – guess what – the New Moon. No it doesn’t have to be the exact moment and it doesn’t have to actually be that very day (although that is preferable), but if you are uber busy and remember the day after the New Moon, all good.
In fact, in my world, you can make your wishes up to about 48 hours after the original time, just don’t try and jump the gun and do them before hand.
Personally, I like to write them by hand as I spend a lot of time on my laptop writing so to stop, pull out my journal, find the pen that I love to write with (I am very picky about my pens, in fact I am a pen snob), curl up in a chair with a hot cup of tea and write, this is very Zen to me and I am far more present and focused.
Ahhh, now we get to one of the key (note that word please) key pieces – being present, focused and having intent. If your idea of writing your wishes is to quickly scribble them down on a scrap of paper whilst cooking dinner, helping a kid with their algebra and grabbing the cat to throw outside as it’s making that gross hairball coughing sound, you might want to make a little bit of space for yourself and your desires and intentions.
Also, if you are making wishes to “change or alter” someone else. You need to stop that now. The wishes are for you, the manifesting is for you and it’s really important that you recognise that. So for example, you can’t turn the arsehole you are sorta dating into a glorious Prince Charming, unless that is what he wants for himself. If you are in an abusive, toxic relationship – you can’t manifest that the other person will change, but you can manifest that you have the courage to leave. Does this make sense so far?
So here is my 10 step down and dirty list for making New Moon wishes.
- Get a nice journal, writing book, cool pad of paper and a pen that you love to write with.
- Give yourself a little window of space and feel gratitude for all that is fantabulous, fun, yummy and delicious in your life already and really drop into that space.
- Then start thinking of 10 wishes or intentions for the next month that you would like to manifest. Now here is the key – get to the feeling piece of it. So for example, if your wish is for a huge flat screen TV. Why? Is it coming out of an envy or comparison (in other words your best friend has one and you just want one?) Or is it coming from a feeling of – Gosh, it would be amazing to have a big TV and curl up with my kiddos on a Friday night, make popcorn and have a connected, fun movie night with them. Do you see the difference? So do please get clear on how you want, what you want, to FEEL!
- I tend to write mine out in present tense and most of the time with the words I AM at the front of the intention. So if I have been dealing with some health issues and energy has been low and I would like it to be different, I would write – I AM healthy and vibrant in my body. My body is strong, radiant, filled with energy and bug/virus free.
- Now write or draw your 10 wishes (yes, there are only 10 – which is actually a lot).
- Instead of closing the book and going back to busyness. Take a moment and visualise and see each wish/intention as here and now. How does it look? How does it feel? Does it feel scrumptious?
- Then decide what YOU are willing to commit to each of these wishes. So for example, if your wish is to meet the partner of your dreams, what are you going to do to help? Join a social club, join an online dating site? You have to put some umph and action into your desires, it doesn’t have to be big, but it does have to be something. So if you want to lose 10 lbs, perhaps your commitment is to eat healthy snacks and stretch instead of sitting on the sofa every night and eating 2 bags of Doritos.
- I tend to then take a few moments and just sit with my wishes/intentions and meditate on them. It doesn’t have to be long, but I do feel it is important to sit with them and release them out to the ether. As Abraham Hicks says, rockets of desire. So if you can spend 2 minutes purely focused on your wishes – holy hannah, you are creating a gorgeous set of fireworks for the Universe to work with.
- Release the attachment to the outcome! You have pondered them, you have written (or drawn) them, you have visualised them, you have spent a few moments in meditation now get out of your own way. You may think you know the way they HAVE to come to you, but sometimes they can come in a better way. So I tend to say outloud – With grace and ease for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned, I release these.
- At this point you can burn them if you want. I personally don’t as I love going back over them and seeing all the glorious ones that have come true. It is entirely up to you. However, I will say, if you are burning them – do it safely!
So there we have it. Is the New Moon a powerful manifestation time, most certainly. Does every New Moon have different energy with it, yes. Play with it, have fun. I invite you to try this for the next 4 new moons and see what happens.
Wishing you a glorious partial solar eclipse New Moon in Capricorn and remember that New Moon Eclipse wishes have a more potent energy (just saying).
I always look forward to reading your readings. They renew my soul and spirit every week. I love the new moon ritual. Never have I done this but feel energized to truly find my spiritual soul. So this will be an amazing exercise to start the journey. Just want to thank you and tell you I am so very blessed and grateful for all your wonderful guidance through these amazing readings. Enjoy this week yourself.
Thank you from my heart and soul.
Tammy, I am so glad and the New Moon Ritual is glorious! I really appreciate your wonderful words, thank you. Huge hugs, Jenny