Happy Magickal, Mystical, Musical, Merry, Mischievous, Mercurial, Manifesting Monday! So do tell, how are you doing with this delicious Mercury Retrograde?
I’ve had an interesting week of unwanted (and unasked for) opinions from people I don’t even know that have been glorious opportunities for growth (she says with clenched teeth!) As well as time acting very strange. In fact, time was acting so strangely that I had to double and triple check appointments etc. As this weekend I seemed to have misplaced a whole day! (Most bizarre and discombobulating!) Gotta love how liminal time works.
However, this week we have had glorious sunshine which made me so happy after the horizontal, torrential rain we had for weeks. And as I was yomping with Danu my heart soared as the cherry blossoms were out everywhere! It’s like walking through a delicate Japanese painting, which made me realise that without all the rain we have had – these delicate flowers wouldn’t be out yet. So there is always a positive! Oh yes and there are wild daffs popping out all over the place, gently opening their lovely yellow flutes and glowing in the sun. Spring is coming!
Thank you so much to all of you who reached out about how to drop a grounding cord. It was a delight to help and share with you a recording on how to do it, and your feedback made me grin as you shared where you were when dropping your cord! The public bathroom at a hockey game was the best! It will most certainly help in these glorious energetic times for sure!
Okay, yesterday a glorious New Moon arrived, and if you remember – the New Moon sets the energy for the month and the fact it is in Mercury Retrograde is even more delicious! This New Moon is in Pisces which is the last of the zodiac signs, so we are coming to the end of a year long journey. Thus, this is the last of the lunar cycle before a new astrological year begins.
Well, that’s great Jenn – you may be saying. But what does it mean?
Pisces is watery, and water is the emotional, the divine feminine. It creates a feeling of a liminal place betwixt and between. Where we float on the edge of dreams, aware of subtle energies, magical beings and ghosts of the past and future.
Under this energy, we are being encouraged to reflect, to dive deep into our being, and to think about what we wish to bring into our lives as this new cycle begins. However, as we do this, as Lena shares; “This New Moon can have the potential to scout out old fears, regrets, disappointments, anger, feelings of betrayal and loss, shame and other emotional debris. Don’t wallow in them. These emotions are up because it is time to clear them and move on by engaging creativity, hope, imagination, inspiration and vision of what you want for yourself in the future. Spend time today with anything, anyone, or any environment that raises your vibration, brings you joy, beauty and laughter. Keep it personal, unique to you, and honor your own individuality especially around your personal needs and desires. Own them, forgive the past, and look towards the future.”
An easy way to work with this is to write down your New Moon Wishes, another fabulous way is to work with a New Moon Bowl. I personally do both as that’s just who I am. But give one a try, what do you have to lose?
Pancake Tuesday is this week (nom!) And as someone who was brought up as a Catholic, C of E, Quaker, Unitarian (such a delicious mix), I’m often drawn to exploring sacred texts, different forms of worship and celebration. After all, I chant various pauries from the So Purkh every morning!
Anyhow, on Sunday I went to a United Church nearby and was reminded we start the season of Lent this week, first with Pancake Tuesday and then with Ash Wednesday. I always used to see the season of Lent as deprivation, something to be endured or even dreaded. However, the lovely Minister that I was listening to shared how Lent is a germination time, a time of deeper receiving and planting ourselves in the mystery. A time to become a seed, still and waiting in the darkness and open to the miracles. I sooo loved this as we are currently in Late Winter and this is a time when the shoots are slowly pushing up towards the surface and there is an invitation to notice one sign of rebirth or renewal out in the world. So as you move through the world this week open up all your senses and look for these delicious signs and of course make Pancakes on Tuesday!! I personally will be making crepes galore and stuffing them with various fillings, so if you’re in the neighbourhood, come on over!
Okay, enough chuntering on. When I went to the cards and asked who wanted to guide this week I was tickled to see that the glorious “White Light Oracle” chose to participate. Now, if you remember this deck came to me right at the beginning of this new year and the new decade. And when I brought them home and opened them up to cleanse, bless and consecrate them I laughed so hard. A wolf! The back of the cards was a wolf and my gorgeous sister Fi loved wolves. In fact for one of her birthdays she went to a wolf sanctuary and learned all about them. And could howl like a glorious wolf with ease. A wolf and a star. Perfect!
Thus, please let me introduce you to the glorious guides of “The White Light Oracle”:- Let us guide you into the luminous realm of the sacred. The scared is your heart treasure. It is that which brings light into your life. The sacred is precious to you. It matters enough that you are willing to devote yourself to it – even when that requires courage, sacrifice and growth. The sacred generates inner warmth. It brings you joy. The sacred is a healing mirror that shows you the truth of your experience, which can include a compassionate reflection of your own suffering. It shows you how to heal. It inspires and protects you. What is sacred for your heart is unique to you. Yet, for every heart, the sacred is an experience of sublime love and deep meaning. The sacred helps us remember who we are and shows us how to manifest our inner purpose.
Ahhhhhh, breathe that last line in please.
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled to come support are:- Smoky Shadow Quartz – healing properties that work to reconnect us to the earth and its life-giving soil, making it one of the best stones for grounding and balancing. Red Calcite –is a vital stone that increases energy and willingness to experience life. And last but not least, Lemurian Seed – is known as one of the master crystals because it tunes into your spiritual compass, working to unlock the secret doors of your soul. Oh yes and the glorious delicate cherry blossoms wanted to participate.
Okay, let’s settle in. Gift yourself with a few moments and just breathe long and slow. Allow the cares of the day to drop down to the floor. Let your jaw relax, your scalp relax and your breath to just gently slow. I invite you to stay in this space for a moment and invite into your minds eye that relaxing into the mystery, what shoots are burbling beneath the surface, what fears are there? If you need some more support with tapping into this energy there is a lovely guided visualization for you where we do a bit of demolition and construction – no special equipment is needed.
Did you remember to pick?
Are you ready to see what your deep wise self chose for you?
Value what is sacred to you by protecting it from interference, even that which may be well-intentioned. Be compassionate, but set firm boundaries. You are going to triumph over a negative situation. It will take courage, buy you have more than enough inner strength, resourcefulness and boldness to accomplish what you wish to attain. Do not give up. You have the ability to connect with higher worlds, so open your heart and mind to the light.
At the portal between everyday reality and the rapture of unchecked aliveness stands Sovereign Queen Maeve. She is an initiatrix, taking us beyond the constraints of polite moralism and into the bliss, sacred passion, grit and astuteness needed to cultivate and protect the light.
Goddess, warrior, Queen of the Fae, and fearless guardian and protector of territory. Maeve is wild and determined. Protecting territory from a spiritual perspective is unlike the grasping and self-serving of the ego that wishes to obtain whatever it can for its own benefit. This world needs souls who are willing and able to hold sacred space and refuse to allow it to become contaminated by greed, jealousy, hate or confusion. This is an act of courage and selflessness.
Come home to yourself again and again. Know you are strong enough to live your life and chart your course in communion with the sacred. In Sanskrit, svaraj is ‘self rule’, and, as the meaning of raj is also ‘radiance,’ it can also mean ‘self-luminous.’
Do not allow your destiny to rest in the hands of others. Recognise that the light within is your true ruler. You have the power to light yourself up with Spirit. Commit to what you can do and believe the realms of the Divine are working with you. Do not be dissuaded!
There is a gentler way to proceed and obtain the same, or even greater, effect. Tame the wild and frenzied workings of the mind by grounding yourself with beauty, pleasure and grace. Violence and its negative effects shall be overcome and healed through feminine gentleness and inner spiritual strength. There is so much future happiness.
Parvati is the Universal Mother in her gentle aspect. Although, as with all mothers, her fierce side will emerge if it’s needed to protect. She is beautiful and benevolent and evokes the qualities of love, connection, creativity and devotion to a higher purpose. The Divine Goddess has many names, and Parvati is also known as Jagatambe, the Mother of the Universe. Her son is Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity who fosters success in all ventures and protection from obstacles.
Parvati is a Tridevi, the sacred triune of feminine nature or triple goddess of Hinduism. Parvati is the divine archetype of the vital, competent, creative and loving woman. There is an opportunity here to heal one’s mother wounds and one’s relationship with the feminine more generally.
We can trust that the Divine Mother loves us and responds to what is needed, but also knows how to get things done without being more heavy-handed than necessary. She is genuinely moved by our suffering and will manifest in whatever forms are needed to heal.
Give up the notion that the deepest issues require the most difficult path to heal. Let her Lasya dance of happiness and grace unveil a gentler and more loving way.
Taking responsibility for your experiences empowers you. You are going to resolve an issue through spiritual inspiration and higher guidance. You will rise up in full connection to your spirit and access a wealth of divine treasure. That which has brought darkness into your world shall submit to the light and be transformed. Have courage and commitment to your awakening, for you are a precious being and can go far on the spiritual path this lifetime.
Sharro is a Tibetan word meaning to arise or manifest and shine with radiant spiritual light. Sharro is the outcome of sacred alchemy. It is the manifestation of the pearl beyond price. Created in the depths of the ocean, hidden away in a shell from prying eyes, this pearl symbolizes a beautiful blessing of unexpected grace. It began when an irritant caused the formation of a luminescent coating. The healing response to that initial intrusion resulted in an organic creation of inestimable beauty, value and uniqueness, so this pearl can be a sacred catalyst.
In the inner work of self-transformation, we take that which appears negative and utilise it to increase our goodness. However, we need to take care not to attribute the negativities to divine will that are actually caused by humans. Human beings have free will. Without it, there could be no growth, only a following of rules. For the soul, life is something like a multidimensional art class. It is allowed to create with absolute freedom, with the understanding that it will be responsible for its creations.
You have the capacity to become a light bearer. Safeguard your energy yet trust that the light within is strong enough to see you through any struggle and eventually transform it into a precious pearl of sacred empowerment. You have wisdom in your divinely alchemical heart!
Oh I soooo loved this reading, I hope you did too! Many of you have asked how to go deeper and one of the ways is through a Private Reading. Wishing you a stupendous week filled with laughter, ease and grace. The trust and the faith that you are resting in the mystery and in a space of germination. Oh yes, and a glorious mound of pancakes! However you like them! Big hugs and squeezes.