Now I know that may sound a tad odd, very much like some weird sci-fi movie, or that a succubus snuck into your bedroom whilst you were sleeping, however, neither are the case. Caroline Myss uses a fabulous analogy of looking at your daily energy in a monetary way. You have $100.00 of energy on a daily basis. So let’s examine it.
The alarm goes off, you slowly pry your eyes open and the day begins. You know for a fact you have $100 worth of energy to invest in your day, your present, your future and all those things you want to create. As you stumble to the shower you remember the negative comment your partner said the night before and you dwell on it as you soap up and wash your hair, gone is $10. You now have $90 to invest in you, your dreams your goals, your DESIRES! All those wonderful things that make your heart sing, your soul soar and make you feel grateful you are alive and living the life you have.
You trundle down to the gym. As you pick up the heavy weight and watch your form in the mirror that old gym teacher from grade 9 pops into your head “you will always be chunky, you don’t have what it takes to be fit”. You’re now another $10.00 down.
Look at that, within 1.5 hours you are down $20.00 so you have $80.00 for your day.
As you move through your day old negative thoughts pop up, limiting, scared thoughts – but you have always allowed them room so they are very comfie popping into your head. Gone is another $30.00.
As you pull into the driveway an acquaintance calls you. Note the word “acquaintance”. They just have to come over and see you as they have to talk to you! Unfortunately for you, you picked up the phone and answered it. Being the soft soul you are you say “Gulp, sure”. You can literally feel your shoulders slump and watch the vision of the evening you had planned for you vanish in a puff of smoke.
Over they come and spend an hour or so doing a pure “dump” of their life on you, none of which they are taking responsibility for, none of which they want input on. By the time they leave feeling awesome and bounce out your door, you are sitting like a wrung out dish rag, wiped, drained and depleted. That one cost you $50.00 minimum!
So let’s do the math. Hmmmm, if I add it up its $100.00 of your daily energy investment. You now have nadda to put into your present, your dreams, and what your heart yearns for.
Let’s be blunt, not a great ROI (Return on Investment). If I were offered that by a bank or broker I would say no thank you very much! You have nothing to fuel what you want. That’s what I mean about “renting your mind out”. If you allowed any of those scenarios, or similar you did exactly that! You rented out your mind and it has cost you.
We have all done it. So let’s shift it.
Start setting some boundaries – if there is something you want to do, do it and someone calls, if that person is your friend they will understand.
Pick your friends carefully, negative nellies can be released. Don’t get me wrong we all have negative days and “stuff”, but if it is a continual state of being for that person punt them to the curb.
Unleash the past – time to let go of those old hurts. Forgive (tough to do but so important for YOU) as the only person you are hurting is you when you hold onto that crap. The other person doesn’t give a flying fig. Come from a place of love (which again is tricky, but you can do it). In other words, when one of those lovely challenging situations presents itself, say to yourself as you breath deep, I’m coming from love. Do that 3 times, as you breathe.
That way you don’t react. You have given yourself time to come from a heart based place and to respond, not react. Then as you encounter people who want to tap your investment with negativity, or a story that never changes, remember “Hurt people, hurt people”.
This is your life! Don’t hand over your energy investment lightly. In fact don’t hand it over at all. You can help others, be present and have a fabulous day without investing $100.00 in the past or perceived hurts.