Happy Magickal, Merry, Misty, Mischievous, Magnetic, Manifesting May Monday!
Hello my darling, darling – this is going to be a briefer reading this week, and I will explain why in a moment lol.
It’s been an “interesting” week and a bit to say the least.
I had great plans for last week – give a presentation to the National Lay Chaplain committee. Get tons of writing done, appear on two podcasts, clients, calls, joy and creativity.
I also had great visions for my Mother’s Day, a day of play, bouncing on a pogo stick, spinning bubble poi, hanging with all of my kids – as my daughter and her family just moved here last week and having glorious food cooked for me.
The only piece of those plans that happened was the presentation, lol.
The rest went to hell in a handbasket unfortunately.
And we have all heard the quote from Robbie Burns “The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men, the best-laid schemes of Mice and Men Gang aft agley, go oft awry.“
My elderly mother has been unwell for 2.5 weeks.
Now what you have to appreciate about the mothership is that she is very, very, very (did I say very) prideful and rather vain.
Thus, I have been helping, tending and supporting her whilst counselling hydration and medical help, also a Covid test.
But of course, what do I know?
And there was no way she was having a Covid test as she wasn’t “one of those people who gets Covid”. And no she didn’t want medical help or anyone to know.
My daughter and I went to see her a week ago on Saturday and she couldn’t even sit up in bed on her own.
On Sunday I followed my intuition and popped in to see her to find that she had been on the floor for over an hour and couldn’t get up. But still “no one could know”.
Does the phrase “Pride comes before a Fall” fit in here, I think so!
I finally was able to talk to her doctor and they immediately said hospital, hydration and blood work. So the ambulance was called and guess what?
If you guessed she said no, you would be guessing correctly.
There was nothing wrong with her, and she had a hair appointment booked that week that she didn’t want to miss!!@!!#@#$@#$
So when I woke up last week feeling rather unwell and filled with brain fog, I immediately took a Covid test – positive.
My daughter felt unwell, she did a test – positive. The baby was positive a day or so later, then my son was positive.
All stemming from someone who’s pride wouldn’t let them admit they were human.
So do you understand now why all the plans went to hell in a handbasket?
I will be honest, I was rather pissed to say the least, but then again – what’s the point. It is what it is.
Don’t get me wrong – Pride definitely has a place.
I am proud of my work, I am proud of the things I create.
I am proud of who I am and how I move in the world.
But I refuse to allow Pride to take the steering wheel and make my choices for me!
Make sense? Do you have someone in your life who runs on Pride?
Okay, enough chuntering on, let’s crack on with the reading.
When I went to my delicious guides and asked who wanted to come and play.
These lovely guides came in loud and proud! If they are new to you, please let me introduce you.
“As above, so below. As within, so without. Today, many of us seek to reclaim the sense of connectedness that existed universally in ancient cultures, when human fate was wholly entwined with nature.
The world was seen as a symbiotic entity in which all living organisms interacted and supported each other, from the innermost cellular level to the outermost cosmological level. An essential bridge is being rebuilt between humans and nature, allowing us to access the realm of the transcendent and the land of the luminous.
Herbalism is the medicine of belonging, a gateway through which we keep alive a very sacred aspect to our source. “
With all that being shared, let’s drop in shall we? Take a delicious breath and invite in the energy of endings, as when there is an ending there is a new beginning.
What needs to just gently drop away (no drama), so that something new can grow?
Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look, shall we?

Called lingzhi in Chinese, Reishi represents immortality and is considered the “herb of spiritual potency,” meaning success, well-being, divine power, and longevity.
Said to have been discovered in 396 BC in the Changbai Mountains of China by Taoist monks, it is one of the oldest mushrooms used in medicine. It has long been called an anti-aging mushroom and powerful Shen tonic, a category of medicines that “nourish the spirit.”
Reishi powerfully influences our main spiritual centres: the endocrine, nervous, and hormonal systems. Hormones powerfully impact our perception, mood, sleep-wake cycles, ability to bond with others, and awareness of reality. They activate the nervous system, which is also directly related to igniting mystical experiences.
Reishi is ruled by Jupiter, the “guru of planets,” the one that dictates how we derive wisdom and access to the mysteries of life.
Reishi is inviting you to Pause. It’s time for renewal.
If you feel overwhelmed or mentally overloaded, it’s time to retreat. Take the time to recuperate and recharge, and personal growth will follow. Overstimulation and indecision lead to a sense of weakness, imprisonment, and a feeling that you are evading death.
Like Bear, hibernate or rest before you take on the next project or challenge.
Many Native American tribes have called this space of inner contemplation the Dream Lodge, a place to witness death and see beyond the confines of physical reality by visiting the dreamtime.
Create the space to be in silence and calm the internal chatter. Take time for reflection and nurturing yourself (and we all have that time).
Shape Shifting
The Indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia have valued the power of this rainforest tree for thousands of years and have used it as a poultice to treat wounds, as well as treatment for a variety of symptoms, including stress, pain, fatigue and fever.
Like Coca leaves in the South American highlands, fresh leaves from the Mitragynia tree are chewed for energy and stamina throughout the day.
Mitragynia was revered among monks in Asia, as it assisted them during long periods of meditation by providing focused attention and positive energy.
Mitragynia embodies elements of both Saturn and Neptune, as it profoundly relieves and decompresses the musculoskeletal system, while granting a freeing and euphoric feeling to the body-mind.
Used in the right amounts, it can greatly assist those with addiction (Neptune).
The balanced side of Mitragynia represents the ability to shapeshift and adapt across realities.
Like the Dragonfly, Mitragynia grants us the power to break through the illusionary facade we often accept as reality, providing us the freedom from pain in order to break through limiting illusions.
Dragonflies, like Mitragynia, help us initiate subconscious healing from the trauma experienced from endless cycles of pain and suffering.
Dragonfly medicine invites us to seek out the parts of our habits that have gone unchanged, unnoticed, and stagnant.
Ask yourself, have I tended to the changes I’ve been wanting to make?
Don’t get lost in the labyrinths of self-doubt.
Break free from illusive belief systems that hold back your transformation.
Angel’s Trumpets have an intoxicating scent and flowers that resemble angelic horns aimed downward, symbolising the call of the angels to humanity.
Plants in the Brugmansia genus and relatives like Daturas have a rich history of use among shamans and magic practitioners, even though they are poisonous.
Some South American Indigenous groups, like the Kamsa, Jivaro, and Ingano, initiate their children at a young age into the path of curanderismo – becoming a healer – by ingesting Angel’s Trumpet during a flower ceremony.
Jivaro boys who walk the shamanic path are given the medicine at the age of six to acquire an external-vision-producing soul that lets them communicate with ancestors called arutam wakani.
Angel’s Trumpet is ruled by Pluto and Mars.
Angel’s Trumpet signals a time of catharsis or death.
A deep emotional breakdown is due or near. You may feel lost in your own emotional despair, depression, shame, or unworthiness, but now the angels of discernment and darkness are here to support you.
Coming eye to eye with the darkest feelings within yourself catalyses the greatest awakening. Deeply pause, let go of control, and witness the broken pieces within yourself with loving awareness.
The medicine of the Bat symbolises the need for a ritualistic death of relations, situations, or aspects of life.
Bat, like Angel’s Trumpet, signals catharsis and rebirth, signalling literal or metaphysical death of old patterns and worn out habits.
Understand that you can reconstruct at any time, create something new, deeper, richer and more in alignment, regardless of how shattered you feel.
Wowzer! Love these messages and they tie into the monthly energy (and you seriously can’t make this shit up!)
Wishing you a stupendous week filled with ease, grace and health. See you in two weeks as the long weekend is coming up. Big hugs and squeezes!

Jenny, you can be so fucking funny, sorry to hear about you and your family all coming to Covid…same situation for me…I came down with Shingles two days ago, am still rehabbing from spinal fusion surgery, so the Shingles are a message, I picked number one…take care and HEAL!❤️❤️
Shingles is a bugger!