Happy Musical, Merry, Muddling, Mysterious, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!
Holy Hannah, December is already here! How are you doing? How are you feeling?
I set my intention about how I wanted to move through December by going to a glorious candlelit concert in Christ Church Cathedral on the night of December 1st.
500 or more candles, a glorious quartet and an amazing young opera singer. It was soothing, healing and serene.
Which totally explains all the messages that have been handed to me about how to support and help this month, with the swirling energies of December and my guides and I have been mapping 2024!
Thus, we are doing a “Theme reading” – what is your personal theme for 2024?
Each year we get a new tarot card that lets us know what will be in store. The card shows us what is on the horizon and where there is work to be done and what to expect from 2024.
This reading is designed to support and empower you for the year ahead as we dive deep and explore the themes and energy of your theme card.
Many of you found this super helpful last year and have requested that it be available again.
So voila, it is!
Now this isn’t just light and fluffy as they are melding in all the energies of 2024 with your theme to give you a delicious overview of what is being asked of you in the coming year.
There is also going to be a glorious Winter Solstice Guide.
And what’s super cool is we are approaching Solstice, and the time between Solstice and into the early New Year is a glorious liminal time. A time to really dream your seeds into being and to deepen into who we are, what we want, how we want to feel and what needs to be reset.
So I have created a glorious free course and a group for everyone!
And yes, in January their is a glorious MasterMind Circle with a select amount of seats starting in the New Year where you will learn energy management, boundaries, values, self mastery, collapsing old mirrors and so much more. But we will talk more about that later.
So the top 3 will be coming out at the end of the this week, and if you are on the email list you will get first pick for the “theme reading” spots.
Why am I doing this?
I was in a grocery shop the last week before December started and the Xmas music was being piped through every speaker, and I noticed this chap (employee), looking very “pained” and fed up.
So I stopped to have a chat, he shared that listening to Xmas music for 8 hours a day for the next 4 weeks will drive him nuts! How with his father and best friend dying in this last year he was feeling crushed under the expectations of others. The expectation to be sparkly, bright and merry. Fair enough!
So I listened, gave him a few suggestions and asked him if he would like a hug (which he did, even if it was only one armed at the moment).
A few days later I had been invited to co-convene a group for women in their early thirties, and when I asked – “What weighs on your heart right now?” The Tsunami of sharing and emotion that came pouring out was incredible!
Again, the overwhelm, the being tired, the expectations that they should have it all together and create “the perfect Hallmark Xmas for their family”. The desire to cocoon, hibernate, slow it down instead of speeding it up (but what would the in-laws think?) Wowzer.
Now I see why my guides were adamant last week that we do a reading pertaining to bandwidth and boundaries!
I love the holiday season – but what I love is the darkness, the sparkly lights, the turning inward, time spent creating, listening and cocooning. Time spent in a meaningful way with people I love and as we get closer to Winter Solstice – dancing in the liminal time and taking time for me.
So let’s recreate what this month can mean for each of us in a way that nourishes us, supports us and heals us. Thus, allowing us to step into 2024 with ease and grace, yes?
As Lena shares, the theme for December is: “Revalue and Reprioritize”.
We are still in sorting, shifting, decluttering, releasing, re-organizing mode, but now with a focus on what we value and where our priorities have been that need to be examined and shifted to accommodate recent insights, growth and evolution.
This month is going to require discipline if we are to stick to the task of uncovering our truth as opposed to what we were imprinted to believe.
We have been taught by culture what to value, what to strive for, who to be with, what to do, how to act and what not to wish for.
This is all up for review this month and the discipline will be to keep on track and not be distracted by other people’s drama, reactions, projections and process.
Do you see how this all ties in together?
What do you value? Peace or other people’s expectations? What nourishes and supports you? (And for the record, that is NOT selfish, it’s vital.)
Okay, enough chuntering on. When I went to the cards and asked who wanted to guide, The gorgeous Faery Blessing cards were most adamant! How positively perfect!
To be Blessed, or to offer a Blessing is a powerful thing.
Now if these cards are new to you (which they probably are), please let me introduce them (as it’s rather rude not to!) “Faeries are present in every droplet of water, every blade of grass – they are everywhere there is a trace of nature – thus every field, flower, and forest is theirs.
They inhabit the wild rainforests and the old castles; they dance within standing stones and burial mounds; they are on the top of mountains and within the grove deep in the valley; and they appear in the cracks in the pavement and beneath the cities in the old, tangled tree roots.
Faeries are part of this world, and they were here before we were born into this world, and they know us better than we know ourselves.
The blessings of the faeries can bring us back into relationship with ourselves, back into relationship with the elements, so that we can become more at home within the world, while creating a personal world which supports our dreams, our wishes, and our purpose. ”
Please read that last line again. Bring us back into a relationship……..
So darling one, with yesterday being the first candle of advent – the candle of Hope. Stepping into the darkness to release, there is a place for Hope.
But what is Hope?
“Hope is a feeling of trust, security, and a reason to keep going. It is a passionate desire of our heart. It is a feeling of expectation and a longing for a certain thing to happen.” – Verity Russell
So let me ask – What do you Hope for?
Thus with the thought of releasing and filling any space with Hope, I invite you to close your eyes down and just breathe.
For those of you who want to go deeper there is a lovely guided visualisation for you to explore Hope. Just breathe, trust and allow this all to swirl. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that tug.
Did you remember to pick?

Come on then sweetie, let’s go have a look!

The Faery gift of a sanctuary, a space in which to fell completely supported and loved.
The Faeries know what it is like to find the safe places in the world – for theirs are under siege, and have been for such a long time. The faeries know how to find the little home in the forest or the garden that is growing wild, the roots of old trees and the hollows beneath the sacred hills.
In these places, they have grown stronger and stayed safe, and they now transfer to you a part of this gift. You will now find places and spaces within the world where you will feel free to be completely yourself, where you, too, can grow strong and bright again, and need have no fear.
Let there be a shelter and a sanctuary for you and your soul, where you can learn what it is you are meant to do next, and where there is no harsh word spoken, only guidance that can help ease us all into the next stage of our lives.
Let the safe spaces become our homes and our workplaces, our friendships and our schools. Let the world become a safer space, and let the natural world shelter you with her turnings and showings of the changes about you.
Make not a fortress of this space you find, but let it begin to grow in your heart, so that wherever you go, others feel safe with you, and the world changes, in small but bright and beautiful ways, all as a result of this blessing of the faeries.
Blessings of a sanctuary, a safe space to you, friend.
The Faery gift of Divine and Flowing Inspiration.
Let the faeries bless you now with their gift of the Awen, the inspirational flow of energy that can bring to life inspirational new projects, friendships, wisdom, and understanding.
With every breath you take you absorb the Awen, and you feel more connected, more unique, more divine, more magickal.
Let the Awen come to you, now, tender and new as a bud, and
let yourself feel the blessing surround you with a visionary new approach to your life.
Let yourself drink down the faery magick of the Awen, and let its sweetness and mystery uplift and re-engage you in life’s every moment.
May the divine breath of the sacred trees be yours. May the ways of the creatures of the sky, the land, the sea, and the fire be known to you.
May you know that you now can change, and learn, and study from nature herself in wonderful ways, and thus this life is now full of possibilities.
When the faery blessing that is the precious gift of the Awen arrives from the Tylweth Teg, know that its blessing will allow you to be wise, yet filled with wonder, and to rejoice in the gift of this life
Blessings of the faeries to you, and of the Awen, friend.
The faery gift of pause, calm, and opportunity to be tranquil.
It is this moment, the one long moment before all the other moments, with their cares and responsibilities, gather about you.
Let the faeries give you their gift of time, their blessing of the long moment to gather about you and pause within, while you cease that must be done.
Pause now, and let them take you within – either within your own self, to the place you have nurtured there, the grove within, or to the grove, or to the sea, the lake or the river, the tree or the garden, the fireplace or the rocking chair, and be still awhile, human child.
And in this space, let calm return.
Let peace quietly sit beside you and talk to you of how much there is to be glad for. Let an old friendship reignite, the one between you and your soul – and for these long moments between all the other moments, let yourself be taken into that world between the worlds and be still.
And when you return, there will be great presence to you – and you will be restored to your own centre once again.
Well that was quite delicious if I do say so myself! Sanctuary, Inspiration and Stillness – the perfect messages for this month! Whoot! So glorious gorgeous ones, I wish for you a blessing of Hope, Ease and Grace as you move through this month. Be kind to yourself, and if you are part of our email community you will get first dibs on all the offerings. Big hugs.