Happy Magickal, Merry, Mystical, Marvellous, Magnanimous, Manifesting Monday!
How are you gorgeous one? How are you feeling?
I don’t know about you but January has been playing with time in weird ways. One moment it feels as if it was zipping by, and the next moment it felt as if it was dragging on for nearly a year! (Most discombobulating!)
This can create a most peculiar feeling for those of us who are “doers”. As part of us is itching to do, take action, follow the programming, and the other part is still in the reflective, integrative state.
On Wednesday we have the glorious New Moon in Aquarius which heralds The Year of the Snake.
And like the Snake we will be shedding a lot this year, outgrowing and releasing and closing doors on chapters that are done.
But think about Snake energy, this is the Shakti, the Divine Feminine in Kundalini, and as the Snake sheds it skin it moves with ease and grace out of the Old.
(Which we are going to be seeing a lot of this year).
Which is where the energy of Imbolc comes in.
So let’s explore the energies of this mid winter time, Imbolc.
I have a glorious gift to support you at this time. If you read on, you will understand why I created her for you.
Imbolc is on Saturday, February 1st and marks the spot of mid-winter.
The mid place between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. This time of year can feel rather heavy, grey and drab in many ways, but………
Imbolc marks the very first stirrings of new life. It is a time of bitter weather and biting winds. The days may have been growing longer since the Winter Solstice but it often seems like winter is now at its harshest.
The long cold nights of January often weary the spirits and fierce storms are common in February. Yet look closely and glimmers of change can be found in the new buds on the trees and the green shoots of early spring flowers breaking through the frozen earth.
Imbolc brings in the delicious energy which invites you to gently awaken and start planning your new seeds for the year.
And I want you to ask yourself – what are your seeds going to be?
What is your Truth? What do you Desire? (This isn’t about what your mind says you “should do”, it’s about what your heart and soul are calling you to do). Those are two powerful questions to ask yourself and then listen to the whispers that arise.
I love the energy of Imbolc, it’s gentle, inviting and nurturing. It’s a time of AWAKENING.
Not a TO DO Awaken, but a gentle stirring, a slight flexing and a big stretch.
From the hibernation of Winter we oh so gently move into the hope of a spring to come, something new and delightful. From the dark cocoon, we peek to see if things have changed.
Spiritually, this is a time of new life coming into manifestation. We may only be seeing the tiniest hints of life above the surface but things are really beginning to stir in the darkness.
So come back to the questions – What is Your Truth? What do you Desire?
At Imbolc, we’re beginning to really realise, something is shifting in our lives.
Imbolc itself means “quickening in the belly”. There is something shifting and changing.
We are beginning to root a bit more into this year of 2025 with its delicious 9 energy and we are expanding in some way. (Whether you can see it or not – can’t you feel it, though?) And there is a lot of resistance that comes with big expansion.
There’s a whole lot of forces (internal and external) that want to keep you small. It’s scary to level up in your life – and there are really strong parts of us that don’t like that.
But this is the work of winter: Winter is where you integrate all your experiences from last year & it alchemizes into new life, new growth, new parts of you that will emerge in the weeks & months ahead.
Right now there’s a stretching & growing happening deep within you. (Even if you can’t see it, it’s there!) And that can be deeply uncomfortable. Depending on the shifts you’re making in your life, the resistance can be intense.
And it creates a conflict within you. This is where the question arises: do you have the strength & the courage to push through that resistance, to whatever’s on the other side? Or do you give in & lean back on old ways of operating?
This is the challenge and invitation at Imbolc.
If things feel hard for you right now, trust it’s because you are peeling back the layers.
You’re doing big work in your life (even if you can’t see it, yet) and you’re going to feel resistance to that.
At Imbolc, this is when the seeds of your life are created and planted….
So remember to take sweet, gentle care of yourself right now. Nurture yourself, nourish your spirit. And REST, sweet one. Just rest. We are still in winter. This is your most important work.
So to help you with your work I have a gift for you!
This is the Fabulous Imbolc guide, which I nicknamed Fi after my glorious big sister who hated winter! I mean, HATED winter with a passion!
She suffered from SAD and Depression and come December she would tank. Her energy would drop, her mindset would go dark and there were some days that getting out of bed was a struggle.
Yet ever so slowly, as the snowdrops would come and the days would start getting a bit longer, she would Awaken. And it was a slow awakening. Her energy would perk up and she could feel the growth stirring underground, the change and the hope.
So I would like to give this gift to you for free, as I think with all the chaos that has been swirling around, we all need a little love and gentleness.
Imbolc Blessings to you gorgeous one.
May the sun shine on your face, your desires rise to the surface and the seeds that you dream into being flourish throughout the year.
Okay, enough chuntering!
With Imbolc around the corner, when I went to the cards I grinned a huge grin as the gorgeous guides of The Faery Forest Oracle were adamant to join! Now if these are new guides for you, please let me introduce them as it would be rude not to!
“Let us enter the wild green world together, friend, the faery forests where the great trees speak with us, the moss soft underfoot, the light pure and gentle. The homes of the once Sacred groves of the Celts, the Saxons, and the Vikings…and to the people who were here long before we had names with which to call them to us – the faerie people. May the wild green world and the wondrous beings of this Faery Forest heal us, inspire us and urge us all to become more who we truly are meant to be.”
I have created a guided visualisation for you to really see this energy that is flooding in you, around you, towards you and through you. If that doesn’t resonate then just Breathe. Breathe into your toe nails, breathe into the roots of your hair, breathe in all the promises, the blessings and opportunities and sigh your exhale out, letting go of anything that feels a tad sticky or tacky.
When you are ready, invite your inner wise knowing to pick the card or cards that call to you.
What whispers for you, what do you need to be aware of?
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s take a breath and go have a look, shall we?

Let me be a reminder to be true to yourself, to your own personal truths, to the code within your soul. Truly, at this time it is essential for you to let your conscience be your guide, and to live according to your own creed, with open eyes.
Do not fool yourself into believing another person’s vision and ideas are more important than your own – question agendas, and be aware of people’s history.
For at this time, there is one about you who is attempting to persuade you to their cause, to join them in what they see is a great task, but which in truth is simply a harnessing of your power to their agenda, which is not for your highest good.
All tricksters are charming and know exactly what to say to persuade you – but this is mere language. Their deeds will not match their words, and what you are agreeing to by joining with them will be a loss of your own personal dreams for the furthering of theirs.
If you allow yourself to be coerced, cajoled, and manipulated at this time, it will weigh heavily on your very soul.
Be more wary than is natural for you at this time. Do not betray yourself, or ignore the warning signs, which are all about you. Do not foolishly give away your power, but exercise it, and weave a future that is truly the one you wish to create – one, which will provide you with honour, plenty, and the satisfaction of having been true to yourself.
When the Faery Godmother comes to you, be aware that this is a time when you will discover what has been long hidden to you – your true self will be revealed in surprising ways every day, and sudden moments of heightened perception will make this time especially significant for you.
People finally get found out, manipulators can be seen through, true costs of circumstances are revealed, and any lies about you will be seen.
This can be hard, but it is truly a hardship that is born of protection – you are safer for knowing in whom you can trust in order to make the right choices for your soul.
Throughout these revelations and insights will be a guiding hand – and this is the Faery Godmother. She is showing you what it is you need to know in order to create and foster a life that works for you – and she is a protective force too.
So what you need will come to you, sometimes in strange ways. Be mindful of counting your blessings at this time – for this is the energy your Faery Godmother can draw upon to keep transforming your life into one which is more abundant, magickal, meaningful, and joyful.
Note every moment of truth – they are all significant, and you are better for discovering what was once hidden from you.
Your energy is unworldly, naive and unguarded – and you will therefore soon face tests which will help you acquire experience and wisdom. You have an inclination to take risks without thinking of where the road you wish to dart down will lead you, you have a tendency to say and do many things without thinking through the possible impact.
You speak the uncomfortable truth as no other can.
The lessons you are experiencing are filling your life with richness – you have so much trust and self-belief, but you are not prideful.
You are ready to take great chances, and others may even judge you as being about to take crazy risks. You may be contemplating leaving a safe job, about to travel, enter a new relationship wholeheartedly, or make a move in life without having examined all the consequences.
You are curious, enquiring, and open hearted.
You are inquisitive, but you are no fool. You are an initiate, and you will therefore take risks as you face the unknown.
Your next steps into the mystery of life will be blessed, and you have the courage to now enter the unknown.
Hmmm, breathe in, breathe out. I don’t know about you but the guides picked these to help remember the light that surrounds you and is encouraging you to streeeeettttchh and grow, like the sprout coming from the glorious seed. Awaken gorgeous one. And if you feel inclined grab a copy of FI.
Keep cosy, laugh tons and make soup! (Always a good thing). Huge hugs and squeezes and see you next week.