Happy Miraculous, Magickal, Majestic, Mellow, Momentous, Mystical, Merry, Mischievous, Marmalade Made Manifesting Monday! (Had to slip Marmalade in as for me marmalade on a glorious piece of fresh bread toasted – nom, nom, nom!)
So how was your Imbolc, New Moon and Chinese New Year?
What wee seeds are asking you to pay attention to them? What stretching and awakening is happening for you?
I have to say for me, Imbolc was really, really nice! We had a massive feast on the Saturday prior and played Killer Bunnies (all the boys, girlfriends etc) and then on February 1st the time in ritual, making glorious food, really dreaming into the seeds of desire was stupendous! And unlike January, this week flew by!
Quite a few of you have emailed or messaged asking “Is Imbolc the DAY of awakening and stretching?”
Imbolc is the first day of the Season that walks with you until Spring Equinox.
So let me give you a personal example. Over the winter time I cocooned, and hibernated (and the weather most certainly complied). The food I ate was richer and heavier (I hadn’t had a salad in months!), and there was a sense of conception, conception of ideas, thoughts and new ways of being. But like a good chili, the burbling allowed a gentle melding.
As Imbolc arrived, that burbling has come to a boil, I can see what the pieces are -ish, and now they are coming to the surface. Yet it’s still not time to take full frontal action, it’s time for patience. It is a time of putting the back pieces into place that will support all those wonderful seeds growth. Does that make sense? It’s an awakening. This is what it means to walk with the Wheel of the Year, or the seasons – your body and soul know far, far better than your mind!
Another example is the garden. We have had a few days that have been sunny, coolish, but no snow. I live on the coast so our climate is very different to the interior, or other places. Yet, I know, the planting of the seeds can’t happen for a wee bit, but what I can do is prepare the space and place for them. So over the weekend, under a cool winterish sun I have been digging up sod, finding it a new home, and beginning to prepare the beds for what they are going to burgeon with over the summer and into the harvest time of Fall.
So to loop back – Imbolc is when you allow yourself to gently awaken. To dream into place the seeds you want to plant for this year (irrelevant of what the news is spewing at you). What is your Truth? What are your Desires? Work with the seasons to bring them into being!
That’s what we do in The Creatrix Circle and when you are grounded and connected, magick and miracles happen.
So let’s talk about Discipline, shall we?
(Yes Discipline and Awakening do walk together).
The Shamanic energy shift for this month is “DISCIPLINE”.
As Lena shares – Hang in there…..be patient…..wait for the right timing…..stay in your own lane.
This month is all about taking your commitments to the next level of responsible action, staying out of other people’s drama, and trusting the integrity of your intentions to manifest the perfect opportunities when the timing is right.
Preparedness requires the discipline of staying positive and in your truth no matter what. You can go down the rabbit hole of feeling irritated, self-deprecating, impatient with yourself and others, or simply critical and judgmental about everything. Or, you can be disciplined about being your best self; optimistic, generous, kind, compassionate, accepting, and in gratitude. Not everyone will have this outlook on life, so it is best if part of your discipline this month includes being discerning about where and whom you spend time with.
The distractions of drama, addictive behaviors, overthinking, ambivalence, obsession, blame, and wishing it were different than it is are all part of ego’s determination to keep you from moving forward into the opportunities you can create for yourself. The discipline is much about not listening to the negative voice that wishes to keep you small and limited………..
So do you see how that ties in with the energy of Imbolc?
To add to that, I acquired about 120 new friends this last week!
No, I am not talking about humans, but crows.
Now, if you have been with me a while, you will know I normally get one crow who hangs out, scares away unpleasant people and brings me gifts. Well………. This week I have had over 100 crows visit everyday. The noise is huge!
They come swooping in in drifts and march around over the garden, the lawn, the railings, you name it! They chunter away, hop around, come natter from the back deck railing and then fly up to the sky in a swath of black, swirl around and come back. I have to say – I love it! (Yes, I could happily wander around with a crow on my shoulder lol).
But what does that mean? For me, you never mess with Crows (they remember your face!). The Crow for a long time has been a symbol of Magic. It’s said that the Crow holds within its mind’s eye the three realities: past, present and future. For me, Crow energy is potent and very clear. So what are the birds that resonate for you? What are their messages?
So as I allow the gentle stretching and awakening I feel very thrilled to have Crows coming and hanging out!
Okay, I have chuntered a ton (not a surprise), so let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the cards and asked who would like to guide this week, the glorious Faery Forest Oracle were adamant, which made me smile a lot. If this deck is new to you please let me introduce your guides (as that is always polite). “Let us enter the wild green world together, friend, the faery forests where the great trees speak with us, the moss soft underfoot, the light pure and gentle. The homes of the once Sacred groves of the Celts, the Saxons, and the Vikings…and to the people who were here long before we had names with which to call them to us – the faerie people. May the wild green world and the wondrous beings of this Faery Forest heal us, inspire us and urge us all to become more who we truly are meant to be.”
So mote it be.
I have created a guided visualisation for you to really see this energy coming to you. If that doesn’t resonate then just Breathe. Breathe into your toe nails, breathe into the roots of your hair, breathe in all the promises, the blessings and opportunities and sigh your exhale out, letting go of anything that feels a tad sticky or tacky.
When you are ready, I invite your inner wise knowing to pick the card or cards that call to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Take a breath and let’s go have a look!

For you, dear one, a celebration is coming – a time to acknowledge the markings and passing of the great turns of the wheel, and for you to gather together with friends, relatives, and significant beings and ask them to uite in a common cause of joy for what has been achieved.
It is time to look forward, to anticipate, and to prepare – for this event may even be taking place simply on an energetic level, as all the beings who have long wished for your wellbeing now gather together to applaud the place where you are right now.
This will be coming for you, and it is in the future, so this is a great omen for you. It is time for you to put on your finest garments, take the very best goblets and chalices from their dusty hiding laces, and raise a glass of bubbling faery energy to the wonders of life.
Whatever it may be, it is essential to mark the impending time with joy, applause, and an expression of bounty. Prepare, be ready, and enjoy, dear one. You deserve all that this exciting and exhilarating occasion heralds, for after the effort, comes the reward. Soon it will be yours.
There is, for all of us, a moment when excitement and nerves fuse, when we prepare to journey and do something we have anticipated for a long time. In the faery realm, this sensation is created by adventure known as the Wild Hunt. This is a gathering which takes place not only within the realm of faery, it is one where the faery king and queen lead faery hounds and faery horses on a hunt throughout the countryside, dipping into and out of the faery lands, surfacing in the human worlds from time to time, cleansing toxic energy, allowing natural forces to begin to flow through the cleared energy paths, awakening the wild world to brightest life once again, and leaving a trail of ecstasy and bliss after the frenzied storm of their ride.
The Wild Hunt is fierce, powerful, a little frightening, and thoroughly thrilling – and this faery queen is preparing herself for the joys and challenges of this great springtime event. So too you need to prepare yourself for some chaos – a wild time, when change tears through and upends all the order you have attached yourself to. You may need to pack, travel, find ways to move quickly, stop planning and organising for a moment and just go on an immensely enjoyable ride of your life.
The time coming for you is delirious in its excitement, and you fear this loss of control and order. But truly, it will refresh you, just as it sears the very edges of your nerves! Dress up, show up, and prepare to be amazed! Take a deep breath, find your voice, and begin to cry out at the top of your lungs. You are alive my friend, and will feel so more than ever before when the wild hunt touches your life!
Everyone deserves to have another person in their life to whom they can turn for protection and care. When this card comes for you, the Golden Unicorn is showing you the path to a person, advisor, or mentor who will assist you through the challenges you are now facing. When the Golden Unicorn appears, it is a beacon of hope, for with the right guidance, what seems to be impossible can be achieved, and you will no longer feel so raw, vulnerable, and unable to go on.
If you are facing unjust circumstances – you will be shown, step by step, how to get through this time, when it seems that all friends have fallen away, and the world is no longer a safe place. The glorious golden unicorn leads with reason, intelligence, and intuitive brilliance. With their guidance you will come to a safer place within the world, and be wiser in choices regarding friendships, alliances, partnerships.
You are wiser now, and will never be quite so hurt again. There is now protective energy about you, and it is safe for you to leave the current circumstances and create a new path. The judgment you have sensed about you will now dissipate, and true, good people enter your life to help heal the pain of friendships that have fallen.
Well my delicious lovely, I hope you heard the message for you and are paying attention! I would like to express my love and thanks for all your glorious messages, emails and comments! Wishing you a glorious week of stretching, awakening, touching into the earth, and allowing the messages that show up around you to be seen and heard. Massive hugs and squeezes for you and see you next week.

Thank you Jenny,
I so need to here about discipline and not going down the rabbit-hole of self-sabotage myself. It’s been a couple of ruff weeks.
Brest regards,
Susan Tickel
Most welcome and massive hugs.
Thank you once again for sharing your wisdom. Yes I feel the stretching has begun, but also the knowledge is within me. I need to slow down to listen to it. Thank you for the marmalade mention. Love it on toast as well😘😀😜
So good on toast!
There it is again , discipline. Sowing seeds in all the ways at the moment . I am listening and a gathering is on the cards. Much love and light and gratitude 💚
Such a good word isn’t it?