As we welcome in the Beaver Full Moon on November 27th, here are some lovely journal prompts to help you deepen into your lunar practice.
Take some time to consider what you may have that others do not. Was there a time when you wished for what you have now? What are you grateful for?
What’s your favorite way to distract yourself while also making you feel incredibly happy?
Imagine you’ve suddenly become the dream version of yourself; you’re who you’ve always wanted to become. Describe in detail what that looks like, feels like, and what that looks like on a daily basis. What are you prioritizing? What can you change now to become that dream version of yourself?
Who are you if everything was taken away from you (items, career, titles, etc.)?
A common misconception about spirituality is that you must always be positive, highly vibrational, and happy. However, it’s not wrong or un-spiritual to feel the full range of emotions at any given time. Write down your thoughts and opinions on this statement.
Enjoy and Happy Full Moon.