Happy Magickal, Merry, Marvellous, Magnetic, Manifesting, May Monday!
(How’s that for alliteration?)
Happy Beltane!!
Yes, today is Beltane and the energies are so deliciously fantabulous.
And to help you tap into these expansive energies (and to have some fun), I have created the Beautiful Beltane Book for you.
I call it a booklet, but it’s 23 pages packed with rituals, suggestions, journal prompts, spells and more! And to celebrate this magickal day it is my gift to you.
Now if rituals, lore, magick and spells aren’t your gig and you just want something simple – I have 5 Questions to Ask Yourself on Beltane.
Beltane is the cross-quarter day that marks the midpoint in Spring. We are now half way between the Spring Equinox & the Summer Solstice.
Beltane celebrates the height of Spring and the flowering of life. Earth energies are at their strongest and most active.
All of life is bursting with potent fertility, look at the trees around you – (if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere), they are bursting forth with bright green leaves and the little sparrows are back as well as the robins. Abundant fertility, on all levels, is the central theme.
In the middle of the season there is a clear difference in the energy compared to the beginning of the season. You can see evidence that the wheel has shifted. The days are noticeably longer – the sun sets much later than it did at the Spring Equinox. It’s grown considerably warmer outside. At the Spring Equinox new life was just beginning to emerge. But here, at the beginning of May, there is no denying that the Earth has been reborn.
Beltane is a time to celebrate all the pleasures in being alive.
The Goddess has reached her fullness and is the manifestation of growth and renewal and shows up as the May Queen, Flora, the Goddess of Spring. The God emerges as the Young Oak, May King or as Jack in the Green.
They fall in love, the union is consummated and the May Queen becomes pregnant.
Together the May Queen and the May King are symbols of the Sacred Marriage, the union of Earth and Sky. If you have ever read “The Mists of Avalon” you will know what I am talking about.
This is the night of the Greenwood Marriage. It is about sexuality and sensuality, passion, vitality and joy. And about conception.
A brilliant moment in the Wheel of the Year to bring ideas, hopes and dreams into action. And have some fun!
And like Samhain, this is when the veil is thinnest between our world and the Fae, so leave a wee giftie out for those ancient magickal ones.
Now, let’s have a quick chat about the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse that happens this Friday on May 5th.
Remember that eclipses come in pairs – we had one just two weeks ago on the New Moon and now we close the portal with the Full Moon one.
Even with it not being a full eclipse it amplifies the power of the Full Moon, so if you are finding your energy a wee bit whacky and things aren’t quite going as planned, breathe!
However, one of the things that stands out about this eclipse is the magic and symbolism.
“This Scorpio Lunar Eclipse falls on the 5th day of the 5th month at 14 degrees of Scorpio. 14 is also connected to the number 5 (1+4), making the number 5 energies apparent and strong.
5 is a number of change, creativity, imagination, and play. 5 is also connected to the elements- earth, air, fire, water, and ether. In astrology, the 5th house is associated with the sign of Leo, love, romance, our children, and the things we do for fun.”
The Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse doesn’t feel like play. It carries heavy energies that are likely to stir our deeper emotions. We may feel things from our past or hidden shadows coming up to the surface. Challenging information or even secrets may be revealed. We may find ourselves feeling raw, exposed, and a little vulnerable.
But invite in the energy of the number 5 and think about how our lives are a series of experiences that (depending on how we view them), can either tank us or we can invite in curiosity, play and a willingness to pivot.
Okay, that was a lot, so let’s crack on with the reading.
I laughed when I saw the guides, as I mentioned the veil is thin between us and the Fae and so the Fae decided to show up. (You seriously can’t make this shit up).
Do I need to introduce you to them?
These glorious guides give you needed glimpses into your everyday life and help you see where changes can be made to enhance your life here on Earth. There is so much more to our world than we often perceive.
There exist many dimensions and numerous beings that reside in these realms. All of these elemental beings are interconnected with us. We do not live independent of one another but are interdependent. These wonderful beings are here to help.
Okay dear one, take a moment.
It’s so easy to just pick a random card with no intention, but what if you allowed yourself that moment of intention? What if you dropped into your body, breathed into the tight places and just paused? Let that quiet and stillness soothe you, calm your mind and break up your day.
Then from that place, on this day, ask your wise inner self – what do you need to hear this week?
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look, shall we?

Let’s talk about Infinity, shall we?
To truly understand life, you must understand that you have always been….and always will be. You are part of the Divine Source that rules the Universe. Your spirit and your soul are immortal.
As the physical body passes from existence your energy body survives, eventually to move back to join with the Spirit.
Your connection to Divine Spirit is never severed. You are never alone. You are always connected to the Source. You are the vehicle through which the Divine Spirit manifests on Earth.
Understand your divinity and your importance on Earth.
Appreciate that every other being on Earth is equally important to the Divine Plan.
First, always be there for yourself!
Perhaps in the past those who should have stuck by you did not. Those you thought were true were not.
Release old pain and habit patterns and allow your highest good to manifest in your life.
Express your gratitude!
This primes the pump for a real lasting relationship, with yourself first, then someone else. And always with the Divine. .
Remember the elementals that are helping you along the way. Their devotion to you is infinite and unwavering.
Fire Dance
Fire Energy
The Fire Dance represents the dance of life, for it is the giving of life, which is the function of the Kundalini energy force (also known as serpent energy).
It is through this energy that life and creation are achieved.
The Kundalini energy is a mighty force that should be allowed to awaken at its own natural pace. It will naturally open as you become more loving and more conscious of your own divinity and connection to Spirit!
Fire energy that is awakened too soon is at risk of misdirection. It is wiser to study, read and work on your own spiritual understanding. This will gently let the fire energy rise. Balance is very important in this energy system and promotes well being on all levels.
This energy is in constant use daily in conjunction with all of your energy systems, which all work together.
If you have been feeling low in energy be sure to review your eating, exercise, and sleep habits. Take good care of yourself and make a “releasing of worries” statement to yourself and the Universe.
A delicious and easy way to help your energy systems stay in top running order, is to sit in a quiet, comfortable place and close your eyes. Slowly imagine breathing in and out each colour of the chakra system…start with red and move to orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Imagine breathing in a beautiful mist of each colour.
Breathe each colour until it feels integrated within your body and then move to the next. Soon you will feel more balanced and energised!
Fairies have boundaries, in case you didn’t know.
They are usually in the form of magical spells placed around sacred places in order to keep out those who might tamper with their sacred objects. They also have an invisible magic boundary around their realm.
It is not easy to break through this boundary but it can be done when one knows the secret words!
Are you having trouble respecting the boundaries of others? Is someone not respecting your boundaries?
A third question is, “what kinds of boundaries or limits am I placing upon myself?”
These are questions to ask yourself in order to discover which area of your life you need to work on. You cannot expect others to respect your boundaries if you are not clear with them yourself.
You must state clearly and honestly to others about where you draw your lines. Be kind but clear about your expectations.
In turn, be respectful of others’ boundaries also.
Their business is their own.
With regards to the boundaries that we place upon ourselves; we often set these limitations on ourselves due to lack of confidence, self-respect, or even lack of knowledge.
Release any unwarranted restrictions that you have assumed.
Release limiting habits and thought patterns.
The dragon at your gate can either protect you or hinder you. What will you ask it to do?
Woosah! Happy Beltane, Happy Eclipse! Be gentle with yourself but also push against the electric fence of your comfort zone. Big hugs, bouquets of flowers.

I found you because of our name. While I was studying Reiki. Mine by marriage, but finally a name not causing snickers. I was Jenny Wiswell (whiz-well, & whistle in the UK) and for almost 11 years I remain Jenny iHeston. Years ago I knew a young man who was conceived on Beltane and thus had no way to know his father as it was a group event for Spring fertility celebration . I was reading Anne Rice at the time and a similar story had one such, & learned he is known as a Merry- Begot. A life Given from passion itself. Thank you for transmitting such joy!
Oh my giddy aunt this made me smile!
Thank you so much.
When you said your maiden name I could hear the girls at my boarding school in the UK saying it as you shared. And let’s be honest – kids can be mean! My best friend’s last name was Gaye and holy hannah, she took a massive ribbing!
Prior to the introduction of Jesuit Priests, it didn’t matter who the father was as everything came down through the matriarchal line…..
Wonderful to hear from you!
Perfect, thanks
Most welcome.