Happy, happy glorious Monday and the last Monday of August (gulp!) How have you been? We have had some huge energy surrounding us in the last 2 weeks and I know some people have felt overwhelmed, anxious, edgy and just a tad out of sorts. However, that energy is quieting down somewhat now – but that doesn’t mean you have to jump up and start pushing for things. It’s more a time of taking Inspired Action.
Now what do I mean by inspired action? Action that is aligned with who you are, action that is connected to source, to you, to moving you in the direction that is in your highest and best good. (Trust me I can take action that is more like piling stuff on so I “feel” busy, but it is wasted energy). So for example, for myself with the massive energy that both eclipses very kindly let rip, and my body and mind responding with agitation and anxiety (as if you remember I said with two eclipses happening it is the time of anything that you haven’t let go of coming up full force and literally pole dancing in your living room!) One thing I know about myself is that when the energy is like that meditation and a project (which is like a moving meditation for me) are the way to sort through it all.
So I sat down and mapped out my son’s bedroom (that’s not as weird as it sounds). He was away in Ireland playing rugby and I needed a project so I gutted his room. Now I don’t mean the – I just took the dirty laundry out, made the bed type of thing. I mean – cut out drywall, mudded, taped, sanded, primed, painted, built shelves, built a closet organiser, a desk, put new baseboards in – that kind of thing. Why? Because I have those skills and know how to build from the ground up, also I wanted him to come home to something delicious that he would enjoy and it was inspired action and gave me a place to process, perk, purge and play with everything. Was it hard – hell yes! Was it worth it – hell yes! Did I feel better – hell yes!
As human beans we are gloriously complex and supremely simple. However, we are faceted and it’s important to pay attention to your mindset, your body, your emotions, your spirit (soul), your words and your actions. So whilst gutting and renovating I did a wonderful 5 day Blow Up Your BS Challenge with the very talented and skilled Kelly Ruta. If you want to get out of your own way and release the BS then Kelly most certainly holds the space, kicks your arse and helps you look at the stories that you are holding onto. I highly recommend checking her out for mindset work as she is great.
So with both of those boosts and the energy changing from the lazy hazy days of summer to kids back to school, last quarter of the year, the cooler mornings the earlier sunsets there is motivation and inspiration flying off the shelves! Which in turn for me has literally opened the door on creativity, joy, flow and really getting even more clear on who I am, how I show up, what lights me up, what I can release and how my business, family and life are going to look. So I have been mapping out Inspired Actions pertaining to my work, my self, my home and a myriad of other things. Thus, remember to not push, but to allow and then take the step.
Phew! Sorry went on a tad there! With all that being said let’s get down to the reading. But before we start I invite you to stop and stand still and drop into your heart and get clear – perhaps the question (if I can advise you) is – What inspired action can I take to……… whatever it is for you. Remember, no pushing, no controlling, just being in the place of willingness to listen to the message and take action.
The deck that wanted to come play this week is “The Divine Circus”. In a nutshell this is a deck for those who want to live a life of sacred subversion and creative confidence. Pretty appropriate with the theme being Inspired Action. The crystals that came to play are Emerald, Brecciated Jasper and Howlite.
Let’s take a moment, slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Let your jaw relax, the muscles in your face, scalp and neck relax. Just breathe. Then when you are ready pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
Ready to go see?
Bells are ringing from deep inside. Something that once had to hide is seeking your attention. It want out! It wants to be free! As you release what was once shut away, your discomfort shall turn to glee. You are a spiritual adventurer! You are not afraid to go to the edge of what you know, of who you have believed yourself to be. Even when before you there lies the darkness of unknown worlds, of undiscovered parts of you, even when you feel uncertainty, discomfort or doubt, you are still willing to figure out what it’s all about,
So you’ve come to a place in you, and in your life, where you don’t know. You don’t know what’s happening. You don’t know how to work through it. You don’t know who you are (well, not all of who you are). You don’t know what you don’t know. You are at the point of not knowing because you are growing. There will be surprises. There will be discoveries. You’ll feel awkward at times, like you are trying to see in the dark.
Don’t be afraid to let there be some inner rattling and rampaging. You are at a time when you are naturally diving into the darkness for a healing purpose. So ask the difficult questions. Do things you wouldn’t normally do. Experiment with thinking in ways you wouldn’t normally think. Be willing to let everything change for the better by first letting go of how things are now. The messier your inner world seems to be right now, the more you can expect complete and utter transformation as a new order comes into form. Expect the unexpected, for you were born to grow into what is happening now. It’s time to let the wild thing out!
A rare prize is to be bestowed upon you. The universe is confirming that the most luscious dreams of your heart are being nurtured into manifestation. To this end, you shall be given a saving grace, an intervention if needs be. To be open to receive, surrender doubt in favour of unconditional trust. Through your trust and optimism, you make it easier for the universe to give you a most deserved gift. A rare prize is worth the effort to attain it. Your efforts will need to include loving discipline. Loving discipline is not about trying to bend the world according to your will but rather about readying yourself to align with the spirit of what you want to receive.
To receive, rather than attempt to take by force, requires strength, trust, spiritual intelligence and courage. It is easier to try and force things from a fearful place, but it is more effective and empowering to learn how to attract and receive through consciously chosen surrender. This allows the universe to do its best work for you! So it’s time to change your consciousness. Release issues around self-worth. Why should you not be empowered and assisted by the universe to create a life that fills you with joy and feels ‘just right’ for you? Of course you should, can will be! Release any lack of self-worth that would get in the way of your opening in complete trust to the universe.
Your most prized dream is within reach, through a combination of letting life unfold as it will and your own disciplined efforts. Don’t give up. You cannot make the fruit on the tree grow faster – that will happen according to the rhythm of life – but you can certainly do your part to be ready to climb the tree at the right moment to savour the sweetness of success!
You will soon have cause for celebration. Whether a big win or a token gain affirming that the best is yet to come, sweet success is headed your way. Prepare to celebrate! It’s time to find the celebratory spirit within. Maybe you already feel it, or maybe it’s the last thing in the world you can imagine feeling right now, but whether it’s on your radar or not, a cause for celebration is imminent.
It’s time to spend your energy in playfulness. If you want more success, happiness and celebration in your life, you can enhance that right now by being happy for the success of others around you. Do you know that success is like a wave? When you genuinely congratulate another and feel happy for their happiness, your own energy field gets a jolt of that same energy. You attract it into your own life. You deserve success for all you are and all you’ve accomplished just as much as anyone else.
So be happy for another – even if a part of you wonders if there is enough to go around, if maybe they have taken your piece of the pie, or if you wonder if their success is really served. Let such thoughts be without adding to their power for thinking such a way. Just take charge and choose how you want to respond. Be happy for them and be happy for you as the universe is giving you notice of a party – and you are most definitely meant to attend – and it’s heading your way.
So glorious one, I wish you a fabulous week. Remember to step back, take a moment and ask yourself – is this action I am taking aligned with who I am and what I believe. If not, in my world – if it’s not a Hell Yes! Then it’s a Hell No! I am hoping to take next Monday off as it is Labour Day weekend here, but we shall see if Spirit says a Hell Yes, or a Hell No! Drink water, be kind to yourself and get the heck outdoors whilst the weather is good. Oh yes, and if there is a project you have been wanting to do – either do it or release it.
Well, shizam – that was awesome! Today is my birthday so thank you for the beautiful gift! Ive been having a tough summer and this weekend seemed to blow from bad to worse. So when I saw this my mind wanted #3 but when I closed my eyes, relaxed and took a breath my mind had 2 doing a shooting sparkling dance with a 3 floating along behind it…1 not to be found
After reading this I’ll take it!
Nina, so glad to hear. Belated happy birthday! I’m so glad you closed your eyes, trusted yourself and took a breath. I send you huge hugs and glorious belated birthday wishes! The energy is changing, honest.
This seemed perfect for where I’m at. Looking forward to the change,just what I needed to hear.
Perfect, perfect, perfect! Did I mention it was perfect? Thank you Jenny! Just what I needed.
Thank you so much for the reading! The cards are beautiful, and the reading gives me hope at this particular time in my life. <3
So glad.
So glad and thank you for the perfect, perfect, perfect!
So ready for that miracle I’ve been waiting for patiently. I will fully trust to receive……with God the angels and the universe so it shall be
Amalia, that was so well said! So glad.
Whoot! Whoot!
Thank you Jenny !! You are sooo awesome! I chose #2 with #1 . You are so right on with what is going on with me and my life at this moment.
Kathy, so glad! Thank you for sharing.
Wow, that was Awesome, even though I picked 1 and 3 they all did me justice…