Happy Magickal, Muddling, Miraculous, Musical, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!
And it’s the first Monday of September, and here in North America it is a Labour Day weekend, which means a 3 day weekend – let the glorious play time unfold! Which is what I’ve been doing!
I got dressed up for a fabulous outdoor adventure room experience themed as Alice in Wonderland, gathered ocean treasures, played in the garden, painted and started teaching myself how to draw a crow! (And believe me, drawing without using words is not normally my forte).
I know I don’t normally pop in on a long weekend with a reading, however ……..
With Mercury going Retrograde on Friday (the 9th), a Pisces Full Moon (aka Harvest Moon) on Saturday 10th, and the energy shift of September, let alone Equinox coming – phew! There’s a lot! So I was told very clearly I had to pop in. Voila!
Thus, I thought I would pen you a quick note about what to expect (and there were new guides that were getting bitchy with me as they wanted to play!)
Okay, here we are at the very beginning of September (and no it is not Fall yet), that doesn’t happen until my birthday on September 22nd – Equinox!
So let’s start with the overarching Shamanic energy theme of this month, which is…….. CRISIS.
Now before you baulk at the word and get your knickers in a knot, what does the word actually mean? Our word “crisis” comes from “krisis” and “krino,” ancient Greek words meaning “to decide” and “turning point.” So think of any crisis as a moment in which you decide to take a different direction.
I’m going to let Lena share about the energetic theme of Crisis.
When we hear the word crisis it often brings up a negative response. In truth, crisis is often the catalyst for much needed change supporting movement towards necessary and positive evolution. Our physical nature is designed to respond to crises with reaction and action, the instinctive response of fight or flight. Crisis often brings up fear. If we can work through the fear, there is power on the other side. This month is a good one to work proactively with the theme of crisis and use it as a catalyst.
Think of this as a month of potential breakthroughs as we are forced to go within for deep reflection and introspection regarding our values, habits, patterns, beliefs and actions.
Next up on the agenda is Mercury Retrograde on the 9th. I know that Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap, but think of it in a different way – Mercury is the planet of the mind, communication and thus it’s a glorious time to slow our thoughts down, be purposeful with our words and just take a wee bit longer. Mercury retrograde this time around starts in Virgo and ends in Libra, really inviting you to look innerwards and reevaluate what needs rebalancing in your life.
(Are you seeing a theme here yet????)
Let’s dance under the energy of the Harvest Moon on Saturday the 10th.
“While we may feel our outside world slowing down, our internal world is likely to be buzzing under the September Full Moon. We may feel past issues, old wounds, or things we have been too afraid to look at coming back up to the surface. We may have to finally take the time to pause and listen to what our inner world is trying to say.
Trying to control or force things is not going to work under this energy. Instead, we need to surrender; we need to allow; we may even need to sit back and allow things to unfold without our interference.
Your inner world always presents the wisdom you need at the perfect timing, so trust in this, and allow it to bring you comfort as you work through these energies.”
Are you picking up on the theme now?
Then on September 22nd we have the glorious Equinox (and yes there will be an amazing bundle available probably next week), but ask yourself – what does Fall Equinox (or Spring if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) bring to you?
Fall Equinox or Mabon is a time to celebrate your harvest, offer gratitude and embrace the sense of sorrow and release that Fall brings!
(I know for sure you have picked up on the theme now!)
What’s working for you, what have you forgotten to celebrate, what needs to be released, what new choices need to be made and how can you stop clinging to things with your fingernails?
So can you see now why I was told very clearly to pop in? This week is the start of some amazing opportunities for you this month, you just have to be willing to open the door to your heart and invite them in.
Okay, let’s crack on with the reading and I take great pleasure in introducing you to your new guides this week.
“At the edge of the mind awaits the holy wilderness of the soul. It beckons you, like a great forest filled with vast mysteries and wonders. While this mystical realm exists in a higher dimension, beyond normal reality, it is real nevertheless. Although unable to be seen by our physical eyes, it can be felt in the core of our being. To enter this mystical realm, it’s simply a matter of having an open heart. In this healing and holy place, long-sought answers to your deepest questions become known. It’s a place where miracles unfold, and your spirit can fly. In the deepest sense you remember who you are in this enchanted place.”
So take a breath honey. Just come back to your glorious heart space and breathe. That’s all that’s being asked of you at this moment. Then when you have taken a few delicious breaths in and out, pick the card or cards that tickle and niggle.
Did you remember to pick?

Come see.

As you stand in the centre of the forest,a subtle breeze lovingly touches your cheeks. Gentle gusts rustle the leaves above you as the spirit of air approaches upon her boat of light and wind. In the quietude, you sense the wind whispering messages to you from the Spirit.
It’s time to think things through. This is not the time to be impulsive. Do not react instinctively to situations and people. Take into consideration all points of view. Do your research. Listen to others. Speak your truth. Take time to weigh the pros and cons of a situation.
This is an excellent time to begin a new venture or project, however.
It will succeed as long as you are thoughtful, organised, and focused. There is a remarkable wellspring of wisdom within you. Take a breath, slow and deep, and delve into that inner knowledge. It will guide you in the right direction.
Air represents wisdom, our mental activity, and our ability to reason. It’s also associated with thoughts, intellect, communication, and comprehension. Through our breath, we can speak and express ourselves.
Our lives begin with our first breath, so air is connected with new beginnings.
Take a lovely delicious inhale. Take a moment to think things through.
Think as well as feel the right direction.
Get clarity and become focused before stepping forth. And always remember to take care to have thoughtful communication with others.
Truth without compassion is brutality.
In the lazy quietude of a warm summer afternoon, you recline on the soft moss on the forest floor and listen to the heartbeat of her earth. Her rhythmic cadence surges up from the ground beneath you. With each beat, you remember who you are and what is truly important in life. The strengthening, grounding energy of the earth will fill every part of you.
It’s time to take measure of your life and put your roots down. Assess who you are, and where you are. Make plans for the future, but don’t act on those plans until you feel secure in stepping forward. This is the time of preparation and going deeper.
Darling one, it’s time to ground and create more stability in your life.
Think things through before you take action, but don’t overthink. Take time to plan your future carefully, but please don’t micromanage. Don’t rush into anything. Strength is growing within you. Security and protection surround you. You are safe.
The Earth Spirit provides the trees, plants, flowers, rivers, streams, oceans, mountains, and valleys, and supports us all with her bounty.
She’s stable and strong in her devotion to us.
You’re supported and loved, even if you’re not always sure of it. The seeds that you plant now will bring abundance in the future if you bring yourself into alignment with them and if you take the time to nurture the new beginnings.
Be present in the moment. Slow down and let go of the busyness and frenetic pace of life. Delve into your roots. Honour and release your past. Go deep. Reflect on your life with appreciation and then plan for your delicious present and future.
You follow the sweet songs of birds into the forest. As you find the source of the sound, you see in the tree above you a flock of bluebirds. The bright colour of their wings shimmers in the sunlight. Their song envelops you in a soft embrace of bliss.
Bluebirds are glorious harbingers of delight. Celebrate and have fun! Embrace life, yourself, and others. Say yes today! Soar to the clouds and let your doubts dissolve. All is well. It’s simple: Your purpose in life is to experience happiness! That’s all that’s required of you as a soul. You do not need to be unhappy to please another.
Whatever your circumstances, there’s always something that can bring you delight, and what you put your attention on will grow. When you focus on the areas of your life that bring you happiness, these areas will prosper.
One of the fastest paths to true pleasure is through sharing and giving, so give of your heart and share your love. Happiness spreads to others like wildfire and can help heal the world. Dance and sing with abandon: Joy is your spiritual birthright.
Affirm: Happiness and ecstasy flow through me wildly and freely.
Remember, all is well. Say yes to life and let your doubts dissolve. Don’t wait until the future, live life fully now. You do not need to struggle or suffer to grow – you can grow leaps and bounds amid joy!
Oh my giddy goddess, you seriously can’t make this shit up! Happy Labour Day, happy week and remember to open your heart door and take advantage of all the beauty inside your soul and listen to your wise inner self (not your ego). It’s going to be a fun month! Big hugs and squeezes!

Thanks as always meaningful reading, came at good time for me.
Todd Setzer
I’m so glad Todd, hope you are well.
Oh my goodness. I choose 3 The Bluebird Spirit!! While I know it is not a Bluebird I have had a Bluejay consistently in my yard today. The color blue is so soothing to my soul. Thank you so much for this beautiful message!
I love bluejays, they are fabulous and that is wonderful they are coming to visit. Enjoy!
Awesome reading as usual. Thank you for your super energy Jenny!
Most welcome,Thanks Leslie.