Hello delicious lovely!! Happy Magnificent, Magickal, Manifesting, Majestic, Mesmerising, Mysterious, Memorable Monday! How are you on this glorious day?
Did you know that yesterday was the 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day? (Which happened at the 11th hour on the 11th day in the 11th month in an 11 year!) Think about that. On Nov. 11, 1918, fighting in World War I came to an end following the signing of an armistice between the Allies and Germany that called for a ceasefire effective at 11 a.m.– it was on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Yesterday marked the 100 years ago of the end of the First World War. Again, think about it. At that moment in time there was Peace and Hope of something different.
Personally, I think it is important to focus on those types of events, the ones that inspire Hope and Peace, and don’t get me wrong, there are all sorts of wars still being waged all over the world. But drop back into that space of Armistice, Hope and Peace – it is sooooo possible on every level in this world (at least that is my belief).
The other day I was in a grocery line up, with my butternut squash, Brussels and cheese (won’t that make an interesting meal), and wearing the Poppy that I always do for Remembrance Day – in fact this year I have bought 5 as I keep losing them or they dropped off. As I’m waiting in line for my turn the chap behind me started a rather odd debate with me about the wearing of a Poppy. He shared that he refused to wear one as it was a symbol of death to which I totally, 100% disagree. The Poppy to me is a symbol of Remembering those who bravely went to fight for our freedoms and well being. It is also a symbol of Hope, hope for our troops that are still deployed all over the world and Hope for a time of Peace. If you don’t know the story of the Poppy I felt compelled to go learn as much as possible and there is a great post here. As someone who was in the Military reserves and a reserve police officer and also having friends who were or still are in the military, let alone a father who was and a grandfather, I feel very strongly about the respect and honour that is due to those sacrifices and those that are still away from home.
Yesterday I went to a, new to me, Remembrance Day service in a community nearby and I have to say, the minute the bagpipes started playing I turned into a weeping person! There is something about the sound of bagpipes that pulls at my heart strings and dances through my soul and then tears start to flow! Does anyone else have this response? Because I was standing there with tears dripping down my face and not a tissue in sight! (This is where my mother’s voice kicks in and reminds me to always carry tissues upon one’s person.)
Today as I was talking to the cards and asking who would like to be present, the conversation with the gentleman in the grocery store burbled up and it really got me to thinking about Peace and Hope. So as I went for my early morning loop and yomp onto the beach, that conversation burbled and burbled some more and there was a feeling of defiance towards the gentleman who had declared the poppy as bad! When I came home feeling ocean refreshed and calm the deck that really bolted to the forefront was the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle. Now if this deck is new to you, or you can’t remember what it is about, let me tell you it is delicious. It is a very loving deck that is filled with divine defiance and an untamed heart – helping us humans move from conditioning to wild divinity. “Great spiritual beings are frequently known to thwart convention, not simply for the sake of it, but because they live in a reality beyond the limited mindsets of mainstream culture. They know that life is not what mainstream culture believes it to be. Within every human heart is the potential to take such a wild divine leap, but the courage it takes to break free from conditioning and stand apart from the crowd is enormous. There are challenges along the way, and yet the lure of freedom is so strong at a certain point on the spiritual path. There is a hunger for living beyond what we are told is possible, passionate push from the soul to live according to inner truths rather than social and cultural conditioning.” Thus, if this resonates for you, come along……. I will also say these are the hardest cards to take a picture of!
The crystals that wanted to join in are Ruby Zoisite, Cinabrite and Malachite – yes they do all end in “ite”. Oh yes, some of the beach treasures and the most bizarre piece of a Monkey Tree wanted to come join as well!
Before you pick a card I want you to allow in Peace. What is Peace? What does Peace within you, Peace from you and Peace all surrounding you look and feel like to you? So I invite you to take a moment, just a moment and breathe with that. As you take a glorious deep breath in through your nose vibrate the word Peace in your mind and as you exhale through an open mouth send out the intention of Peace & Hope to whomever or whatever you choose. Keep breathing in this way and repeating the vibration of Peace within you, Peace from you and Peace and Hope gently surrounding you. When you feel ready, gently open your eyes pick your card/cards and let’s go see who wants to come be with you this week.
Have you picked?
Let’s go have a good look, yes?
I come to you with news of unexpected life. Something that seemed once impossible, without energy or hope of success, is coming to life. Not only is this an unexpected happening but it will be taking place when you think it is least likely. I come with the decree that life shall have its way, no matter what circumstances appear to dictate, and in the midst of great loss, scarcity or denial of life, a blessing of abundance, fertility and new beginnings will be given. So it shall be, by divine decree.
Life has its own power to prevail. Whilst abundance may be more obvious when we are in feast instead of famine, or in a lush jungle instead of a desert (whether or not an oasis looms over the next sandhill), life will happen even in the most unlikely situations. The small green shoot that sprouts out of a crack in a city pavement is an expression of life’s bold, prevailing will.
Your job is to not lose yourself in doubt, nor to grow attached to a particular outcome. It is to be curious and patient, to go about your life with the silent expectation within your heart that, somehow, things are going to work out – in ways you cannot necessarily see, sense or feel at the moment. Being told there will be a surprise doesn’t negate the surprise, but it does give us a chance to ignite hope which softens disappointment and despair. It allows us to have the courage to trust in what is coming, not enslaved by what has or has not had a chance to be.
Whatever it is you are dreaming or imagining, no matter how improbable it seems, how at odds with logic it may appear to be, or however many people look at you like you are mad when you share your dream with them – believe. Put your faith in life. Let go of how and when, but do not let go of your dream. Let life manifest it for you through its natural power, which is considerable, and its natural impulse towards growth.
I dwell in an expansive reality, beyond time and space, where the past has been, the future is yet to be, and what stretches out in all directions, with unlimited potential, is this living radiant moment. I bring you the gift of expanded perception, of freedom from the past, and an ability to simply be happy in the here and now, whilst my heartfelt blessings are drawing sweet success into your future.
The past is well and truly behind you now. Though at times you may struggle to feel free from what has once been, be assured that any power the past has held over you is rapidly coming to a close. Whilst there may be memories that arise – fond or painful – the “emotional charge” that these hold for you is fading away and it will soon be reduced to nothing.
The reason you are being blessed with freedom from the past is so that you may enjoy this present moment where the weaving of your future is already taking place. You are meant to be planting different seeds now for a different reality to be able to make itself known in your future. For this to happen, you must be freed from your attachment and fear of the past. You must be given a gift of release.
Whether or not you believe you still have unfinished business with matters from the past, whether it seems absolutely clear to you or not, The Princess of Red Poppies comes with karmic blessing: an ability to clear away any debris so that you are free. Do not hesitate to accept this gift. It only comes to you when it is the right time. Sometimes we need to make peace with the past by working through its nuances and recognise what we have learned and how we have grown. At other times, we have done all that we are capable of doing, and the time to move on is upon us, even if things don’t yet feel absolutely finished. This is one of those times for you. Accept this grace so that you can be ready for your future.
You dream of taking flight, of living with a heart free to soar, your whole being unfettered by restraint as you rise up to meet your destiny. You yearn to experience the next exhilarating level of your life expression, your path, your dreams. And so you shall. I am here to help anchor your growth, so that your highest aspirations can be seeded in this earthly world, transforming your hopes into reality, ensuring practical success for even your most transcendent, spiritually-inspired visions.
Trying to escape the world by hovering above it doesn’t help us bring our dreams to life. Fantasies, where the mind takes flight, can become the seeds of truly inspired ideas, but to transform those inspirations into reality we need to be grounded. What this means is putting in the time and effort for taking practical steps towards our goals. That does not include attempting to control life – including other people and their choices, or the timing of how and when the events in our life unfold. It does include completing tasks to the best of our ability and consciously choosing to let go if we find we are trying to force something to happen, trusting in the loving genius of a great and benevolent universe that wants our divine fulfillment to manifest.
Being grounded though doesn’t mean we give up desire and effort to learn how to take flight. What is meant by taking flight is the ability to feel free, to feel unfettered by negativity or doubt, to feel as though we are hurtling towards our destiny under the guardianship and guidance of the Divine, dreaming up beautiful, wild, exalted visions of delicious possibility with absolute trust. It is an exhilarating feeling of freedom, joy and expansiveness. It feels like flying!
When we do everything within our power to succeed whilst dropping all attachment, we are grounded and we can fly successfully. Without the effort, we waft away from the earth like a lost kite. Without detachment, we cannot rise from the earth and become weighed down by a distrustful need to control. We need the combination of effort and letting go with trust to become anchored enough to truly fly. Your heart is ready for this unconditional trust and the sense of lightness, freedom and joy it brings.
Have confidence in yourself and your work, in what you are capable of doing in the physical world. The desires you wish to manifest are placed in your heart for good reason. To bring them to life requires that you use all your skills and abilities. Don’t pull back from the challenge of that growth. Become so free of mind that whether your success comes to you in a few moments from now, or in a year or more, it matters not to you. You can make such a choice. And the more you let go, becoming light of mind, the more you can fly and the swifter your journey shall unfold. Let your head connect to the unlimited inspiration of the heavens and your feet stay grounded upon the earth, and enjoy your spiraling outwards into ever-increasing life, love and manifestation of your dreams – all whilst being guided and assisted by the Divine Mother.
Oh my gosh, I love how the cards reflect what is happening or the choices that are available. Life Prevails, Release the Past, Ground and Anchor. These are all conundrums that I am sure we have all experienced at one point or another. Interesting to see that the releasing the past with blessings involves poppies! That made me grin from ear to ear. So delicious lovely, I wish you a glorious week of waxing moon energy and the threads of Peace and Hope to weave through your day to day. Remember to breathe, smile as often as possible (it has a bigger impact than eating 100 chocolate bars!), move your body and offer out Peace, Hope and Love to all you meet this week. Including yourself in the mirror! Huge hugs and warm tea squeezes.
A gorgoeus reading. Again so,perfect are these messages that it made me smile from ear to ear. Thank you Jenny.
Leslie, so glad it made you smile!
What an amazing, gorgeous reading and message. Thank You so much for sharing this with the world! Lots of love from Holland
So very welcome Kirsty!