Happy Most, ‘Mazing, Marvelous, Magnificent, Magickal, Mellow, Majestic, Manifesting, Monday! (yes, ‘mazing is now a word!)
My pansies have perished and my snowdrops have shrivelled! The other week I mentioned that it was colder than normal here, but Holy Mary Mother of God! We got snow (yes, real snow which apparently they don’t really get hear, thus they aren’t used to it) and it was fascinating to watch what happened. People wouldn’t leave their houses, hardly anyone had a snow shovel and drivers kept driving as if it wasn’t snowy (positively terrifying to watch!) Then after the snow, in blew Arctic Winds up to 60-90km (have to say I love the sound of the wind howling around outside and down the chimney) and everything turned to ice! Ah well, thankfully my truck has snow tires and snow doesn’t bother me, it’s just the people who have no clue what to do that cause me a tad of consternation.
Over the last week I have had to remind myself we are still in Winter, even though inside my body is a wiggly-ness towards Spring! Which is no surprise at all, with Imbolc having happened (an invitation to plant the seeds), New Moon (another invitation to plant seeds), Chinese New Year, Eclipse energy (remember it perks for about 6 months) and Activation – need I say more?. So there’s this weird discombobulation between the external (snow and ice outside, still Winter) and the internal (wanting to rush forth, create, blossom and find the light again!)
This got me to thinking, Winter is the element of Earth, it’s the dirt, the bones, the stones, the ancestors. It’s the season where we pull inward, nourish ourselves and find the internal stories. So the other day as I was walking with a friend, we started talking about ancestry, heritage, lineage and DNA tests. Did you know that the whole DNA and Ancestry industry is booming? Which is good but not so good at the same time. Research has shown that various companies that demand a high fee for this DNA/Ancestor report don’t have the data to support what they provide you with. There was a great report done by two identical twin reporters who submitted their DNA to 2 organisations and both places came back with these women weren’t related at all and the data they provided for each was so random. So why are people opting for these tests at a huge rate and at considerable expense? Good question! So I went and did some digging and talked to various organisations etc and it turns out that with our society being rather fragmented and disconnected, there is a lot of social isolation and a massive sense of disconnect. So people are looking, searching and desperate to find out where they came from and what that means. It’s a way of giving oneself a sense of belonging and connection. Because if you think about it as a culture on the whole, we have lost the oral tradition where stories were passed down through the generations and memories were shared. I count myself as very fortunate as I can go back at least 10 generations in my family of origin. A huge part of that was due to my Great Aunts sharing stories and memories, and also due to various other relatives doing a lot of digging and then sharing the information.
The other night when the snow was flooding down and the winds were whipping it each and every way I stood and watched the snowflakes dance from side to side in the lamp light outside. As I watched, rather mesmerised a verse from one of the songs that I need to learn for the Acapella group that I just joined flooded to mind:-
Listen more often to things than to beings,
Listen more often to things than to beings,
‘Tis the ancestors’ breath when the fire’s voice is heard,
‘Tis the ancestors’ breath in the voice of the water.
Those who have died have never never left
The dead are not under the earth.
They are in the rustling trees,
They are in the groaning woods.
They are in the crying grass,
They are in the moaning rocks.
The dead are not under the earth.
This song comes from Birago Diop’s poem “Breaths” where we are reminded of the continuum of the invisible world of spirit, man, and the visible world of nature existing along a continuum and forming an organic reality. Personally, I find that rather comforting to know I’m not alone, I’m part of the whole.
So as I was lying in bed last night I invited in my ancestors, all of the ones that I know of and those before them and asked them to come into my dream space. It was very cool! I felt sooo loved, held, supported and guided. Connected.
How much of your ancestry do you know of? Do you feel called to get a DNA/Ancestry test?
Well if that was a tad heavy for you (as I know it can be triggering for some) to explore the past. Let’s look at Love is in the Air, yes, this week we have Valentine’s Day! Now, I want you to keep in mind that originally Valentine’s Day had nothing to do with romantic love (seriously). But thanks to Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century when the tradition of courtly love flourished, it started turning that way. In 18th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending handmade greeting cards (known as “valentines”). There is also the tale of Saint Valentine of Rome who was imprisoned for marrying soldiers, who were forbidden to marry, and ministering to Christians who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. According to legend, during his imprisonment Saint Valentine restored sight to the blind daughter of his judge, and before his execution he wrote her a letter signed “Your Valentine” as a farewell.
Even though this holiday is associated with “romantic love” I invite you to practice some self love. Do something delicious and delightful for yourself, no matter how small. Take yourself on a lunch date, have a glorious bubble bath, buy a bunch of flowers for yourself, pack yourself a heart shaped sandwich. A little something to remind yourself that you are loved, and that you love you. Yes? Every Valentines I get those brown paper lunch bags, decorate the heck out of them, fill them with sweeties, daft riddles and jokes, funky pencils and all sorts of random stuff and each of the kids gets one. Our food is normally heart shaped as well! (Trust me a heart shaped burger is a beauty to behold) and we normally have a heart shaped Pavlova covered in cream, fresh berries and grated chocolate. So whether it is romantic love, familial love, pet love or friend love that you are celebrating this year. Please remember to start with you first, okay, connect with you! Because in case you need a reminder, you are deliciously, delightful and so very, very loved!
So with the image of your glorious ancestors and love now in your mind, let’s look at the fact it’s Random Acts of Kindness Week! (I love, love, love RAOK!) So this is a beautiful invitation to get out of your head and into your heart and do something random for someone else and no, you don’t even have to know them. I have left little love notes in random post boxes, paid for coffee for someone who is going to come in and needs one, driven little old ladies and their groceries home – you name it. Think of a couple of things that you can do that won’t stress you out and do them. As in the Witches world, everything comes back thrice fold. So what do you feel you could do? It could be uber simple as in lifting your head up when walking and smiling at everyone, telling someone they look awesome, touching a random strangers arm as you talk. Get creative and just play with it, remember it’s not meant to be a chore, more like paying it forward, sharing and CONNECTING!
Okay, now I have waffled on for what may seem like forever, let’s get on with the reading! (I’ve been perking a different way of sharing all the glorious events, celebrations, seasons etc with you that is separate, but more on that later). When I went to the cards and asked who wanted to guide this week I nearly snorted tea out of my nose when “The Earth Warriors Oracle” were more than adamant to be front and centre. This has been a shy and rather reticent deck when it comes to public readings, so this is very cool. If this deck is new to you, please let me introduce them to you. “There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word “struggle” from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”
Seriously, I can’t make this stuff up even if I tried. Wow.
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled were very interesting. Dallasite – which is effectively a personal brainstorming stone, representing purity of heart, gentleness of spirit, kindness without ulterior motive. Smoky Quartz – this is an amazing stone for grounding, leaving behind baggage and surrendering. Last but not least, an Orthoceras – which is a fossil (do you see the little fish in it), assist you in moving from the old to the new and to be receptive to the fresh, innovative forces that are available to you. Fossils can assist you in your quest for transition, transformation and personal growth, helping you to understand the process of change.
I have to say I was tickled to see Dallasite pop up as apparently when I walk the beach each morning and pick up a stone for me and one for my sister, I have picked up 10 raw Dallasites for her!
Okay, let’s settle and ground shall we? I have created a visualisation to help with this, but if that’s not your gig, all good. I invite you to put both feet on the floor, earth, snow and if you are able stand up tall. Really allow your spine to stretch up to the heavens, whilst your feet stay anchored to earth and just Breathe. Breathe in through your nose and sigh it out through your mouth. Allow anything to drop to the earth and allow your ancestors to come whisper to you, stories of love, kindness and connection. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that are yours.
Did you pick?
Let’s go have a look see shall we?
I am Puma, I awaken within you the vigorous energy, fierce power and ability to act without hesitation when the moment is right. My patience and strategy, my preparation and precision, my fearlessness and decisiveness are now your own. Allow my sacred medicine to fill your soul and bring courage to your heart. You have come into your power.
You’ve got this. Don’t let fear or hesitation hold you back. Apply yourself fully to the task. Let go of old ways of viewing yourself as incapable, scattered or wasteful of energy. You have the ability to focus intently, to generate clear intention, and to achieve your ambitions through methodical steps and an applied will. You have the internal resources you need for successful completion. Even if no one else recognises your potential and believes in your future success, in due course they will understand differently.
Puma moves through your soul as guardian and guide. When Puma appears, it is a significant sign that you have come into your power. Puma moves with stealth and silence. You may wonder if this sounds much like you. You may consider yourself to be – at least sometimes – more of a doubter than one prone to fearlessness and certainty. Yet the soul medicine of Puma builds within us silently. WE may not even realise that her power is there, until all of a sudden, when it is needed, we act with unerring focus and unwavering commitment.
This right use of power – surrendered to the Divine – will help you overcome your reluctance and lay claim to your will. You need your will to transform inspiration into action. The world truly needs this from you. Whatever it is that you dream of attaining or desire to do in this world, Puma arrives with this message – you have the power.
I, the Lunar Mother, bring you my Mandala of the Moon to manifest through the law of magnetic attraction. My mandala is the sacred portal through which your dreams, intentions and visions shall pass into the wholeness of being, from the realm of inspiration into the world of form on earth. There is no need for doubt or concern, for even the appearance of delay signifies that the divine feminine mystery is at work, with timing unfolding according to a higher, loving wisdom. Trust that what is falling away is meant to be, whilst you have faith in new divine works being born.
Relax with trust and positive expectations that all your needs will be met. This makes it easier for abundance to flow and all earthly and spiritual matters to fall into place according to a great and loving higher intelligence. Things are changing even if you cannot see the physical evidence of this as yet. Trust that your actions are leading you into a better way of life. Rely on the Universe and you shall see how all things come together according to a timing and higher order that suits you, in ways even better thn you have imagined yourself.
Don’t resist the natural cycle of creation. This means accepting the symbolic night during which we cannot act, we cannot see, we have to rest and be patient, having faith that the day will dawn at the right time. So we do not insist that things manifest immediately according o our personal opinion about how, why, when and where. The Divine has a destiny intended for you. When you surrender, you are led into it.
You are granted the gifts of fertility, creativity and earthly abundance to support all needs – for nourishing body, mind and soul and to to live your life fully and be capable of manifesting your divine purpose. Give yourself permission to be nourished. This includes your body and also providing your heart, your mind, your soul with what they are hungry for – meaning, sweetness, divine love and permission to be authentic. When you feed yourself that which truly nourishes you, wisely and generously, you shall become one who can also feed the world that for which it ruly hungers.
Explore and experiment with nutritional wisdom which suits your body at this time Understand that it may change over time. Remember that caring for the needs of your body is more important and spiritually mature than trying to force your body to meet the expectations of a belief system outside of yourself. Don’t starve yourself of what you need on any level of your being, including, peace, solitude, love, time spent in spiritual communion, artistic expression and nutrition. Answers are coming for your questions about all forms of nourishment, including nutrition, so do not give up when you are so close to finding your way.
Finding what works for you can only happen as you begin to listen to your body, to your mind and your soul, listening as if your spirit were caring and wise parent. As we recondition ourselves to listen rather than demand, we tap into the healing guidance of the Divine Feminine dwelling within us.
Well my delicious lovely, I hope you heard the message for you and are paying attention! I would like to express my love and thanks for all your glorious messages, emails and comments! Wishing you a glorious week of inviting your ancestors (whether known or not) into your space and connecting, touching into the earth, the bones, the stones and the crystals, massive love for you and yours, and random acts of kindness. Remember, if we all connect on this level, wowzers! Think about the change and transformation for self, family, community and globally that would happen! Eat something sweet, treat yourself well, smile at a random person or even give them a hug! Massive hugs and squeezes for you and see you next week.
I chose number 1. Thank you Jenny.