Happy Miraculous, Magical, Mellow, Moody, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!
Hello delicious lovely, how are you? How are you feeling? April is here and there are many invitations and lessons for us this month, as well as a healing circle. So grab a cuppa, snuggle up and let’s go chat shall we?
One of the themes that I have been hearing from a lot of you is overwhelm, the desire to hide, and that everything feels rather heavy and flat. All of which I can totally understand and appreciate. As let’s be honest, we live in “interesting” times (which is a curse by the way) and there is no roadmap, no manual and in many places – no guidance.
However, I will say to you – that if you are here at this moment in time, you are meant to be here. You are needed.
That being said, it doesn’t make it easier, as being a spiritual being having a human experience can be rather challenging! And with overwhelm can come the sense of disconnect, fragility, fight/flight or freeze.
The key thing to remember is that YOU DON’T HAVE TO RUN THE WORLD THROUGH YOUR SYSTEM!
“It’s not helpful to run the energy of the world through your system. It’s not helpful to attempt to carry the weight of the world on your back alone. It’s not helpful to let the problems of the world overwhelm you.” ~ Rebecca Campbell
Action isn’t possible from a place of overwhelm.
But how to deal with those feelings of overwhelm?
Start where you are. Carry what’s in front of you. Be responsible for what’s yours. Do what you can. Stay grounded. Transmute what you can.
Great Jenny, but how??????
Feel your feelings, so if you are angry look at what is triggering you. Sit with it, feel it and acknowledge, “Okay, what am I feeling? What is moving through me?” So first of all, feel your feelings and give yourself space to feel your feelings.
Then move and transmute them. This can be dancing, putting on a song that you really like and letting your body move with the feelings inside you. It can be going for a walk, getting out in nature, doing some exercise, creating something. Do what fits you and that allows the feelings and energy to move through you and out.
Then ground yourself. Take time to bring all the parts of you back to yourself, see yourself anchored to the earth with a strong cord or golden light and a cord coming from your crown up to the Universe. Reclaim yourself, reclaim your power.
Then from that place of groundedness (yes that is a word), take grounded action. What actions can you take (and they don’t have to be huge) to make yourself feel better? To help and support those that you want to?
Small daily grounded action transmutes the energy of overwhelm into an energy that serves and nourishes you. And remember that maybe your grounded action is to Rest.
Interestingly enough, this ties in with the Shamanic energy theme of April which is “ALL ABOUT POWER”. I will let the amazing Lena share her words of wisdom.
“The very recent new moon in Aries has set up a field that is a marker for the field day we have been experiencing around power issues both individually and on a global scale.
If you have been recently triggered by something that caused either a reaction or a memory of feeling powerless, you have a great opportunity to heal, forgive and reset in a way that connects you back to your true source of power so that it becomes available to you in its fullest form.
In other words, it is time to do the personal work that is necessary to move beyond the limitation you impose on yourself by remaining in reaction instead of moving to pro-action…….
The key is to access the power within you and not to look for it on the outside. You will only be disappointed with the illusion in the end. If you don’t do the work now, it will be that much harder later when the energy is less supportive of it. We have a tremendous opportunity to move through this and access the amazing landscape of love. Beauty and manifestation on the other side.”
Wow! If you were waiting for acknowledgement – this is it. If you were waiting for a sign – this is it!
Many of you over the last month have asked if I would hold a “Healing Circle”, healing for self, family, community and globally. I sat with it and waited until my guides gave their full input (which they have), and the answer is now – YES!
They have downloaded a beautiful guided visualisation that I will record and which will be available next week by donation, with those funds going to support the people in the Ukraine.
Then, on April 16th, Full Moon, at 7am PST , I ask that you stop doing what you are doing, find a quiet space, and listen to the visualisation. You can sit in the woods, your bathtub, on a bench, in your bed – wherever is comfy for you. But if thousands of us connect all at the same time, we can weave such a beautiful web of healing and love that will nourish all and harness the power of the collective for positive change.
Are you game?
Okay, I have chuntered on long enough. Let’s crack on with the reading.
When I asked the cards who wanted to talk and guide this week I was delighted to see that it was the delicious Spirit of the Animals. So in case you may have never met them, let me introduce you. “Animal Medicine, Animal Totems, and Animal Mascots have had cultural significance throughout our history. Europeans adopted animals as tribal symbols that were later incorporated into crests for nations. China has an animal associated with every birthday. The Romans celebrated the eagle as the symbol for the empire. Our ancestors observed the appearance of animals as omens and signs. Shamans and mystics rely on spirit animal helpers. Native Americans have vision quests to discover their personal animal totem. School sports teams choose animal mascots. It is no wonder that the interest in animals as emblems and how they relate to us still persists. Animals as symbols live in our deepest memory.”
Okay delicious lovely, take a gorgeous deep breath and allow your shoulders to drop and your jaw to gently relax. I invite you to see in your mind’s eye a place of stillness, a place filled with ease and flow, a place where you feel connected to earth and source. From the place pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
If you need a bit more support there’s a wee guided visualisation for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go look, shall we?

Penguin is the bird that cannot fly but instead swims. They can see better underwater than on land, symbolising better access to the subconscious mind than usual.
Penguins are full of surprises just like the people they represent. The males and females experience role reversals. Male penguins will sit on the eggs for months while their female counterparts hunt for food.
Penguin urges you to adapt to extreme circumstances, break free from expectations and reinvent yourself. Penguin says adapt, change, find your tribe, sing and celebrate your uniqueness.
Penguin people often feel awkward or out of place. Tapping into Penguin energy can help you embrace your differences. Self – acceptance is a big part of Penguin medicine. They remind us that there is no right way to be!
Like all diving birds, Penguin relates to the truth that lies below the surface. Maybe Penguin is telling you to go below, find your deeper truth and your most authentic self.
These are things in life that really matter. Finding like minded people (your tribe) will help you see your beauty as you see theirs.
The wisdom of Penguin asks you to just be the unique and colourful person that you are!
Love your uniqueness. Just be Yourself!
If you have been a lover or ravens, collect their feathers, embrace their images, read their myths, observe them in nature and love black, then Raven is your totem.
It is said when magic is near, Ravens appear. Ravens are messengers from another world. They bring us secret knowledge about magic and divination. Ravens are the winged spirit advisors from our powerful subconscious. Raven people conspire with the energies of the universe to help them create their dreams. They experience continual learning and enlightenment. Raven people do not fear the darkness. The vast unknown is their storehouse of cosmic forces. Others can be drawn to Raven people but also be fearful of what they know.
If Raven is your totem you are creative and love playful interaction. You cultivate the natural philosopher within yourself. You have access to the subconscious mind and this incredible knowledge is yours to retrieve. If Raven is your totem, learn to meditate and reach deep within yourself to your own reservoir of wisdom. Go into the dark and bring back the light. Raven can fly you there and introduce you to riches of wisdom beyond your wildest imagination.
You are the creator and magician.
Use your gifts for good.
There is power in your wisdom and words.
Connect with the elemental spirits
And glide through the void.
Claim your place as Keeper of the Mysteries.
The majestic bighorn sheep, or ram, is a master of agility and bravery. They navigate rugged terrain at incredible speeds and land with confidence on the narrowest ledge.
They have sharp vision and an acute sense of smell. All of these traits help the bighorn sheep survive. The male ram has a unique set of horns that spiral out from their head. They never drop and they grow throughout the bighorn’s life, symbolising his fine mind. It is a gift Ram people share with their totem. Horns are an extension of the skull and have been called a natural antenna for intuition. The ram is a competitive lover. Be on guard for aggressive tendencies in your love life. Jealousy should most certainly be avoided.
If Ram has chosen you, you have success on your side. RAm urges you to use your fine mind to your advantage. You will persevere and go to great heights to succeed. Your reserves of strength and courage combined with your intuition will help you navigate the toughest circumstances.
Call upon Ram to make you brave in the face of risk and get ready to take a leap of faith. Your many talents will help you land with sure success.
You have many gifts.
No problem can withstand
The power of your mind.
With patience you can reach your mountaintop.
Never give up and good luck will follow.
Wow, what glorious guides for this week. Wishing you a week filled with grounded soul fed action, rest, and clarity. I hope you join us on the 16th to create a massive weaving of healing. Talk to you next week. Big hugs and squeezes.

Thanks Jenny, the Penguin was perfect for me where I am at this point in time.
It’s been awhile since I’ve tuned into your readings. Glad I did, I’ll be there on the 16th…thanks again ❤️