Happy Magickal, Misty, Mellifluous, Magickal, Mysterious, Manifesting Monday!
Equinox is nearly here! Equinox is nearly here! (Can you tell I love it?)
September 22nd brings in the Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. For all you gorgeous beasts in the Southern Hemisphere it is Ostara. And yes the new Mabon Magickal Manual for 2022 was released on Thursday (and thank you so much for all your lovely emails sharing how you are enjoying it). And if you have no clue what I am talking about, just go check it out. No pressure.
There is also a lovely Ostara Magickal Manual for our gorgeous Southern Hemisphere friends.
When I was out hiking on the weekend and the smell of woodsmoke wafted on the cool early morning breeze, it was the perfect reminder that we are transitioning from summer to fall. And yes, I know many people love summer and I do enjoy it, but give me Fall and Spring any day!
The leaves will soon all be resplendent in the most delicious arrays of oranges, yellows, crimson reds and then will drop slowly to the ground to offer nutrition to the seeds that you will plant come Spring.
I always use the change of seasons as an opportunity to pause and reflect.
It’s the perfect time to reflect on your life, your Self, and any growth & changes you’ve gone through over the year so far.
When we look closely at the energy present in each season & what’s happening in nature, we’re able to see the personal growth work the Earth is really supporting us in right now.
Because, nature WANTS us to grow and expand with ease and grace, and sometimes, like the trees we need to release and turn inwards.
When changes occur in nature, they resonate within our own spirit. Deep in our bones, in our DNA and in the whispers of memories we have forgotten. There was a time when we were deeply connected to these rhythms, but, over time, technology and our modern culture has separated us from those celestial vibes.
Aligning yourself with the cycles of nature as a practice can be exceptionally transformative.
Here is a simple, easy ritual that you can do on Mabon (Equinox). Do you have apples in your house? Good, why not take a moment and pause.
I personally, am taking the day of Equinox off, going and playing, taking that moment to move into ritual and celebration as it is also my birthday!
On Saturday the 25th (whilst still in the Equinox energy of balance and gratitude), we welcome in the New Moon in Libra, which is the only New Moon this year in this sign. The New Moon is all about a new cycle, and the Libra New Moon is all about finding ways to reestablish balance that has been lost.
Finding a sense of balance allows us to deal with life’s issues smoothly, and helps us to discover the peaceful neutral point from which clarity, common sense, and cooperation come from. It allows us to see where we are over giving and where we are resistant to receiving. (Hmmmm, how many of us have done that?)
“The cosmic music that flows from this New Moon is sweet, harmonious, and aligned to help us vibrate with our true and highest Self.
Under the dark night of the New Moon, ask yourself, how and where is my energy best used? Where can I be of greatest service?”
If working with the moons is new to you, don’t fret. You can explore New Moon energy here.
Okay, enough chuntering on. Let’s crack on with the reading, shall we?
When I asked the guides which cards they wanted to use, they picked the glorious Foxfire guides. Now if these are new to you, please let me introduce them.
Welcome to the Kitsune, the shapeshifters, the foxes and the magickal beings of immense and divine power, rich with Foxfire light. They are here to help you. They care, in their wily way, about interacting with us. They wish to light your way with Foxfire. They yearn to connect with you, to rekindle the sacred flame within you. For you. This is their promise to you.
For you are like the ancient wanderer in the forest who has at some time been very kind, for no good reason, and at no small inconvenience to yourself. And Kitsune have noticed this kindness, and so now they come to you, with their messages and their blessings, with the rice of abundance and the ancient flame with its power to bring us back to life.
They wish for you to know the wisdom and the secrets and the powers that lie within you. These are the grains of rice that will feed your soul with golden light, with Foxfire, whose origins are ancient, until you shine once more like the bright soul you are.
Yummers!!! What glorious guides to help you shine!
So dear heart, be here, just this moment. Don’t worry about the other moments, they will or won’t happen. Just breathe into this very moment. Take a glorious deep breath in, and then a long sigh out through your mouth. Let your shoulders drop, let your jaw relax and breathe again in the same way.
I then invite you to see in your mind’s eye that place of balance, that place of neutrality, calm and ease. What does it feel like for you? What do you have to release to come to that place? What might you have to change to walk in that flow daily? Breathe that all in. Then when you are ready pick the card or cards that call to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Come see gorgeous one.

Within the world you dwell in, a storm is brewing. It is visible to many, so far, and most are completely unaware of its approach. They no longer notice the fall and rise of the air about them, the tightening of the pressure, or the release of rain, for they dwell within their glass towers and longer feel a part of the elements and the dance between them.
But you do, Seeker, and you are aware that there is a force gathering. What its outcome will be, how it will break, and what it will do are still mysteries, but you can prepare for this storm approaching. Others will not listen.
Others will see you as “negative” or “odd” when you inform them of what it is you are preparing for. Regardless, prepare anyway. Watch. And take care of what it is you need to do. This is nothing to be fearful of. It is simply advanced knowledge of a storm – and storms can damage, or they can pass by overhead and clear the air.
The Sentinel of the Skies, this dragon being, invites you now to see things from his magickal perspective – to go high above buildings and the everyday, and see the implications of the change that is coming.
Foresight is a gift and enables you to look out for those who will listen. Know that when the storm passes – for they all will – you will be standing strong and able to help others, if necessary and continue with your life. You are being watched over – the Sentinel will stand with you, always.
You are not as they expected you to be, are you, dear one? They thought you would be one who was more like themselves, who would be a part of the predesigned patterns and the wave after wave of people who keep the world travelling in the same direction.
But you, friend, were different. It was not intentional, nor was it a reaction – it simply was that something new was born into the world when you were brought forth. So now you are releasing the special light and qualities that only you can bring to this planet. And you will find that there are others like you. Beautiful souls who seem at times to not belong and who are sometimes rejected.
Yet, part of your creation, and part of your soul’s journey, is not to come here to be a part of what already existed. It was to come here to change what already was. And now you are at the moment where you will show who you are, all of it, without shame or fear.
You will no longer fear rejections or scorn or even the fear of disappointing those you love. You, all of you, are here to give to the world something that is needed, to offer it medicine, so that we all, human, animal, winged ones, all beings are released into the freedom to be who they came here to be.
You are flying free, now, and in turn, you will free others. So, bring to us your own unique vision and energies and experiences, and teach us how to become who we are all meant to be.
There is much within the world that can be misread when we look upon the surface. When we see with over-accustomed eyes the world around us, we cannot truly “see” what is there. We need experience and depth and perceptive attention when we seek to truly know something.
Go beneath the surface, which this beautiful mermaid is preparing to do. It can be easy to glide above and to avoid the depths or to fail to see the true power of something. Because we look upon the ocean and see its calm, we can underestimate its strength. And this is what you are being asked to do – do not go lightly into deep emotional waters, but know their strength and life-changing power by diving beneath the surface. Know that as you go deep, you will encounter currents and the power of the ocean – the emotional world – above you. But it is not the time to stay on the surface.
So many others feel this is adequate – and their lives are in many ways satisfactory. But to know the true potential of yourself and of your life, you will need to take a deep breath and dive deep.
There is no need for fear or for panic – remain calm, no matter how challenging it can seem to be beneath the world in which others seem too content to live.
This life is not for you, friend, and nor are the ailments and personal stuning of growth that others experience, over and over, because they never found a way to go beneath the apparent nature of reality and go deep within. Know you are seeing the truth about your own soul. Explore the hidden depths of life. That is a reward worth the risk.
Wowzer, some delicious energy and guidance there! So gorgeous one take some time this week to think about what areas of your life need a bit more balance, use the energy of this incredible Equinox to do some reviewing and releasing and play! Grab your Mabon Magickal Manual and enjoy the crispness, the smells, the beginning of the leaves changing and there will be no reading next week as I plan on celebrating all weekend! Have a fabulous next couple of weeks and huge hugs and squeezes!

Thank you for the lovely reading. Happy Equinox and Happy Birthday to you!♥️🎂🥳🎉🎁🎈🌈😇
This time Jenny I don’t know if it is appropriate but I can definately relate to all the cards drawn…each and every one seems to be an aspect of the life I am following…thank you I hope that is not the wrong thing to do. with love and care Barbara Powell
This time Jenny I don’t know if it is appropriate but I can definately relate to all the cards drawn…each and every one seems to be an aspect of the life I am following…thank you I hope that is not the wrong thing to do. with love and care Barbara Powell
Honey, there is no wrong at all. Your gorgeous wise self picked exactly what you needed, and if all 3 were it, then that is perfect.
Thank you Jenny, incredible cards. Have the most magical birthday and equinox xx
It was fabulous and rather epic to be honest.
Thank you sweet Jenny.
Happy Fall 🍂🍃🍁🏚️ 💛
Happiest of Birthdays! 🎉🧁🎈🥳
Thank you so much.