Happy, Happy Magickal, Marvellous, Magnificent, Merry, Manifesting March Monday!
Whoot! Whoot! March is here and I am thrilled (trust me if you could see the happy dance I am doing you would laugh).
I am thrilled because the wild daffs are out, there are carpets of vibrant crocus amongst the Garry Oaks, the forsythia is in full glorious bloom and this all means that Spring is coming!
Which it is! Which heralds a new astrological cycle and Equinox!
A week today here in the Northern Hemisphere we have Spring Equinox (aka Ostara).
I am celebrating by leading an in person circle, for the first time since moving here, a glorious Equinox circle in Creatrix Circle, and a circle for a wonderful colleague!
(So can you say – focused and wiggly excited!!)
Now you may be shaking your head and thinking – yeah, so what Jenn. Oh little one, Spring Equinox is a huge energetic time as it’s the time of Birth. The Birth of ideas, goals, desires, dreams and hope.
It’s the time to plant seeds literally and figuratively.
It’s a time of growth, hopefulness, lightness of being and spirit, and things that warm our innermost hearts as much as the glorious spring sunshine does the outdoor world.
For myself my whole mind, body and soul responds to the seasons and I have found that when I allow that alignment with the cycles of nature as a practice it is exceptionally transformative.
This is a huge part of the reason why I create the Magickal Manuals for the seasons and celebrations! So currently there is the glorious Ostara Magickal Guide and the Mabon Magickal Manual.
Our bodies know, it’s built into our Ancestral memory and our DNA.
There was a time when we were deeply connected to these rhythms, but, over time, technology and our modern culture has separated us from those celestial vibes and our own inner knowing. (Think about it, when you are surrounded by 8 feet of snow in winter time, are you craving a salad? I don’t believe so!)
However, before we barrel into celebrating Spring it’s important to recognise that the changing seasons are a meaningful time of reflection.
And as much as we like to look forward (what will the new season bring? how do I want to grow & expand in the months ahead?), it’s equally important to look backward.
It’s important to look back on the chapter that’s ending, before a new one begins.
How can you truly integrate your experiences if you’re so eager to just move forward?
How can you integrate the lessons you learned from the things that challenged you, if you just keep facing forward – never pausing to reflect before jumping into the next new chapter of adventures & experiences??
This time at the end of winter is a liminal space: it might not fully feel like winter anymore, but it also doesn’t fully feel like spring. We’re in an in-between time, a time of transition. And it is the PERFECT time to look back on winter & reflect on the wisdom this season brought you.
And when you take the time to do this kind of meaningful reflection, you’re able to move forward into spring a bit wiser, a bit more evolved – and better prepared to truly embrace the powerful growth energy about to flood into your life.
Here are some really insightful, empowering questions to ask yourself here at the end of winter:
- What inner wisdom did you gather on your journey inward this winter? What did you learn about yourself?
- What challenged you this winter? Where have you felt uncomfortable or out of sorts?
- What lessons did you learn? About yourself & about your life??
- Where is it clear you are ready to grow?
Okay, I have chuntered on (which I tend to do when passionate about something that is life changing). So let’s crack on with the reading.
This week we have lovely, delicious new guides who wanted to come play and they made me smile. As they are the glorious guides of the “Herbal Astrology Oracle.” So please, let me introduce you.
As above, so below. As within, so without. Today, many of us seek to reclaim the sense of connectedness that existed universally in ancient cultures, when human fate was wholly entwined with nature.
The world was seen as a symbiotic entity in which all living organisms interacted and supported each other, from the innermost cellular level to the outermost cosmological level. An essential bridge is being rebuilt between humans and nature, allowing us to access the realm of the transcendent and the land of the luminous.
Herbalism is the medicine of belonging, a gateway through which we keep alive a very sacred aspect to our source.
Perfect guides as we move to Equinox!
There is a lovely guided visualisation to help you tap into the Spring Energy and really strengthen your intentions if you so choose.
If not, just breathe. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth and allow yourself to settle in. Then when you are ready see in your mind’s eye a glorious young green shoot. This is your intention, your desire – invite it in and as you breathe into this gorgeous green being pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Shall we go look?

Rue is known as the “Herb of Grace” or the “Blessed Herb”.
In Spanish it is known as ruda, and in Greek, it is reuo, which means to “set free”.
Rue is considered a powerful and protective plant with a long and detailed historical use in both medicine and ceremonial rituals. Early physicians considered Rue a vital remedy against plagues, pestilence, and poison.
Rue is said to be the herb of angels, granting us the ability to channel the angelic realms.
It emanates golden energy, like a Lion, powerfully protecting and pouring in light into any space that it inhabits. Resilient like the wide array of Solar herbs, it grows generously and abundantly, thriving in all kinds of terrain, demonstrating its strong life force and vitality.
Rue has come to remind you to protect your aura from lurking and unhealthy people, spirits or situations that might be consuming your energy.
Don’t allow parasitic negativity to darken your field, which can create perpetual states of self-criticism, self-doubt, or self-loathing.
Call upon Rue’s power to shield your body with angelic forces and restore radiance, vitality, and love in your atmosphere.
Rue is ruled by the Sun and Pluto.
The Tulsi Goddess sits proudly facing her beautiful Peacock, symbolising heaven on Earth.
She raises her arms with grace, aiming them like wands to catalyse magic and wealth.
The fountain is centred between the Goddess and the Peacock, representing the wellspring created between Earth, the manifest world, and Heaven, the spirit world.
Peacock embodies the medicine of auspiciousness, magic, and beauty, reminding us that we are the living gateway to the greatest of mysteries.
Tulsi has come to you today to teach you that the key to Jupiter’s doorway (abundance and wisdom) is to live, create, and communicate from a place of wonder, innocence, and impeccability (Mercury), rather than doubt or confusion.
Don’t be fooled by material possessions or the vanity often worshipped in the material world.
Tune into the deeper realities that abound around you; be spontaneous and celebrate your temple just as you are.
Tulsi, also known as Tulasi, is frequently mentioned as one of the main pillars of herbal medicine in ancient Ayurvedic texts, some dating back to as far as 5000 BC.
It is known as the “Incomparable One”, the “Queen of Herbs,” and the “Mother Medicine of Nature.”
With its ability to enhance cerebral circulation and memory, Tulsi greatly embodies the archetype of Mercury, the great communicator who governs our conscious mind, perception, understanding along with primarily the nervous system, and respiratory system.
Palo Santo is a protective wand that grants us the power of unlocking innate gifts that have laid dormant, inactive, or blocked.
Palo Santo, like the Fox, is here to assist you as a spirit guide, who helps you navigate the spirit world.
The Sechuran Foxes, native to South America, nestle among the desert forest of Palo Santo for shelter, living in symbiosis with these precious trees.
Foxes are symbolic of the afterlife, invisibility, and the sacred trickster.
Palo Santo neutralises the venom of dark tricksters and alchemises its poison into gold; becoming the sacred trickster.
Palo Santo is here to remind you to activate your dormant gifts.
You are a guardian of the sacred that has walked many paths; know that you can neutralise the greatest poisons, back talk, smack talk and most certainly outwit the smartest of tricksters.
Palo Santo’s medicinal qualities are very Plutonic in nature, as it powerfully cleanses malignant energy, while being highly invocatory and perfect for strong intention setting.
Palo Santo has a long history of use as a magic wand that unlocks innate gifts that have lain dormant, inactive, or blocked, like wisdom, intuition, and sight to see into the past and past lives.
Wow, what glorious messages and guidance as we play with the building Spring Equinox energy! By the way, thank you for all your lovely messages and shares, I soooo appreciate hearing how you are. Remember to gift yourself one of the Magickal Manuals to embody this energy fully. Sending you massive squeezes, warm sunbeams and a bouquet of bobbly daffodils. See you next week! (Maybe lol).

Hi Jen could you please put in a para when you do these updates for us on the other side of the world where we are just headed into winter….Australia….thank you Barbara Powell