Happy Miraculous, Majestic, Musical, Merry, Manifesting, Magickal Monday! How are you delicious lovely? How has your week been? Can you feel the shift and change that is coming with Equinox? I certainly can! The leaves are changing and releasing from the trees and there is a different smell in the air, and I have been watching the energies ramp up for me in this last week.
Equinox comes on Tuesday, September 22nd – my birthday! Okay, great Jenn it’s your birthday but why should Equinox matter to me? Ahhhh, good question grasshopper!
Here in the North it’s Mabon, the second harvest festival. And whether you or North or South, what you need to remember is that Equinox is the balance point, the place where there is an equal amount of day and night. This festival is a time to look at the seeds that you sowed in the Spring, on every level, and reflect on how they have manifested. In fact a nickname for this celebration is “Witches Thanksgiving” as there are so many things to be thankful for. Most crops are in and the fields are beginning to look brown and are slowly going to sleep for the winter (unless they are filled with gorgeous orange pumpkins).
While we harvest and celebrate the glorious gifts we are receiving we have to accept that the soil is dying, and release. We have food to eat, but warmth is gently tucking behind us and cold and dark lie ahead. Now if this is making you gulp a little, don’t! Remember you can’t experience light without the dark and vice versa. When the day and night are of equal length, it offers a powerful vibration and harmony between the time of creation (night) and the time of manifestation (day). This allows the flow between creation and manifestation to be more seamless and flows with ease and effortlessness. There are no limits on what you can manifest during an Equinox, it is time to harvest, be thankful, release, let go and prepare for the more inward reflective times ahead.
And on that note, I am so thankful for all the lovely emails I have received about the Equinox Magickal Bundles (also known as MMM and OMM) and how you are going to use some of the rituals on Equinox or close to.
As it’s my birthday on Equinox and a fabulous manifestation time. I am test driving a wee Mini Cooper (bright red of course) and stick shift as I think they are so cute and quite fabulous! Then I will be heading to the beach and conjuring up a few spells methinks, whilst giving huge gratitude for all that I am, the people in my life and the changing of the seasons. How are you going to celebrate and what are you thankful for?
Some changes are afoot. I have been sending out these free weekly readings for nearly 7 years! I have loved, loved, loved sharing these with all of you all, but now I’m being guided to create something deeper, more connected and that will serve at a higher vibration. As you know the doors to Creatrix Circle opened on Wednesday and they will only be open only until the 29th where they close until December at the earliest. I am thrilled with this new venture, as when women gather in a circle there is a deep sharing of stories, a vulnerability and strength that isn’t encountered in many other arenas of life. The support that one receives in a circle is immense and bonds are built that transcend the normal day to day fluff. Which in turn raises the vibration, creates a sacred container and deepens the learning causing massive expansion in one’s own life, community and globally – and we are really being called to step up now as we move through this massive paradigm shift.
Thus, as of the beginning of October I will be sending out one reading a month and the rest will be done within Creatrix Circle, thus enhancing and supporting the growth of whomever needs to be there. I do so hope you join us as some amazing women have already! I’ve made it exceptionally affordable for Founding Members to join as Seer, and receive all sorts of practickal magic lessons and spiritual wellness, and for Sage and Sorceress to access private coaching which me. When the doors reopen in December, the price will be higher.
Okay, let’s crack on with the reading.
So my darlings with Equinox just around the corner when I went to the cards I grinned a huge grin as the gorgeous guides of The Faery Forest Oracle were adamant to join! Now if these are new guides for you, please let me introduce them as it would be rude not to!
“Let us enter the wild green world together, friend, the faery forests where the great trees speak with us, the moss soft underfoot, the light pure and gentle. The homes of the once Sacred groves of the Celts, the Saxons, and the Vikings…and to the people who were here long before we had names with which to call them to us – the faerie people. May the wild green world and the wondrous beings of this Faery Forest heal us, inspire us and urge us all to become more who we truly are meant to be.”
Perfect guides for this time, especially as Equinox is about the change in seasons, nature and the magick that is there, if your’e willing to see it. When I went to take a photo of the cards, I was tickled to see a wee little rainbow had joined us. Do you see it?
So delicious one, breathe out. Let all that old air leave your lungs and as you take a gorgeous inhale in through your nose and out through your mouth let your shoulders relax. Just BE here for a moment, it doesn’t have to be long. Then as you breathe; invite into your mind’s eye the energy of Equinox, what are you thankful for? What needs to be harvested? Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that call to your wise self.
Did you remember to pick?

Shall we go look?

There is a time for us all to gather the harvest to us. In order to do so, in the fields, the heads of grain must fall. In our own lives, we must similarly be ready to let go and offer up something of value, in order to make room for the greater good that can then flow into our lives, into our very souls.
When we sacrifice, we make something “sacred” by the very act of giving it up. It is no sacrifice to make an offering that has no value, no meaning to us – and so at this time you are being asked to give, contribute, and offer up something valuable to you in order to receive in return. What you give must be significant as there must be energetic room created in order for significant blessing to flow through to you in return.
These sacrifices do not always come in the form of the material – it is not always a “thing” that we offer or let go of. It can be our pride, our judgement, our human conceits, our petty quarrels and disputes – all of which fill our days with distractions that serve no one.
With Bloodmonth comes the need to make a deep and earnest decision to give up something that we have held dear – even components of our constructed human personality – to give them up to feed the hungry beings of Bloodmonth, who, although terrifying to gaze upon, will clear and free us in so many ways.
Have no doubt. From the offerings you make, the future is born. Now is the time to make that sacred offering.
When the Sigil Keeper comes to you, there will be no words. Instead, there will be shapes and signs and messages a-flowing, as tough a language of symbols is being shared with you. When she comes, you are being encouraged to participate in this process by creating and shaping your own magickal symbols and beginning to consciously choose the symbolic language that you are creating and connecting with every single day.
You may wish to find a symbol at this time that represents you and the part of the journey you are exploring at present. You may wish to look around your home and see what “hidden” symbols have worked their way into your life, and you may wish to rearrange these, remove some, replace others with symbols that are consciously chosen to be of greatest magickal support to you at this time.
Look at your clothing, what you wear, and see the symbolic nature of this, and go through your jewellery and consider carefully the energy of its symbols and whether you wish to connect with this
Sigil work is simple but ever so powerful, and this amazing being is a reminder to work with intelligence, and to exercise your choice at all times. You must choose carefully now what symbols you keep about you – for they have shaped you more than you have ever truly considered.
There are some who walk among us who have healing capabilities in the Faery Forest; this is known as having the “elven touch”.
You are being offered the assistance of this elven touch – a healing touch of energy that transfers to you some of the gift of immense good health, which aids immediately in your recovery. This transferral of magickal energy from the elves offers you a spark of vitality, that luminous quality that helps us to awaken each day refreshed and ready, with renewed enthusiasm, vigour, and optimism.
The elven ones are now stilling themselves and gathering their energy to send to you when you are ready to receive. To allow this energy to work its healing within your cells, simply find a quiet place to be sometime today. Cast whatever doubts your human mind brings forth aside for a time, and visualise a silver stream of pure energy entering your crown…..
Being touched by elves has always been known to be powerful – they can heal and they can harm, and for you, this transferal of energy brings forth great healing, soothing and a relief from physical pain.
Seek healing treatments that involve touch.
Oh wowzer, you really can’t make this shit up! Offerings, symbols and healing! Frigging perfect for this energetic time. So my delicious lovely, wishing you a stupendous Equinox, I hope you celebrate and do something to harness the energy and mark the changes. Have a glorious week, gather some colourful leaves and remember to be gentle with yourself. With change, whether it’s the Season or the energetics, can come a sense of dis-ease. Breathe, smile and now you are positively fabulous. And come check out Creatrix Circle, as you still have time to join and change this upcoming year for yourself. Big hugs and squeezes!

i chose came d 3. Elven touch. The reading was something i needed to hear. i’ve been greatly discouraged about a healing I need. This reading helped me so much! thank you!
Oh gosh, I’m so glad Gale!
Thank you Jenny,
I am giving up impatience.
I thoroughly enjoy your readings.
Hi Elizabeth,
Ahhhh impatience, such a delicious little thing! Well done you! Thank you so much for your lovely words. Jenny