Happy, happy Magickal, Miraculous, Magnificent, Musical, Majestic, Mighty, May Monday! How was your Beltane? Mine was Miraculous! (Ha, I slid another M in there).
Thank you for all the lovely messages about the Beautiful Beltane Book that was my gift to you. It was wonderful hearing the rituals you tried, the way you marked the day and the fact that quite a few of you had never done so before was even better!!!
I spent my day holding space for an amazing Creatrix Circle Beltane gathering (which was glorious fun!) Then out to the woods to do a Tree Blessing (such a lovely ritual to do) and then for the first time in my life I created a Faery garden! It seemed like the perfect day to do such an activity as Beltane is when the veil is thin between us and the Fey.
Oh my Goddess I had so much fun! Hauling rocks for the walls and then filling the glorious bed with delicious fresh soil. The garden has a glorious funky bright pink faery door with a wee little Narnia like lamp post next to it, surrounded by moss. There’s a stone pathway that leads from the door to a Standing Stone Circle. A fabulous ornate teapot in the garden which will either become a Faery cafe or a Faery School for Magick and Mischief. Antique tea cups filled with wee sedums, driftwood, shells and colourful flowers that the faeries will love (as well as the bees and the flutterby’s). Earth, Air, Fire and Water elements felt important to have. So for Fire there are wee tiny faery lights wending throughout so that at night everything sparkles and invites.
I felt like a wee one creating a magickal space and it was so much fun! Now to add to it when I find something that calls to me on my yomps with Danu! (Yes, I am that woman with pockets of shells, rocks, feathers and cool pieces of driftwood!) Lol.
As I sat out in the dark watching the lights twinkle amongst the ivy and throughout the garden I felt fully content and filled with joy. I got out one of my antique teacups and poured some good white wine into it and grabbed some fat raspberries and took them out to place in the garden as a welcome and as an offering to the Fae.
Sunday morning when I went to take Danu out the teacup was neatly sitting by the bottom of my back stairs. WTF? Empty and tidy. Um. An animal wouldn’t have neatly placed the teacup by my stairs and if a human had wandered into the garden Danu would have known. Sweet! I think the offering and the space were accepted!
So now I have a glorious project to keep puttering away at, thus, if you have any fun ideas for the faeries I would love to hear them. They seem to have more specific needs than Gnomes.
Speaking of Gnomes, when Covid first hit and we went into lockdown most of my friends were shopping like mad fiends online. Buying all sorts of random things, yet there wasn’t anything I really needed nor wanted. Until I saw the most amazing Gnome!
I have NEVER EVER been a Gnome garden ornament type of gal, but this lovely chap holding out a flower to catch the water in spoke to my heart and made me smile. So confession time, over the last year I have acquired 8 amazing, lovely gnomes that are scattered in amongst the herbs, the veggies and hanging out in planters. Yup, gnomes.
Thus when I heard an article on the news a few weeks ago about there being a Gnome shortage I laughed my soxs off! A gnome shortage – is that even possible? Well, it turns out that I wasn’t the only one with a wee bit of a Gnome fetish and with more people gardening, Gnomes were snapped up lickety split and hustled off to new homes. And apparently, with a ship blocking the Suez Canal not even the raw materials could be brought in to make them! (Who would have thunk it!)
So my advice to you, is if you have a Gnome in your garden keep a close eye on him!
With May here, the energy has shifted and we are being invited into the realm of It’s Time to Choose. To explain this Lena shares this with us – As we approach a major point of transition with the Full Moon and total lunar eclipse at the end of the month, we are being challenged to question, reflect, release, choose and commit to personal authenticity and the path of essence. This challenge invites us to choose and choose well. The choices require leaving behind old outdated beliefs, conditioning, suffering, addictions and other limiting behaviors. This is it. It’s time to choose. Who are you? Who are you not?
Sometimes it is easier to react to who you are not rather than searching for who you are. We have been imprinted and conditioned by a set of collective patterns that have greatly influenced our identities. The recent disruption in routines and behaviors has given us a chance to re-examine what is important to us, what we resonate with and what we no longer wish to blindly put up with. With the coming transition and change in vibration on the planet (identified by the Toltecs as the shift from the 5th sun to the 6th sun), we have the opportunity to reset ourselves by choosing wisely to follow our hearts, to be guided by essence, and to live our lives in greater balance, harmony and authentic self-expression.
This month is about choosing your path. Will you choose a path that includes suffering and bad habits? Or will you choose the path of spirit always moving towards the vibration of love, hope and beauty? There is no redemption in suffering. It is time to look through the veil of illusion and reach through it to the other side and into a new landscape of endless possibilities. We are at the choice point and your choices this month will carry a potency that will influence who you are, what you do, where you are and with whom.
Ahhhhh, delicious words as we always have a choice – even when we forget that we do. So what are you going to choose?
Okay, enough chuntering on. Let’s crack on with the reading! So when I asked who wanted to come and share this week I nearly wet myself laughing! The glorious guides of The Oracle of the Dragonfae were most adamant (I mean most adamant!) (You seriously can’t make this shit up!)
Now if these guides are new to you, let me introduce them (as that’s the polite thing to do). Feel their love. Know your power….the Dragonfae are our flesh and soul kin, our friends, our guardians and our allies. When we connect with them, we reconnect with the lost parts of ourselves, allowing us to fully explore the gift of life. These guides are the magickal and mystical that weave through the threads of every day, they are the Dragonfae, Gods and Goddesses who dwelt in dimensional lands….Eden, Avalon, Ys, Atlantis and Mu, they are Morgan, Guenevere, Merlin and others – fully alive and filled with magick! They are the deliciously magickal beings that have always been there, we just forgot, and when we connect with them, we reconnect with the lost parts of ourselves, allowing us to fully explore the gift of life on this beautiful green and blue planet, known by some as Gaia, by others as Dana, and by many other names.
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled to participate made me smile. Amethyst – is a powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others. Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser. Citrine – has the nickname of “The Merchants Stone”, as it’s most certainly involved with money, manifestation and marvellousness! Last but not least, Pyrite – Like a trusted bodyguard, Pyrite is great for the third chakra, enhances will power and helps overcome anxiety. A fabulous rebalancer and manifestation stone.
Gorgeous sprigs of Lemon Balm grabbed at me as I came in to write. Lemon Balm holds the magic of quiet, steady trust. So with all that being said, let’s go explore.
Take a moment to just BE. Breathe a lovely exhale out and then allow a deep gorgeous belly breath in. Invite into your minds eye a glorious meadow filled with wee daisies and wildflowers, each flower holds magick and invites you to make a choice. A choice that supports and nourishes you. Breathe until you are ready to pick.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go meet your guides.

See how my garden has grown about me? See how my children, the darling buds, clamour for my attention? They cry at night and can be so touchy during the day! I must shelter them from harshness and keep them in a safe place, till they are strong enough to branch out….even then, my watchful eye will look out for their care.
You see, so many people see the beauty, and do not understand where it sprang from; the rich, loamy soil. The sweet water poured from the water-Dragonfae into this earth, the minerals of the natural realms, the light of the Sun and the shining sweetness of the crystal moon have all anointed my garden with their blessings. And then there is me. So many see my garden, and wonder at it, but they do not see the work and the care that has preceded my domain. Its beauty is a result of love, care, natural growth and attention to each and every one of its inhabitants.
When your growth appears around you, from the seeds you have planted, take time to tend this garden. Enlist the assistance of like-minded souls, and just as you would not feed these tender buds poisons and pollutants, do not feed your ideas the opinions and energies of those who are not in integrity. Stay true to the vision of your creation and truly take a little time each day to tend this garden, be it of love, ideas, little ones or creative endeavours, until they are robust and begin to grow into their own energy. For now, it is the tender time, the time when the buds are at most risk from the frost of rejection, the poison of judgement, and the choke of cruelty. Be vigilant, and you too will have a garden for all to enjoy and love.
Many will feel you’re fortunate indeed to have created such a beautiful Eden, but they will not see the care you have taken to grow this. But I have seen. I have seen it all. Whisper to her your dreams and ideas, plant your seeds, and watch them grow. Allow her to inspire you with care for your own budding projects, beings, loves and responsibilities.
The emergence will come at the right time, because the bud will be forced to flower at some stage – do not allow yourself to wither in the bud. Divine guidance needs practical application and work. Action teamed with inspiration will create a beautiful, bountiful paradise. Work hard at what it is you love.
The feelings you have, of time contracting and expanding, are real insights, not simply your imagination. Time is a living dimensional being, whose powers include the ability to devote more time to those of us who require it, and for time to speed up or slow down then it may be necessary, too. It is in this way that we are able to divine and travel through the threads and weavings of time, and move forward into seeing our future…in truth, we are already there. And much of who we truly are remains an echo. The time beings of the Dragonfae, of whom I am one, know this, and guard and protect you from confusion. Similarly, they can assist you when you require time to be created.
If you feel you are short of time, send a thought message to me, the Guardian of Time, and I will send you all the help you need to meet your goals within the time you feel you have. Know that time is available to work for and with you; you need only tune into it as a dimensional reality, and connect with the time beings. Know that you are a timeless being. Know that you are dimensionally vast, that you are protected, cherished and loved.
If you work with time rather than trying to compartmentalise, control and define it, if we return to the lunar and solar and astronomical ways, if we celebrate the time changes apparent in nature all around us with the Wheel of the Year, then the time span we have will be richer and more joyful, our vocations will be discovered and we will no longer struggle to cram so much into our days. Because changing our perceptions is such a mammoth task, the Time Guardian is sometimes very tired, as the prevailing human mindset now is of time needing to be constrained and watched. He encourages us all to experience the natural flow of the energy we call time, and experience its multi-dimensionality. There is one simple way to work with him. Be in the present moment, more often.
I see now that events are moving extremely fast; this is a time of rapid change and creation, so rapid that you may wish to slow down, just a little. However I say to you clearly that the time to act is now; and that procrastination and hesitation are your enemies at this time. I can lead you forward through this time, and help you pick your way through the minefield before you. This is a time of testing and darkness, but through this you will grow strong. Be aware! If you have resisted your abilities, or felt blocked in terms of following your life path, these changes will take place very rapidly because they have been waiting for a signal to be able to come in, and they are working hard with you so you do not have to endure a long, drawn-out process of change. Truly, you are ready. Take flight with me, and know that taking your own path seriously and acting now with deep integrity, is the way for justice to reach you.
Do not give in to panic and do not run. Now is the time. If not now, when?
You have already tortured yourself in a thousand ways with your thoughts. You cannot avoid change; each day your cells renew, and all you have to do is breathe in and out for this process to take place. You are confusing stasis with safety – there is nothing to fear, there is everything to gain. A turning point in your life demands action on your behalf, and backing down or avoidance is not the answer. Draw strong boundaries and claim your space. Face trouble rather than turning away. Confront injustice and change the rules by which you have felt bound. Learn to work with your strength and your own ability to create deep change. Lose fear of your own power. Let your courage feel inspired and know that destiny has given you an opportunity to be the courageous being of action that you truly are.
Oh my gosh, I love, love, love the cards! Such perfect messages and insight for where we all are right now. You seriously can’t make this shit up! Have an amazing week! Be gentle with yourself and others, take time out to just BE and allow the energy to move through you and not get stuck in you. Make good choices! Massive Hugs and Squeezes. There won’t be a reading next week as it’s Mothers Day and I want to play!

Beautiful,. Thank you so much Jenny x
Welcome Andrea.
Beautiful reading. Thank you.
Welcome Deb.