Happy fabulous Monday and for those of you in the States and the UK – Happy Long Weekend! Whoot! Whoot! We had our long weekend last weekend and it was quite delicious to have time in the sun (it is a balmy 32C here) and play, garden, sleep in and just relax. I did feel rather like a lizard, shedding layer upon layer of clothes and basking in the sun whilst gardening (which is not the smartest thing to do for a redhead – tad crunchy at the moment). However, with the weather being lovely, the tools came out and a new planter has been built, some seeds are planted, the heritage tomatoes are still debating exactly where they want to be and lovely new perennials have been put in. Oh yes, and then everything got a glorious compost tea (incredibly stinky, but oh so delicious and nutritious).
I did experience a couple of first world, single parent problems. First, when your kids are out and you come home in a fitted dress with the zip up the back – how do you get out of it if you can’t reach the zipper all the way? (Paperclips is the answer, linked together!) Second, when the kids are out and you want to spend the whole day digging, moving rock, talking to the plants, how do you get sunscreen on your back? My sister suggested that the dogs could do it, but with them not having opposable thumbs, it makes it a tad tricky, plus they drool a lot!
I have a gorgeous new deck that I was sure would want to come play, but nope – still acting rather shy and wanted to just hunker down and watch, so the delicious and edgy Divine Circus hopped up loud and proud and insisted they were the ones for the job!
We moved about 9 months ago and right before winter I built a fairy bench around a massive stump (10 foot). As I have spent the majority of the weekend and the day outside it felt totally appropriate to do the reading on the fairy bench, because trust me – it is a gorgeous spot to sit and watch fairies dash in and out (ask my cat, she sees them all the time). It’s a gorgeous place to reflect, to sit and watch the changes that occur in nature and to celebrate miracles. Also at the top of this stump was where I fed the birds during the winter and I noticed a glorious sunflower growing up through the bench, so it had to happen!
All the crystals are citrine, the sunshine and manifestation, magical crystal.
Lets go, I invite you to take a minute to just settle into your body, if possible put your feet as close to the earth as possible and just breath. If you feel like a little visualisation to help, there is one for you here. When you’re ready, pick your card(s) and see who wants to work with you this week.
Shall we go see?
You are clever. You know how to play an impressive game of strategy to win approval and gain allies. Even without always noticing it consciously, you can sense what people want. Sometimes you are so good at showing others what they want to see that you forget how beautiful you are when you are just being you. But your time has come, the time to unveil the one true real you and attract the allies who are not interested in what you can do for them, but who love your for who you really are.
Any promise of success, love or wealth that begins with you contorting yourself into something you are not is a false promise. It cannot deliver anything worthy of you. You are not one of those fearful souls, but you know what it is like to have been caged in an invisible prison, a way of thinking and being that is not good for you. In times gone by, your soul has been shackled, your voice silenced, your true beauty hidden under more “appropriate” and “acceptable” guises, your intentions misunderstood and your words misconstrued. You’ve been like a beautiful wild creature, captured as though somehow you could be tamed and changed!
Be unafraid to discover the depths of your own being coming to life. If you do not, you shall bind yourself to a life far too bland for the colour and majesty of your soul. Being what another wants you to be is a false promise of love, and you are destined for love, real, wild, pure and true. Make sure you start by giving it to yourself, then you can share it with others and receive it from others too.
You will soon have cause for celebration. Whether a big win or a token gain affirming that the best is yet to come, sweet success is headed your way. Prepare to celebrate! It’s time to find the celebratory spirit within. Maybe you already feel it, or maybe it’s the last thing in the world you can imagine feeling right now, but whether it’s on your radar or not, a cause for celebration is imminent.
It’s time to spend your energy in playfulness. If you want more success, happiness and celebration in your life, you can enhance that right now by being happy for the success of others around you. Do you know that success is like a wave? When you genuinely congratulate another and feel happy for their happiness, your own energy field gets a jolt of that same energy. You attract it into your own life. You deserve success for all you are and all you’ve accomplished just as much as anyone else.
So be happy for another – even if a part of you wonders if there is enough to go around, if maybe they have taken your piece of the pie, or if you wonder if their success is really served. Let such thoughts be without adding to their power for thinking such a way. Just take charge and choose how you want to respond. Be happy for them and be happy for you as the universe is giving you notice of a party – and you are most definitely meant to attend – and it’s heading your way.
Bells are ringing from deep inside. Something that once had to hide is seeking your attention. It want out! It wants to be free! As you release what was once shut away, your discomfort shall turn to glee. You are a spiritual adventurer! You are not afraid to go to the edge of what you know, of who you have believed yourself to be. Even when before you there lies the darkness of unknown worlds, of undiscovered parts of you, even when you feel uncertainty, discomfort or doubt, you are still willing to figure out what it’s all about,
So you’ve come to a place in you, and in your life, where you don’t know. You don’t know what’s happening. You don’t know how to work through it. You don’t know who you are (well, not all of who you are). You don’t know what you don’t know. You are at the point of not knowing because you are growing. There will be surprises. There will be discoveries. You’ll feel awkward at times, like you are trying to see in the dark.
Don’t be afraid to let there be some inner rattling and rampaging. You are at a time when you are naturally diving into the darkness for a healing purpose. So ask the difficult questions. Do things you wouldn’t normally do. Experiment with thinking in ways you wouldn’t normally think. Be willing to let everything change for the better by first letting go of how things are now. The messier your inner world seems to be right now, the more you can expect complete and utter transformation as a new order comes into form. Expect the unexpected, for you were born to grow into what is happening now. It’s time to let the wild thing out!
So my gorgeous faerie of fabulousness! I wish for you sun filled days, cool evenings and time to tap into the magic, miracles and wonderment that surrounds you – you just have to be willing to see it. Oh yes and if you have an answer to either of my first world problems, would love to hear it! See you next week and you are always welcome to contact me.
Thank you. 3 and 1 were what my mind saw before I read this and they mesh well.
I love this one Jenny! #3 and it feels so true right now, as usual. ❤️
Awesome Sarah.
Thank you Jenny!
So welcome Deb.
I am caught between two worlds. In and out I weave. “Let the old go now”. The edge of the unknown,. I see clear crisp light, bright shiny flickers come into view. I reach and move slowly towards the light. I can see, smell, and feel deep in my soul just enough to keep me going. Oops, now let the old go…
Number 3 was my chosen cart and oh so true for me at this moment! It helps me a lot to know why I’m feeling a bit stuck,although I continue to go forward in life; card 3 has given me strenght! Thank you so much!