Happy Magnificent, Marvellous Monday! (Have you been practicing reframing Monday as we discussed a few weeks ago?) Did you enjoy the energy of the wonderful Full Moon on Saturday? I was so thrilled when the clouds cleared and there she was in all her brilliant glory, suspended against the dark night backdrop and lighting up the snow that we received last week. (Yes, yes, I did say snow – gulp!) It was quite bizarre, the other day the afternoon was sunny, mild and felt like the most delicious Autumnal day ever and then the next morning – boom! Huge cold Arctic winds and frigging snow! (Can you tell how thrilled I am about it?) Then on Sunday it was time to Fall Back – so in essence we kind of gained an hour which was lovely and it certainly makes the early morning explores with the hounds much more enjoyable (and visible).
I was rather blessed on the weekend as I attended a Veteran’s banquet and it was so powerful, strong and poignant. It wasn’t filled with political rhetoric, it was the sharing of stories, the honouring of those who have passed and the sharing of hope and gratitude for the freedom and the peace that we are fortunate enough to live within here in North America. The next day I was in a grocery line up and I always wear a Poppy for Remembrance Day, which is coming up on November 11th, and as I’m waiting in line the chap behind me started a rather odd debate about the wearing of a Poppy. He shared that he refused to wear one as it was a symbol of death to which I totally, 100% disagree. The Poppy to me is a symbol of Remembering those who bravely went to fight for our freedoms and well being. It is also a symbol of Hope, hope for our troops that are still deployed all over the world and Hope for a time of Peace. If you don’t know the story of the Poppy I felt compelled to go learn as much as possible and there is a great post here. As someone who was in the Military reserves and a reserve police officer and having friends who are in the military, let alone a father who was and a grandfather, I feel very strongly about the respect and honour that is due to those sacrifices and those that are still away from home. So after this conversation with said gentleman I started thinking about Peace and Hope.
Peace. What is Peace? What does Peace within you, Peace from you and Peace all surrounding you look and feel like to you? So I invite you to take a moment, just a moment and breathe with that. As you take a glorious deep breath in through your nose vibrate the word Peace in your mind and as you exhale through an open mouth send out the intention of Peace & Hope to whomever or whatever you choose. Keep breathing in this way and repeating the vibration of Peace within you, Peace from you and Peace and Hope gently surrounding you. When you feel ready, gently open your eyes and let’s go see what the message for this amazing week
The Sacred Rebels were adamant that they had to come out for this event and Rose Quartz insisted that they be the only ones (along with Selenite as an amplifier) to come play. Which I thought was very appropriate as Rose Quartz is an amazing heart crystal.
So let’s go pick shall we?
Ready to go see who wants to guide you this week?
Though it may be cloaked and hidden, within you lies natural magnificence, vibrancy and true uniqueness. The harder this is for you to believe, the more growth you are being offered now. Your opportunity for growth lies in letting go of the need to hide yourself from the world and to let go of any doubt about the wonder of what lies within you. It is tie for you to trust yourself and let the real, inner you out from behind the veil.
You know what you are doing! You have enough wisdom and intuition to be able to place yourself more fully in the word, to take steps to unhide yourself! Even if you feel you have no clue about what is happening at a broader level in your life, even if you can’t quite see the whole picture of what is taking place within or around you, you still have all the wisdom and intuitive ability you need to take one step at a time and navigate your way through absolutely anything that life brings to your door.
This is not a time of self doubt or playing small. It is a time to get in touch with the courage, boldness and dare-devil within, and to take that step, big or small, into the future that is beckoning you forward. You have the wings to fly. Sometimes we don’t realise it until we leap over the edge of what we have known and begin to soar into a new life.
You are being asked to honour the legacy of light that is your sacred birthright. This is a sacred endowment from the great universal source of light to humanity. It is the light of wisdom, creativity, radical courage, love and respect that is passed down from the heart of each generation to the next. The legacy of light is your spiritual birthright to refine and shine your essence into the world….to be like a sun, radiant and unapologetic of your nature.
The more you are nourished by this legacy of light from your past, the more you become a bearer of the legacy for those that will be supported by your light in the future. A creative choice you are making, or have made, or soon will make, is one that is in alignment with your sacred purpose and spiritual path of healing and growth. The legacy of light cannot be ignored without some detriment to your sense of wellbeing. If you were asking about a particular question and chose this card, then part of the answer to your question is that the issue at hand is one of utmost importance to your spiritual growth – even if it seemed like relatively insignificant question. You are to shine!
The legacy of light also asks you to call on the unconditionally loving support that exists for you, every day. This light will offer you all manner of assistance. To not call upon it is like starving because you have no means to acquire food, whilst a feast lays before your eyes – if only you would partake of it! You have some special creative and healing offering to make to the world in this lifetime. You will leave a legacy of light for the greater good upon this planet and you will be lovingly supported in many ways by the great creative universal intelligence when you ask for help.
The fool is a great rebel, able to thwart convention and tell the truth without restraint. Your heart is a wonderful, powerful, sacred fool! It cares not for the right way to do things. It cares not for what the mind says is real and not real. It lives according to an inner wisdom that cannot be dictated to or controlled by anything. It loves, it lives and it is what is!
It’s time to take your offer to the world. Don’t try to be appropriate, don’t try to be socially acceptable and worry about what others may think – just be. If you want to wear a mad hat whilst doing so, fine.
It’s time to leave behind what has been because it no longer feels right to stay attached to it. Your mind is a monkey puppet on strings. More often than not, it is cajoled into fear when it could be playfully dwelling in the radical spontaneity of life. So, the sacred fool in you urges your mind to let itself be pulled into joy by your heart strings not into fear and doubt by media or anything else. It’s time for you to play.
It’s time for you to let life happen in a completely unreserved, unscripted way. Life wants to operate more radically through you so that you become the conduit through which miracles and crazy wild synchronicity can occur. If you find yourself making choices that have others questioning your sanity, then you are right on course. You are just approaching enlightened awareness. There is a moment – sometimes a rather long one – when we wake up to life, shed our attachment to mass opinion and float in a completely different state of being. Stay on your path, stay on the journey, remember to take nothing too seriously and it will all work out perfectly.
Wishing you an incredible week filled with Peace, Hope, Ease and Effortlessness. Wear your Poppy loud and proud and please take time on Remembrance Day to send thanks, remember, and commit to being the Peace, Love and Hope that you would like to see in this world. Take great care, bundle up warm and see you next week!
Thank you, YOU ROCK! I appreciate what you do for us!
Tina Hardy
Cape Canaveral, FL
Thanks Tina.
Wow..weeping as i read these words for today x Needing to! x thanx x
So glad Gwen, tears are just energy moving. This is an awesome thing.
What a lovely reading. Before I pick a card I close my eyes and see what my mind shows me to determine the card I should chose. It picks it out in different ways. This time 2 LIT up like a spot light was shining on it with 1 fading into dark and 3 having a tiny bit of light overflow on it. Interesting that 2 was then all about Light. I feel like I don’t trust myself enough but when I “see” something like that in my mind I think maybe I really do but its just not the way I expect.
Love the way you described this Nina, absolutely perfect!!