Happy glorious Monday delicious lovely! How has your week been? How are you feeling? For the last few days the temperature here has been incredibly mild and the sun has been beaming and my body is responding – Spring is coming, spring is coming (thank goodness). So I have found myself up before even the birds are, bread made, house spring cleaned, work done to the max and massive purging. Personally, I’m just going with it as I love this kind of energy, (as does my work, my home, but not so much my family as I bounce too much!) Lol.
So with an appreciation that Phil the groundhog said Spring was going to be a while and the fact that Spring Equinox (also called Ostara) is about 4 weeks away, I thought we should exercise our play muscle to gently release us from the hibernation of winter, to slough of anything that is feeling uncomfy and tight and to get us to gloriously stretch a little and create some space to manifest a truck load and bounce into Spring. Thus, this week we are working with a new deck to many, called The Divine Circus, it’s fun, it’s edgy and it is created by the amazing Alana Fairchild (I love her decks.) So let’s go do a little bit of spring clearing. There is a guided visualisation below if you want to really drop in. If not, that’s all good to.
Trust yourself and pick a card.
You’ve know violence in your life; maybe on the outside, maybe on the inside with a mind that has tortured you with fear, shame, darkness and doubt. Enough of that now. It is time for a gentler way – less pain, more gain. No more torture. It’s your time for sweets and treats.
There is so much violence in the world, and in our own minds, that we can assume this is just the way of the world, that we have to accept it, deal with it, and thereby forget we have the right to question it and even change it, if we so choose. Even the most ambitious desires for healing the world start with us as individuals. We cannot bring more peace to the world if there is violence in our hearts. Regrets, shaming judgements, fear of not being good enough, uncertainty and constant pushing to become more, to do more, to have more, can become the energetic equivalent of beating ourselves up every day. This creates invisible bruises that never have time to heal because we don’t give ourselves the sweetness, kindness and compassion we need to break free from the abusive cycle.
This cycle you are coming to is sweeter, one that is more loving, one that promises new life. But you have to be willing to dispense with the violence, one step at a time. You deserve to give yourself a gentler life journey. Would you accept this for yourself? If there are abusive or toxic relationships in your life, then you’ll need to do some relationship overhauling. No matter how much the people involved may proclaim their love, if underneath it is unhealthy, if a relationship is holding you back rather than helping to lift you up, then reconsider its place in your life.
You can’t taste the sweetness that life wants to bring to you if you are crammed full of stuff you don’t need or want anymore. Create some space. Ready yourself for receiving life’s nectar and believe in the power of your new beginning. You are a true sweetheart of the universe. Let yourself be treated accordingly.
You will soon have cause for celebration. Whether a big win or a token gain affirming that the best is yet to come, sweet success is headed your way. Prepare to celebrate! It’s time to find the celebratory spirit within. Maybe you already feel it, or maybe it’s the last thing in the world you can imagine feeling right now, but whether it’s on your radar or not, a cause for celebration is imminent.
It’s time to spend your energy in playfulness. If you want more success, happiness and celebration in your life, you can enhance that right now by being happy for the success of others around you. Do you know that success is like a wave? When you genuinely congratulate another and feel happy for their happiness, your own energy field gets a jolt of that same energy. You attract it into your own life. You deserve success for all you are and all you’ve accomplished just as much as anyone else.
So be happy for another – even if a part of you wonders if there is enough to go around, if maybe they have taken your piece of the pie, or if you wonder if their success is really served. Let such thoughts be without adding to their power for thinking such a way. Just take charge and choose how you want to respond. Be happy for them and be happy for you as the universe is giving you notice of a party – and you are most definitely meant to attend – and it’s heading your way.
You are going to witness the impossible made possible. Whatever you think is lost, is not. Whatever you think cannot be, shall be. The universe is going to intervene and what seems to be over, shall in a new way, live again.
Sometimes, just when you think it’s all over, the eleventh hour comes. You can practically hear the opening chords of your swan song, and when you have finally given up, suddenly, somehow, right before your eyes, everything changes – just like that. You were free-falling and then, suddenly, you are soaring. Fate steps in, destinies are altered and life demonstrates its creative, restorative power, even if all seemed lost.
No matter how defeated you feel, no matter how many dead ends you’ve encountered, how many setbacks, how many failures, no matter how impossible success may seem, the universe has your back and is going to right things in your favour. You will succeed. So if you really must (sigh) doubt for one more moment – go ahead, then replace doubt with trust and participate in the divine defiance of life refusing to be stepped on or crushed. Why not just frigging relax and bear witness to the universe’s impressive display of life-giving power with reverence and delight? Gorgeous one – get out of your own way!
Thank you all for the lovely comments and the messages, I really appreciate receiving them. I have also received a lot of questions with regards to the crystals that go with each reading. So this week from Left to Right we have Amethyst, Aragonite, Smoky Quartz, with a delightful Selenite wand (as Selenite is an amplifier). Have a delicious week and I look forward to connecting with you next Monday.
Wow! This reading gives me such hope .
Yes!!! Andrienne, that is perfect.
Thank you so much I really needed a large amount of what was in your messages…..bless you and may you always live in joy and love…Barbara
So glad Barbara, and thank you for your gorgeous wishes, muchly appreciated!
That is wonderful Sandy, and it is relaxing into the knowing and the trust that it comes when it’s the right one for us.