Happy glorious Monday delicious one! Did you celebrate the New Moon last night? It was a gorgeous New Moon in Pisces with a solar eclipse. I personally took a bit of time and space, lit a candle, had some lovely music playing and wrote out my New Moon wishes. If you have no clue as to how to do such a thing, then check out this post on 10 steps to writing kick arse New Moon wishes! It’s a great way to harness the manifestation power and plant the seeds of new creations, or strengthen the desire for ongoing ones.
The cards that really wanted to come and play this week are a beautiful deck called Wild Kuan Yin Oracle. The art work is stupendous and has a very Tibetan feel to it, also the imagery of a wild Kuan Yin, a rebellious, playful, free being, really resonated with me this week. So in honour of that, the reading was done on a gorgeous white silk Tibetan prayer scarf that my brother brought back from his month long retreat and it is lightly embossed with mandalas that say “Om Mani Padme Hum.” Yum!!!
So let’s go see shall we what is calling to you or coming into your sphere of awareness this week. There is a visualisation if you want to take a few moments to get still.
Ready? So take a luscious deep breath and pick the card that calls to you.
Let’s go see, shall we?
I have so much that I want for you. I want you to experience all that life has to offer. I want you to see your dreams coming alive in the world. I want you to feel at home here upon earth, and to realise you have come here not only to serve, but to take delight, to become alive, to exercise your power of choice to manifest a destiny that is brilliant and beautiful and perfectly suited to you. So I have given you a sacred animal, a devoted body that has offered its entire life in service to your soul growth. This is a precious gift and one worthy of respect. When you love this sacred animal, and let him/her love you in return, your body and soul become as one, a divine wild love child of life.
The Divine Mother is bringing you something special – it may be an experience, a relationship, a spiritual or material gift, an opportunity, or any combination of these things. If you have been wondering if something you have dreamed of can come to life, can be made manifest in the physical world Yes! Be present to recognise and receive the gifts and opportunities that are rightfully yours. Take time to be open and connected to your physical body and the physical reality you can experience through being connected to your body. Look around you. Feel what is happening within you and around you too.
You are at a point on your journey where something in the spiritual realms wants to come to life in the physical world. There is an inspiration, idea or plan that is ready to take form, to take shape, to become more than a fantasy and become a living reality. Your body is like a holy instrument through which the sacred breath can flow and create sound. It is the vehicle through which the inspiration can become a manifest reality.
If you have struggled with body image, eating or health concerns, a resolution will come. You need to heal the relationship between you and your body so your dreams can manifest more often and with greater pleasure on your part. Why not give up trying to punish, push or force your body, or control and dominate her with your mind. Explore and find a way to relate to your body as a friend. Your body loves you.
I overcome restraint, imprisonment and conflict with a greater power, that of love. You have been on a path that no longer serves your highest good. Whether you believe you have chosen that path or it seems to have taken on a life of its own through habit and momentum, the time has come for you to be free from it. I shall free you from the negative influence of even the most persistent struggle or devastating conditions with one simple gesture. Do not be attached to the war you have endured, my beloved wild warrior. It is over by my grace. You are enslaved no longer. It is your time to step forwards, you are granted a free pass by the hand of grace and a new reality of freedom is yours. Feel no guilt or fear over this. It is your time to dance from slavery into freedom. Others will join you when their time comes. No longer are you required to go into battle. Come join my joyful dance of freedom.
No matter what the circumstances may be, or whether you think something should be ending now, the higher truth is that you have been granted honourable discharge for karmic duty completed. Soon you will be experiencing life in a completely different way, free from a legacy of darkness that once held you down, trapped in conflict that perhaps even became bitter, disheartening and draining. This taste of freedom bestowed shall not only be sweet, it shall be utter and complete. It indicates nothing but a complete and clean ending and fresh new start in an entirely upgraded field of consciousness where enslavement is replaced with freedom.
The Divine loves your fighting spirit, but you are to be protected from a too-long battle that you have been involved in or even waging that could poison your beautiful heart with bitterness leaving you depleted. Instead, it is recognised that you are in need of solace, sweetness and a sense of purposeful passion that does not dry you out, but fills you and allows you to offer healing to the world rather than trying to bend the world to your will.
For now, focus on you. It may be that your thriving beyond the war zone becomes an inspiration that empowers others to make similar choices. So accept this gift for yourself without condition. Your release is unconditional. You don’t have to do anything to earn it or grab it or hold it. It is given – now.
You have many brothers and sisters who are guiding you now. They understand where you are at on your divine path and the way to successfully navigate all matters of concern, so that you can cross the threshold from the old world to the golden temple. Your prayers for your purpose, to be revealed and to manifest, have been heard as have your prayers for help in all matters, and you shall be shown the way through, supported, every step of the way.
Every human being has a divine life purpose. This may manifest as a particular vocation to fulfill, but even the most soul-satisfying work will only be a part of that divine purpose. The purpose itself is to master particular lessons so that you can grow at a soul level, each being taking a step towards greater wholeness according to the wisdom of one’s own soul. There is no wisdom in comparing your own path, or appearance of success, to that of another.
You are being given a nudge on your soul path. It is either a step to be taken, a prayer to be said, or belief to be had, and comfort – even in the face of an apparently great challenge – that a path will open up for you, even though you will need to trust in the timing of this and the way it happens. You are being given affirmation that the path you are on is being drawn into alignment with the divine plan for your life by the loving assistance of these great beings. You are also being asked to learn to rely more upon your team of spiritual guidance for assistance.
If there is any matter with which you have reached a dead end – perhaps through trying to figure out a way to make something work, to resolve a relationship, a habit or anything at all really, no matter how hugely significant or small but persistently demanding of your attention. This matter needs to be sorted out a spiritual level. Spiritual adjustments are sometimes needed. It is just the way of things, and you have been given assurance that the brothers and sisters of light who can help you in this process will do so. Trust them, trust yourself to ask.
Wishing you an absolutely delicious week filled with ease, effortlessness and flow – oh yes and yummy cupcakes!
What a wonderful blessing! Every word resonated with my soul. I am on my journey and your words are just the encouragement i need right at this moment for me to take the very next step. thank you.
You are so welcome Rita.
Thank you:) I was drawn to the stone with 2 and the card for 3but reading both are absolutely applicable. I resigned my job today. They responded by putting me on paid leave til my last day, a gift I never imagined. I feel so light and happy, I can’t stop smiling and laughing.
Nina, that is glorious news! Go you!
I have done a few of your readings before, but today the audio and the written choice were beyond description. Thank you for this and your beautiful words and visualization! I can’t tell you what it did for me!
So glad to hear that it helped and resonated Lisa.
Thank you Goddess and soul sister for getting in tune and affirming what my heart needed to hear. And your mediation of the chakras was so so gorgeous and sparkly and delicious! A true gift.
You are so very welcome Stacey and I’m glad you enjoyed the chakra meditation, it certainly made mine feel all clean, whirling and delicious.
I’ve always loved the Quan Yin deck, and this time these cards really spoke to me. Thank you for the weekly readings. I’m always looking forward to it! 🙂
You are so very welcome Regina.