A human being is like a seed.
Either you can keep it as it is,
or you can make it grow into a wonderful tree with flowers and fruits.
What does it mean to FLOURISH?
To flourish means to thrive, prosper, or grow well.
It can refer to various aspects of life, including personal development, relationships, careers, or even ecosystems.
When someone or something flourishes, they exhibit signs of vitality, success, and fulfillment.
This might involve achieving one’s goals, experiencing happiness and contentment, or reaching a state of optimal functioning and well-being
It means to step into your Power.
Your Sovereignty. And to Grow Luxuriantly.

But how do you do that when the past keeps resurfacing?
We all want to keep the past in the past, right?
But what if it just keeps creeping in, no matter how many burning bowl release ceremonies you do? Or books you read? Or affirmations that you write?
This is what your past looks like when it comes back into your present …
Feeling stuck and paralyzed to speak your truth with your partner or another in fear of their reaction.
Still struggling to make the money you want to make.
Procrastinating on sharing your gifts and your wisdom.
Attracting similar people, situations over and over again, that walk all over your Boundaries.
Comparing and Judging yourself against others.
Making Excuses, you know the ones – too old, too broke, not enough time, who am I too do that or want that, etc. etc.
People Pleasing.
Getting frustrated, angry or resentful about why things aren’t moving forward in the way you want them to – you’ve written all the affirmations, right?
On the surface, it looks like these problems happening right now in the present have nothing to do with your past.
But when you dig deeper, you start to see a pattern.
These examples are just the tip of the ice berg.
Every issue you have today is rooted in the past.
They are stuck deep in the body, which sends you in fight, flight, freeze or fawn response when activated by a present day trigger.
They are stuck in the stories we tell ourselves.
So, a wee story, when I come out of my Winter Hibernation, I head to the garden – even though it is dormant I know the potential that lies under the earth.
I carefully prepare the soil (as I have prepared myself over the winter), and get it ready to be receptive to growth, to change, to flourishing!
As I plant every seed, which each holds greatness and wonderment.
I gently pat the earth that encompasses them and whisper flourish.
Flourish. FLOURISH.
I then provide them all the nutrients and conditions they need to do exactly that, with an appreciation that they are going to have to push some dirt and shit out of the way first.
Humans are the same.
We need to gently push aside the conditioning, societal expectations, the old stories, beliefs and habits (in essence the shit and the dirt), to claim our Sovereignty, our full potential and fucking FLOURISH!

Remember darling, the Path behind you is no longer an option. It doesn’t have to define your present, if you are committed to making a deep rooted change.
A seed holds boundless potential within its tiny form.
Jenny Heston
It contains the blueprint of the plant it can become: a sturdy oak, a fragrant rose, or a nourishing tomato plant.
It can’t realize this potential, however, unless planted in favorable conditions.
Like seeds, human beings embody unlimited potential.
They possess skills, talents, and abilities waiting to be nurtured and developed.
What is Flourish?
FLOURISH, is a glorious 12 week container where Neuro Science meets Psychology and they both meet the Divine Timing cycle and Spirit.
Think of it as Science meets Spirit and creates expansion and gives you Practical Tools so you can do, be, create your life with intention, passion, sovereignty and purpose.
These are tools that I live daily and teach 1:1 clients, and I know for a fact they work!

But before we dive into everything that is included, let’s be clear who this is for (as I don’t want you to waste your time, or mine.)
Who’s this for:
- you find yourself taking “one step forward and two steps back” or feeling “one foot in and one foot out”
- you struggle to find your voice and then struggle to use it.
- you yearn to embody the heart warrior, soul goddess and your Sovereignty, but aren’t sure how to.
- you want to be the mistress of your own power and reclaim agency over your life.
- there’s something you know in your heart it’s your purpose to do, create or experience but feel resistance around really leaning in and getting started
- you find yourself feeling inspired often and are ready to ditch overthinking, self-doubt, overwhelm and feeling paralyzed
- this is for the women who understand how abundant this life is, and are ready to claim their share of all the blessings, opportunities and joy waiting for them.
- it’s for the ones who know how it feels to be sick of your own shit – and who get that a community helps us stay moving forward without looking back.
- it’s for the people who understand the complex nature of the mind and get that staying unstuck takes work, and it’s easier to do with like-minded people.
- it’s for the women who know how FUCKING POWERFUL they are, and how hard society works to disconnect us, disempowered us and distract us from our potential.
It’s for you – if you’re ready to show up for yourself!
I will show you exactly how to take your power back, maximize your magic and live in your full potential – step by step.

What’s included in Flourish?
12 Weeks of Wonderment and Change!
Opening Ceremony.
Week 1 – 6 Live Call each week. (recordings available)
Week 7 – 12 Bi-weekly Live Call. (recordings available)
Life time access to all the recordings, workbooks and handouts.
Kindred tribe who are walking the path with you.
Learning Divine Timing and how to work with it daily for your benefit.
Private Facebook group to discuss what you are uncovering.
Unlimited access to me in the FB group.
Question and Answer periods.
Activations and Visualisations.
Closing Ceremony.
New way of living and FLOURISHING!
Early bird pricing (which is a savings of $600 ends on January 10th).
After January 10th, FLOURISH will be full price, and you will have to wait a year. .
Doors close on January 15th.
We start on January 18th!
As this is going to be an intimate, deep, rich 12 week container, spots are limited.
Can’t wait to see you there!
If your heart and soul are calling to you FUCK YES, but you just aren’t in the financial flow right now – let me help.
I’ve created an easy 4 payment option to ensure that you are able to access this work and FLOURISH! As I believe in you.