Happy Magnificent, Magickal Monday! How has your energy been this week? To be honest I noticed that for the last 6 or 7 days mine was “tweaky”. In other words it felt like I was itchy from the inside out, which is no surprise as we have a fabulous Full Moon in Scorpio (Sunday April 29th PST). This is a powerful Full Moon inviting us to dig deep and really let go, in essence allow some things to die, of old ways of being. It’s an invitation for transformation which gets even more amplified as we have Beltane on Tuesday! (I love Beltane!) If you want to get more insight on this Scorpio Full Moon, I highly suggest checking out this fabulous article at MysticMamma.
However, even with all the internal itchiness it was a glorious weekend of garden time, play time and relax time, which really charged me up (that and the fact I decided on Sunday I had a craving for Black Forest Cake, so made one and ate half of it!) No, there is no need to advise me on diet please, I eat clean and well about 98% of the time and if I have a craving for something decadently delicious, I am gonna fill it! Nom, Nom, Nom!
It was so wonderful to get beds upon beds planted with various wildflowers to entice hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and faerie folk to come play, and just to get covered in dirt and have that glorious sense of physical contentment of creating sacred space. Next task is the veggie beds!
This morning as I was sitting on my deck, with a gentle rain pattering down, it was so wonderful to look around and see planted up beds, that the Rowan tree had burst into full brilliant green leaf and the tulip heads were getting fatter. It’s not a joke, Spring is here! Which is no surprise as Beltane is the festival that heralds in the fertility and growth of Spring. This is the time of unity between the Goddess and the God and massive celebration. For those of you who are on the email list there will be more information on Beltane tomorrow and a couple of super simple (we like simple) rituals to mark this fantabulous day. The colours of Beltane are red, green, white or silver and the ritual trees of this celebration are Birch, Hawthorn (which isn’t so common where I live currently) and of course Rowan. Speaking of Rowan, when my fourth child was born I had a ring made of Celtic knot work with Rowan leaves on it to celebrate his arrival.
Anyhow, let’s go play with magick and invite the faeries in. The cards that were most insistent on coming to guide this week are The Oracle of the Dragonfae, and that doesn’t surprise me at all. This is a time of magick, fertility, conception and growth and who better to help us see into the realms than the Dragonfey. With the Full Moon happening I have had all my crystals sitting out in the moonlight getting cleansed and washed with the Spring rain (except my Selenite as that one is not a fan of water). So when there was a brief dry moment I went and did the reading outside and the crystals that wiggled and woggled out of their moon bathing place are:- Fire Agate, Red Snowflake Obsidian and Moonstone.
I’ve created a visualisation that you can use today and for Beltane if you would like.
If not, just get really present in your body, breathe long, slow and deep and as you do invite your inner wise being to come for a natter and ask what you need to know at this moment in time, or pertaining to a certain situation or idea. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that tug at you.
Shall we go have a look?
Never think that you are alone in this world…you do have guardians and I am one of them. I will literally ring alarm bells for you when you have need of forewarning and foreknowledge. There is nothing to fear when you receive these messages; you simply need to pay attention, take note and act when the time is right. I will always alert you and it is my particular domain and charge to watch for the new sky as the sun rises and to let you know that what you have hardly dared even hope for has every chance of coming true. Watch for the sunrise and know that as she does, so too do your hopes. And these bells will ring out for you to let you know of the approach of new growth, new warmth and a new energetic time coming for you. Listen and hear the bells ring for you. And then you shall awaken from your soul sleep!
It is time to be alert and aware; to arise early and to pay attention to the signs that abound around you – selectively. Focus on your mission at this time and work towards it. Be determined and do not allow others to distract you. Call on the Dawn Watcher to assist you to focus on the messages that are most worth hearing, and so that you do not go into fear. The Dawn Watcher is a very powerful guardian and will help you greatly be alerting you with plenty of time; all you need to do is pay attention.
Listen more respectfully to the bells of dreams, deja vu or of physical reactions to particular energies. The Dawn Watcher only weakens when you pay her bells no head, when you will not wake up and hear the calls. Know that you are always being watched over and being told through your body, your mind and your spirit of what is to come
I am Dragonfae, thus I am at once a being of copious laughter, and of earnest and deep study. Being Dragonfae, I know when to put aside my serious work and my mission, and play, laugh and love. I know the importance of devoting myself to the playtime that balances, soothes and heals my heart, and lifts the heaviness that sometimes accompanies my days. Can you do this? Or are you too caught up in being taken seriously? There is a perfect balance between serious, cosmic matters and playful light-heartedness to be found. Both Earth and star are necessary for all of us. We are indeed galactic beings ourselves. But most of all, your hope and optimism is paramount right now. Take heart, for delight and joy is yours.
You are about to experience a true reversal in your inner self: you will now think magickally and attain mastery of magickal consciousness. What you think, what you are manifests about you at all times: what you are now is the delicious light-hearted magickal being you were born to be. You are like a beautiful shining star; its light magikally transforming everything it touches. Rays of light beam out from you and your body is awash with healing green energy and fresh new life. You are dancing in the air, lifted up on the strength of your own experience and friendships, and you would do well to wear the divine colour violet, while the gentle zephyr helps your move in the direction of your dreams.
When we allow ourselves to shine we become who we were always meant to be; and by example we encourage others to become who they truly are. Drop the heavy nature of punishment, guilt and beliefs that no longer serve you. You are a powerful role model for others; you have experienced the joy of setting your sights high and the healing power of self-belief. You still have many experiences ahead of you on your journey, but this energy of the star is now your companion and your divine inspiration.
I wish to be honest with you, so you understand what it is you think and feel you are wishing for.
Do you understand that in order for you to be in connection with all you feel you desire that there will be what many consider to be sacrifices along the way?
Do you understand that what we can offer you is shelter, yes, soft and sweet, tender and shaded beneath the heat of the sun, a place to rest and sleep and dream? But do you also know that others will say you dwell in a fantasy land and that what you dream of cannot be? Consider the truth of what it is you wish for and know that whatever you commit to, expectations play no part in this promise I make to you… because I do pledge to shelter you and introduce you to magicks, to show you the ways of the Dragonfae folk and to help tend the little ones with me.
But I also promise you this: that your supposed nirvana will be muddy and dirty and difficult at times. There is no way for this to be what you fantasize about. You will need to care for yourself and to allow others to be who they are. For this is the path of clarity: knowing who you are and the part you play in all things. Leave your expectations behind and be prepared to discover more magick than you ever thought possible. Do not seek to possess anything…and know that you are free to choose, in every moment, if you will go on.
Do you understand that if you wish to be of this realm, and yourself entirely, that you will give up some old ways of thinking? Otherwise you may find yourself hurt by the conflict such incompatible thoughts and feelings will bring.
So deliciously lovely one, I wish you a glorious Full Moon and a magnificent Beltane. Remember, if you are on our email list you will receive more information on Beltane and a few easy rituals to celebrate the day and mark the moment. With Beltane being a celebration of passion, do something that you love this week and buy yourself some gorgeous Spring flowers! See you next week.
I truly enjoy your Monday night posts. I look forward to them every week. Thank you ❤️
Thank you so much Bella!
Thank you Jenny!
I have been paying attention to “The Dawn Watcher” more and more lately. I already see the payoffs of such warnings though subtle as they may be.
Confirmed! and worth it. Tis a very good babit to be in. Don’t force anything, for there is a reason something might not be working and another time is best.
I agree Connie. To take some time to pay attention and be willing (which is tricky) to relax into the unknowing part is a glorious thing.
I would like to be on the email list
Kendra, then honey bee, just add yourself. There is a sign up button on the top right.