Happy, Magickal, Moony, Maddening, Mirthful, Majestic, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!
How are you delicious lovely? Did you take some time on Remembrance Day to remember and tap into the potent energy of 11:11?
So let me ask, how has your sleep been? I have heard from many of you that you’re either having supremely vivid and rather odd dreams, or not sleeping well. No surprise! Eclipse energy magnifies the energy of the Full Moon which is happening on Friday November 19th.
And if you’ve been with me a while you will know that Eclipse time brings a lot of hidden things to the surface. Lunar eclipses tend to be highly emotional, so we may have a hard time being objective and logical, and instead jump to action without thinking things through or respecting others. When riled up, take some moments to calm down before rushing into anything.
This Full Moon eclipse is happening in the wonderful Beaver Moon, named after the diligent beavers who are eagerly completing their lodges and food stores for the cold Winter season ahead. However, beavers stay active all Winter long even when ice covers the water’s surface.
November’s Beaver Moon spiritual meaning symbolizes the beaver’s ability to be the architects and creators of their own life. This is something we can all endeavor to be! Use the Beaver Moon as a final motivating push before Winter to create action and transformation in your life.
Now is a time to finish the goals and intentions that are most important to you before Winter is officially here. Figure out what dams you need to create to stop draining your energy or allowing negative energy from influencing your physical and spiritual wellbeing.
While Eclipses can be potent, they do help us to level up and take a quantum leap forward on our path. Whatever falls away, as hard as it may be, is always a catalyst for our soul growth even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time.
So my sweetie, buckle up, ground and breath through the chaos both external and internal. Yes?
A simple ritual and spell to do under this Beaver Full Moon Eclipse is a Releasing Spell.
Cleansing your mind, space and soul.
How do you do it you ask?
Ask yourself what fears, baggage, and worries have you been allowing to take up space in your gorgeous soul and mind that are keeping you from moving forward.
What bad habits have you been continuing that are affecting your physical or mental health?
Then, make a list on a piece of paper and burn each one under the light of the Full Beaver Moon to eliminate these worries from your life. Make sure to use something fire safe.
After you have finished letting go of all that mental and soul clutter.
Use these words to seal the spell.
Chiron, wounded healer, come to me,
Release this pain and set me free.
Allow the wisdom to remain,
But the sting I shall never feel again.
By the power of three times three,
As I do will, so mote it be.
Take a glorious deep breath and smile.
Additionally, use November’s Full Moon as a time to cleanse out items that don’t bring you joy. Don’t feel the need to hold onto an item out of guilt or fear. I used to hold onto gifts I didn’t want or like for years! Now I don’t as let’s be honest, your home isn’t a place to store guilt or negative feelings, it’s a place for joy and happiness.
So purge that “stuff”, donate it, leave it out for someone else, regift it – just let it go okay?
And if you want to explore more spells, rituals and learn how to really connect to your spirit and magick, come join the amazing community over in The Creatrix Circle.
Okay, enough chuntering let’s crack on with the reading. So when I went to the cards and asked who wanted to come and guide this week and share their wisdom, the wonderful Kitsune stood up front and centre.
Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them. Welcome to the Kitsune, the shapeshifters, the foxes and the magickal beings of immense and divine power, rich with Foxfire light. They are here to help you. They care, in their wily way, about interacting with us. They wish to light your way with Foxfire. They year to connect with you, to rekindle the sacred flame within you. For you. This is their promise to you. For you are like the ancient wanderer in the forest who has at some time been very kind, for no good reason, and at no small inconvenience to yourself. And Kitsune have noticed this kindness, and so now they come to you, with their messages and their blessings, with the rice of abundance and the ancient flame with its power to bring us back to life. They wish for you to know the wisdom and the secrets and the powers that lie within you. These are the grains of rice that will feed your soul with golden light, with Foxfire, whose origins are ancient, until you shine once more like the bright soul you are.
So my gorgeous one, just breathe and allow yourself to settle. As your breathing slows, invite into your mind’s eye your gorgeous divine light and ask for guidance with what you need to release on this Eclipse Moon. If you need a bit of support tapping into this energy there’s a lovely guided visualisation to support you.
Then, when you are ready, pick the card or cards that call to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Come, let’s look shall we?

The Golden Moment occurs when, in one sublime convergence, all that has troubled or caused hardship falls away, and the rewards of all that you have done simply are available to you, in a lovely time of wellbeing, good fortune, and joy. This is a place in which we are filled with the light of possibility, yet we are no longer under the strain of effort and the pressure of former days.
The golden moment is to be felt and experienced, as it cannot be created or forced – it is akin to the energy of a holiday with friends, when there is true delight, a lack of complications, and an effortless ease. There is companionship that is soulful, emotional interactions that are true and without conflict and defence, and a sense of community and family around you.
The whole world seems to be conspiring to make you happy – happy because you have an inner contentment, a sense of belonging in your own skin, and the people who you love, love you in return. There is a sense of flowering, growth, and coming to a kind of ripeness at this time.
Enjoy the golden moment, for it is sometimes fleeting, so allow it to replenish you, nurture you, give you back a true sense of all that is possible in life, and sustain you through the days of change that lie ahead. While there will be other challenges to face in the future, for now, you are held, supported, loved, and cherished by the Universe in ways that are immediately tangible.
There will soon be opportunities for you, dear one, to share your wisdom with others. This wisdom is timeless, but it has come about because of your experience and your knowledge, gathered over lifetimes. It is simple and distilled, uncomplicated and without the desire to seem grand or mystical. It is the kind of wisdom that grandmothers and grandfathers who have travelled close to the veil for a very long time can pass along.
It is not resigned, nor is it fierce. There is a calm to it, and a value to it that is precious beyond words. Within this life, friend, you have walked with dragons, loved and lost, been cast out, and risen again and again to so many challenges. Now as you grow older in years, you can mentor and share, guide and teach, kindly and without ego or the need to impress the others who wish to know how to navigate the dark forests of this lifetime.
Take your time, and speak with those who need help. Share with those who are ready to listen. Keep the magick of the world alive by sharing your belief in the energetic realms and helping others understand that beyond what can be seen with the eyes are powerful ones dwelling just at the edges of our earthly experience – the old ones, the dragons among them.
Fear not that no one wants to hear your words. They are needed, and your stories will be valued and shared and change the lives of those they touch. Speak now, and let the others listen, for you have walked between the worlds, and we long to hear the stories of your adventures.
This speaks to you of your own inner nobility, the desire to be not only a good person, but also your wish to be an honourable one, and you are reminded of your own desire to bring good deeds to the world. You will keep calm when all about you fall into patterns that are of no use to any, except the howl of their own inner, wounded child. You will tend to your wounds, get the help that you may need, and become a better person.
You are part of the new day for the world, and you are to be recognised for your goodness. You have chosen right action and stood by a code of honour, which has led you to offer the world a series of acts of nobility.
Every act of nobility is no act of martyrdom – you continue to speak your truth, but without rancour and bitterness. Instead you shine with the possibility of what it could be like to be a great being. Through this process, you grow and nurture your own good luck. While you work on your own flaws and challenges, others see you as evidence of goodness within the world. They will seek you out and your services will be sought after, as you have developed a reputation that shines and will remain untarnished.
You are soon able to open up, share who you are, and welcome more affection and true intimacy into your life because you have done the work your soul required of you, thanks to your sojourn with the realms of Kitsune. Your own deep self-love has created a field of energy all about you that is attractive, resonant, and full of noble empathy.
At this time, connect and pray to your own Higher Self, and be reverent of the very simple truth of being alive and awake.
Woosah! Amazing messages for this week, I love it! So gorgeous one, I wish for you a week of release. Release of fears, burdens and angst. May you breathe in how frigging awesome you are and let the dross go with this glorious Beaver Moon Eclipse. Massive hugs and squeezes – oh and warm soxs!

Thank you for the beautiful visualization, thank you for the beautiful messages in the cards, and thank you for being you.💖💖💖
Thank you Barbara, I appreciate your lovely words.