Happy Marvelous, Magickal, Meritorious, Melodic, Manifesting Monday! How was your Easter weekend? (Yes it has been that long since I last wrote). I will admit, it was a rather bizarre weekend, social distance walking with my boys, social distance egg decorating in the garden and then video calls whilst we each made our own dinners. But hey, I can’t complain – the weather was stupendous, it was good to see their gorgeous faces and we needed a different type of Easter (I didn’t have to cook a huge meal!) Lol
There are gifts and opportunities in everything!
Which brings me round to the fact that I have been encountering people who don’t see the gift or the opportunities, and they want things to go back to normal overnight and are now starting to get exceptionally twitchy, defiant and angry as week four of social isolation and distancing comes to a close. The ones that are having a tough time with it are the extroverts and those who thought this “little Covid thing” (I have heard that soooo many times) was going to end in a week or two. If I’m the first one to inform you that we are riding these waves of change for at least 4 more months if not longer, I’m sorry. We are. So how can you do it with grace? We are all in this together.
If you are blessed to not be working on the front lines (and massive thanks to all who do), then you have some time on your hands, yes? Are you willing to accept the invitation to find and see the gifts and opportunities in this situation? Can you? Will you allow yourself to relax the tight hold on what should be and breathe into the paradigm shift of what could be?
When I reflected on this question for myself I realised I had a huge list of things I wanted to learn, to try etc. Yet my excuse had always been – I don’t have the time. Guess what? So I sat down with my list the other day and reviewed it. Did I REALLY want to learn Japanese Brush Painting, no. And so it got crossed off the list along with various other items. However, I do want to learn the guitar (which I am doing now), I do want to write more (which I do daily), I do want to learn how to longboard (which I am trying – it’s not pretty, but it’s glorious fun). I do want to dance more, so guess what? Every night when I walk Danu (the therapy) dog, I plug in one of our amazing Light, Love and Laughter playlists and I frigging dance!!!! 5 km of dance, fun and glorious laughter.
So what is the gift or opportunity for you? Who do you want to be at the end of this? (A question to Muse for sure.) Embrace the flow and the paradigm shift, it is far easier and more enjoyable.
Okay enough proselytizing. Lol. On Wednesday we have Earth Day and New Moon in Taurus, utterly fabulous!!! How are you going to spend it? If you had a magic wand and could give a blessing to Mumma Gaia, what would it be?
I love what Chani has to share about this New Moon:- This New Moon urges us to slow down, pay attention to our bodies, enjoy simple pleasures and rethink the ways in which we are using our resources. It calls on us to get creative with our material lives and innovative in the ways in which we think about abundance and mutual prosperity. Conjunct the game-changer of the cosmos, Uranus, and square the planet of form and structure, Saturn, this New Moon helps us to deepen our understanding of which structures can support the changes we are personally and collectively facing, and which are so outdated they have to be completely rethought. Taurus is a slow and steady sign, and the restructuring we are considering making at this moment needs to be integrated a little at a time, in ways that feel sustainable and supportive long-term.
What a positively perfect New Moon energy to work with at this moment in time! Methodical, grateful and sustainable – whoot! Do take time to write down your New Moon Wishes, or start a New Moon Bowl (such a delicious and grounding daily practice!).
Okay, when I went to the cards and asked who wanted to support and guide this week, the cards that were most insistent are The Oracle of the Shapeshifters.
If these glorious guides are new to you, let me please introduce them (as that is the polite thing to do)! “These are the magickal familiars, once the companions of shamans, witches, wizards, and wise ones – and now they are here for you. Now is the time for you to undertake a great quest – to rebirth yourself within this lifetime and this quest of evolution does not need to be faced alone. We change and we change again. We fear change. Yet it comes. For us to fear change is as foolish as winter crying for the coming of spring. Change is. Fear corrupts. These guides are here to support, encourage and help you through transformation and to teach you to let go of fear. True , deep change must take place for you to fulfill your soul contract. You may have turned from possibility to what you have convinced yourself is probable: You diminish your possible self, reduce who you are, and dilute your spirit. But even when you have sought to remain invisible and hidden away, and said yes to everyone else, life will find you – and transform you. You are never alone with these beings.” Phew! So there we have it, are you ready?
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled to come support are:- Angel Wing Phantom Quartz – fabulous for connecting to your higher self and to attain a sense of tranquility. Carnelian –stabilising, it restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Citrine – attracts wealth, prosperity and success. It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Oh yes, and glorious cherry blossoms wanted to share their radiance, and please don’t fret, they were placed in a flower bowl afterwards and are brightening up the corner table!
I am so loving the guides and the crystals that are present for this week.
So delicious lovely, let’s get present and mindful shall we? Take some delicious slow breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth and I invite you to ask the question – What are the gifts or opportunities available to me right now. Am I willing to move with the flow? Breathe that in and if you need some more support I have a delicious short guided visualisation for you.
Did you remember to pick?
Shall we go look?
You are transforming – both internally and externally – and this change is blessed, divine, and guided by your Golden Phoenix guardian. Talk to your Golden Phoenix at sunrise – and know that as you do so, your Golden Phoenix is recharging your chakras and your aura, and thus your experiences, thoughts, and reality. You are loved by the Golden Phoenix, and as you honour her with your transformation, she honours you with this marvelous gift of regeneration. Life from death. The sun from the ashes. You rise again, reborn. The Golden Phoenix is perhaps the greatest creature of rebirth and reincarnation. This sacred helper, guardian, and loving companion guides you to die before you die, to be born again within this life, many times. Allow the things that no longer serve you to fall like autumn leaves. Allow yourself to be reborn, like the budding leaves of spring. You are potentially in one of the most invigorating, challenging, and inspiring rebirth cycles ever.
You retreated, rested, and you recovered. And now you will reignite! You thought something – or someone – was done. Dead. In the past. But his once lifeless thing of ashes is about to flame back into full existence! You are about to witness a resurrection, and you and the reborn will have the chance to create something of warmth and beauty together – something pure, innocent, and wise that will benefit many. Life always finds a way – and you will have a Golden Phoenix guiding you to rekindle a dream you gave up on too soon.
Sometimes the transition between one cycle or stage and another is easy, fluid, flowing, and smooth. At other times it is rough, harsh, cruel, and painful. It is inevitable that, if we are truly alive, we will experience discomfort and challenges when confronted by the unfamiliar. This is no curse – it is evidence of wisdom being taught to us.
We change. We alter ourselves. We adapt. We choose. We become. You are now being shown a way and the gifted magickal tools to strengthen yourself while you develop your skills. You are also being sent a trusted companion to guide you through the deep forests of change. You feel very vulnerable, and there is fear in your heart. But why would there not be? Life is full of transitions, shifts, and epic moments when we can choose between our best self and the tired, conditioned, most often deflated self. In this time of change, there is no map, no guidebook, no previous knowledge to comfortably fall back on.
One cycle has ended. When a cycle changes or when we choose to create change courageously be challenging our limited self-beliefs, questioning our attachments to “truths”, or releasing our attachment to the way in which our lives “should” manifest, we are, either by choice or by contract, undergoing an initiation. A new friend, advisor, or piece of information will empower you. You must now shift the focus from what you fear to what you wish to become and face what it is that is frightening you needlessly.
It will not kill you. It might hurt a bit, but results will make it worth it!
Your focus on the pain of the past increases its power. Let it go. This early life-form wishes you to know that it belongs in the past – it does not want to be re-created again and again and again. It does not have any desire to be the source of your pain. You are giving your energy, your breath, your own life to the existence of one who makes no demands on you. The past has hurt you, indeed. But it is long gone. The harm you suffer from now is by your own hand. You hold the very knife that is inflicting the thousand cuts. Put it down.
The shadow of the past is feeding off your energy, becoming a living thing, when its time has long passed and it no longer belongs with you. You are offering yourself to the past as a victim, nursing pain and being suffocated.
Represented by this ancient trilobite, the being you have created from the past, who wants to be a fossil but whom you insist on bringing to life, your true self wants only to be free and to be allowed to evolve and change. For your own sake, you must allow the past to fade so the wound can heal, so the scar can knit and become a mark of power.
Our past is fascinating, our past is rich, and our ancestry is worth investigating. But to live there, to cry because we believe we are no longer at that one perfect time in our lives, is to deny the gifts of the present and the treasures of the future. Your sadness is of your own making, for you are recycling the moment in the past when all changed, when your world failed you, and this is preventing you from opening and being fully alive now.
It’s time to release all that, heal, and let it go. You can do this.
Okay, seriously you can not make this shit up! What glorious cards for where we are at this moment in time and all the gifts, opportunities and creating a new “normal”! Whoot! So my delicious lovely, I wish for you a week of exploring deep into your being what are the important things for you? What do you want to share? And whilst you do this, laugh, play and most certainly dance!!! Happy Earth Day and New Moon. Oh yes, if you are not part of the Light, Love and Laughter Community and would like to be (it’s totally free), just email me. Huge Hugs and Big Blessings!
Wow I truly love each and every one of your readings but this week it’s really rang truth! Im learning to let go of the person I was and learning about my new self, if I’m to function at all with fibro/CFS then I have to let go.. what a perfect reading for today thank you
Claudia I’m so glad! Hugs.