Happy Monday, happy new week, happy nearly New Moon and Equinox! (Happy glorious day to you delicious lovely!) How are you? Did you take some time in the last week to rest, relax and play? I pushed it a bit too hard over the last few weeks with work, staining, staining and more staining (I think there should be a staining recovery group) and my body finally said – meh, this is not fun and so we are going to hand you a lovely little virus that is going to make you feel like shit, slow down and sleep. Bugger! I am a very grumpy sick person to be honest, however, I have paid attention and took the weekend to read, sleep, eat soup, sleep and read. Although I did push a tad and insisted on building a gorgeous arbour header, stained and mounted it on Saturday, which I am very happy I did. Every time I look at it now I smile. Why? Because it is beautifully shaped and it has all the phases of the moon carved and cut out of it and that resonates for me. So once I had finished that I donned a big sweater, made a cuppa tea and curled up in a big garden chair and read my book and watched the chickadees attack the sunflower heads with vigour.
We head into birthday season tomorrow (note I said season), as there are 3 of us in September, 3 of us in October, 3 of us in November and 1 in December! Can you say – ribbon by the largest spool possible? It’s my son Ry’s birthday on Wednesday which is also the New Moon and mine on Friday (the Equinox), so we are going to have a joint celebration of birthdays and Equinox! Whoot! Whoot! Ry very kindly gifted me as my birthday present the new book from Brene Brown called “Braving the Wilderness”, it just came out on Tuesday and if you haven’t got it – go get it!. I was reading it this past weekend and wow, she blew it out of the park again. It’s about the quest for true belonging and the courage to stand alone. As Brene says – true belonging is not about fitting in, pretending, or making the people around us comfortable because that’s safer.
I don’t know about you but there have been times in my past where I was most certainly a chameleon and tried to ensure others were comfortable even though I most certainly wasn’t. Not a great way to spend one’s time that’s for sure. So it was interesting to see which deck wanted to come play this week, I most certainly thought it would be the Divine Circus however, it is one of my other new decks, The Isis Oracle and it’s very appropriate actually as it addresses the fact that you are a powerful soul who is awakening. The crystals that wanted to come play are Amethyst, Smoky Quartz and Rose Quartz and of course Selenite as an amplifier.
With all that being said I invite you to take a moment and just settle into your body. Feel your feet on the earth (give your toes a little wiggle even if they are in shoes), lengthen your spine and roll your shoulders up, back and down. Breathe gently in through your nose and sigh it out through your mouth. Give your shoulders another roll up back and down and when you feel ready, pick the card or cards that resonate for you. Trust yourself.
Have you picked?
Shall we go see who wants to work with you this week?
When you are being spiritually initiated into the mysteries of light, love and power, there are moments of deep challenge. The key is to find the light within the challenge – the learning, growth or wisdom that can be summoned to turn the challenge into an opportunity for healing. Initiation will occur at various stages. Sometimes your entire life will feel like an initiation, at other times specific areas will be flowing easily whilst others re deeply challenging. Please know you are not needlessly suffering. If you can find the light within the struggles, tests or challenges that face you now, you will experience breakthrough healing.
As an Initiate, honour life as a gift and treat any challenge or pressure as a way for you to grow into a brighter and purer light capable of great spiritual service on this planet. That spiritual service includes growing an ability to be able to love freely and beyond limits, to love with courage and faith.
In fact initiation for you now, dear one, is an opening to new levels of power and peace, self-possession and love. There are such sweet fruits waiting for you at the top of the tree you are currently climbing. It may seem as though you are in barren land at times with little hope, nourishment or encouragement, yet your spiritual oasis is not far away! The Lady Isis and the Power of Ra together are helping you grow. Stay focused on the Lady and Her love for you and you shall pass through the desert of the Initiation unharmed and deeply transformed.
Effect in the external world can be created through inner practice. Magick and Ritual can support your Divine Path now in the physical world and you are encouraged to enhance your power with regular practice. The results that you experience will encourage you to continue with the practice as you grow in power, grace, love, ability and wisdom, and apply your inner beauty to transform your outer world.
For us to grow empowered and potent we need to honour our knowing and being and cultivate sacred practice. Sacred practice becomes the habit of growing our spiritual power and consciousness. Like a garden needing regular care and watering to blossom and flourish, our inner garden of the Soul, where our creativity, joy, spiritual gifts and bliss bubble away, also needs regular attention. Coming to our practice takes strength and inner will – even though it can feel amazing, we still have to wake up, set aside time and discipline ourselves to show up for our own inner growth. We will reap the benefits when we do, but we must allow ourselves to fall in love with our practice, to craft something that really speaks to us, so that we want to do it. The desire and discipline together help us engage with our practice regularly and we can grow so fast it can be quite shocking!
You have great power and wisdom within you, but you need to provide channels for it to flow and be active and empowered in your physical life. Sacred Practice is such a channel. Without these channels, the ego is left to create on its own which is not much fun at all! The ego believes in fear and separation and no matter how much it may want to feel love, bliss, connection, joy and fulfilment, it really cannot do it without your spiritual presence in life. Choose what feels good for you and experiment with what might be a regular pattern of practice for you. You are worth the effort! Remember, whatever effort you do put in will be repaid to you in wonderful benefits many, many times over!
You are entering a fertile period of your life. Focus on your innate creativity and how potent this is becoming, and watch it rapidly grow! You are guided to think of yourself as a creative being and to surrender your control over how things will manifest and instead allow them to do so. Don’t resist change, instead flow and let it happen. Now is the time for your blossoming. Your Soul is hungering for creativity and manifestation of the beauty in your inner world, to witness it and live it in your physical world too. Much of your spiritual energy is directed into creative process and your creative powers are growing fast now. As you are gaining more potency in your creative flow, it is important that you use this growing ability wisely. Become aware of how easy and quick your thoughts and feelings are manifesting into conversations, situations and responses from the Universe. Notice how quickly your prayers are confirmed through sign and dreams, intuitions and opportunities opening up for you. You are becoming more and more swiftly that which you choose to think, feel, speak and believe.
Align yourself with love each morning so that your thoughts will serve you well and the manifestations you set in motion will be ones that enhance your life experience, rather than more of what you do not want to experience! It can require time, habit and consistency to change patterns of thought and behaviour but it can be done. You are guided now to allow yourself absolute and radical permission to detach from past thoughts and behaviours, to bear the challenge of not knowing who you are or how you will be on the “other side” of the transformation, in order to let it happen.
The Flower of Life contains repetitive patterns, each interlacing and inter-relating to the other. In this way, all that is required is to tap into one part, one element, one thought or one behaviour that relates to your desired creative outcome – and integrate it into your life. All the rest will flow through natural connection. You are in the midst of a changing pattern and although it might be uncomfortable at first, it holds the seeds of what you desire and to allow it to happen is wise and loving to the Self. Be brave, beloved one. The Flower of Life is nurturing you into a more whole expression of your Divine self.
Holy Hannah. Have I said how much I love the cards and how they work? So we have gone through Initiation, to creating a Sacred Practice to Manifestation. If you have never seen the image of the Flower of Life, there is a great article here. I have often used this pattern for crystal gridding and love it. So delicious lovely have a superb week, remember to plant your seeds with your New Moon wishes and if you are on the wonderful email list keep your eyes peeled on the 22nd as my birthday gift to you is a fun ritual for clarity, manifestation and magic on the Equinox. Remember to breathe, receive and allow and have frigging fun! See you next week or possibly Friday! Huge hugs and big love.
This is so Life Affirming for me!! Today is my birthday & this is such a Blessed gift for me this day!!
Huge & Heartfelt Thanks!!
Happy belated birthday Vera!
Thank you – beautiful cards. Happy birthday!
Thank you Nina!
Thank you….this explains the uncomfortable period that I am feeling in my life.
Sometimes Michele we do have those periods and it’s challenging to say the least, but it is transitory. Huge hugs.
Happy Birthday! Thank you for your generosity and sharing these readings.
Thank you Ria!
Your welcome.
Thank you.
Your welcome.