Happy Magnificent, Marvelous, Magickal, Magnanimous, Majestic, Major League, Masterly, Matchless, Memorable, Manifesting Monday!!! Why do I have all these M’s? Well to be honest I always thought that poor Monday got a bad rap. How often have you heard people say “Urgghh it’s Monday?” What a weight to put on one little word and one little day, thus last year I decided we needed to reframe it and make it Magickally Marvelous and the Most Magnificent time for Manifesting!
Let’s talk about comfort zone first and foremost shall we? How is your comfort zone feeling? I don’t know about you but for me the comfort zone can feel ohhhhh so deliciously safe and oh so cosy! As a massive introvert (and I don’t like labels) I am more comfy curled up on the sofa with a book, writing, or playing with a doggo than going out with a massive amount of people I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong if they are my delicious friends that I have known for years and I trust, I am happy to go out-ish and hang out. The issue is I moved. So for nearly 4 months I have had to BE and deal with shit that I hadn’t even thought would come up from other people and then on top it all to put myself out there and start making friends? That felt really tricky and the sofa looked far more appealing. Why is it when your 5 it is so easy to make a friend at the playground and you don’t even need to know their full name, yet as an adult it’s far trickier which is interesting as we have “better” communication skills!
Anyhow, with this glorious year being a 3 year – thus one of Joy, Creativity and Renewal I committed to stretching and stretching my comfort zone. Why? Because it felt tight, mundane and to be honest – a tad limiting. So I committed to trying new things, exploring new places and really being present. Good right? Then I got sick. (So snuggling in bed with ginger root tea and coming up with all sorts of excuses, reasons or just bullshit was quite delightful). However, once I felt hale and hearty physically it was time to push the boundaries a tad. Okay, so what do I want to do (and for some of us that can be tricky as we can default to the “what do I think I should do”.) Well, I have always wanted to take a drumming workshop, I have always wanted to explore if I can sing (as old tapes from my maternal advised me that was ridiculous and I had happily bought into that.) I would sing at home, I chant every morning, but to actually sing and have my voice heard by others would give me the screaming hebegebees!
Guess what? I started an African drumming course last week, I went Axe tossing (who knew it could be so fun) on the weekend and I also went to a vocal workshop called “Tune into Yourself and Find Your Voice”. OMG! Amazing, amazing, amazing – all three. Yet it was fascinating to watch my ego “keeper” as I call her chirp up right before every event. “What are you doing? Don’t you feel tired? Why are we doing this, it’s dumb! You won’t know anyone! You can’t drum, throw an axe, sing etc. See the sofa? It’s raining. Where’s a good book?” All that flooded up to the forefront and to be honest last Tuesday (first drumming class) I nearly bailed, but note the word nearly. Last Tuesday I walked through the pouring rain for 3 km to show up dripping and soppy for an African drumming class and I had so much fun playing with my drum and really connecting with the other 30 people that were there and creating something that sounded really good!
On Friday I went and tossed axes galore (and apparently I’m a natural). On Sunday I went to a vocal workshop where I found my voice, my voice to say what I needed to, to sing, to really belt my thoughts out, to meld my voice with others, to really tap all the way down to my root and again I had soooo much fun! (Yet my delicious ego “keeper” was advising me to stay home, stay safe, stay small and have a nice cuppa!)
Now why am I sharing this with you? Let me remind you, this a 3 year – Creativity, Joy, Renewal. So let me ask – what have you wanted to at least try that you have been afraid of? What would nudge you gently out of your comfort zone into something really cool? What would help you find your voice and your essence (and I know both of those are strong in you, or you wouldn’t be reading this).
On top of stretching the comfort zone we have Imbolc coming up this Friday, on February 1st and what does this mean for you? Imbolc is a Celtic festival celebrating the emerging life in the world around us. It’s a time to really plant those delicious seeds, to harness the energy of the 3 year and to really, really commit to growing, expanding and playing. Imbolc means “in the belly of the Mother” because that is where seeds are beginning to stir with Spring. It is the festival of the Maiden, from this day to March 21st, it is her season to prepare for growth and renewal. So what a perfect time to tap this glorious energy and overlay it over the amazing Eclipse energy we have (that is burbling for at least the next 5 – 6 months).
Then, on top of all that we have a delicious New Moon coming next Monday on February 4th, again a delicious time to plant those seeds of intent, the ones that help you stretch the comfort zone, explore your creativity and really tap into Joy.
If you are on the email list, on Thursday I will be sending out a more detailed explanation of Imbolc, Brigid (the Goddess) and some easy rituals. But for now – can you feel the fertility that is approaching? It’s pulsing everywhere, flowers are starting to push up, leaves are gently welling up into buds, seeds will need to be planted. Thus, imagine yourself like a glorious garden – what do you need to push the dross aside and stretch? To really bloom, expand and grow.
Okay, enough chuntering away (can tend to do that as there is so much I want to share with you). When I went to the cards to ask who would like to be present this week “The Oracle of the Dragonfae” jumped up and down. Now, if you are new to these gorgeous guides, let me give it to you in an acorn shell – “Feel their love. Know your power….the Dragonfae are our flesh and soul kin, our friends, our guardians and our allies. When we connect with them, we reconnect with the lost parts of ourselves, allowing us to fully explore the gift of life.”
Interestingly enough, when I asked which crystals wanted to come support, the rocks and the shells were adamant. Which actually if you think about it makes sense. We live on the biggest crystal there is and so the rocks and shells are the bones of what we walk on. They have been here thousands of years and hold the energy and the desires of all who have touched them and the mysteries. Oh yes, and Rosemary (which is a glorious protection herb) and delicious flowers insisted on participating. If you are at all worried they were discarded afterwards, let me assure you Rosemary went in a glorious soup and the flowers are in an egg cup.
I invite you to take a moment, the longer the better, but even a minute of gifting yourself stillness and breathe where the sides of your rib cage push out is all good. Just breathe, and in your minds eye I invite you to see those wiggly, jiggly bits outside of your comfort zone that soooo want you to come play with them, but of course – you’ve been busy and it feels rather scary. Breathe into what they are, give them life, acknowledge them and with them burbling and swooping in your minds eye ask yourself what’s stopping you. What fear, limiting belief or anything is limiting you playing with the wiggly, jiggly bits outside of your comfort zone. Yes? Then when you’re ready, pick the card or cards that call to you.
Shall we pick?
Fancy a look?
We are the ones who have seen you in those moments you humans describe as dark – the ones you so often wish to run and hide from, the ones you fear because you misunderstand their purpose, the ones you shun. Your loathing of your shadow has sometimes driven you to seek and ending. But a literal ending is not necessary. In every culture on this planet, old and new, there has been a ritual that lets you die to your old self, one in which the wise man or woman is guided through a journey to their own underworld. We too know of this underworld, as we dwell there from time to time, and here we are now, in this underworld, waiting for you to descend in order to be reborn.
Fear not your “dark” moments. For in the dark are the shadows, easeful rest and the deep knowledge of the heart and the soul. In this place the seeds you need to plant can flourish and what you feel are dark and “bad” thoughts are in fact manifestations of the desire to die to the self that no longer feels its true self to be captured in its outside form.
You are remaking your own soulself, and in this magick and ritual endarkenment lie the seeds of your reawakening and your own rebirth. We are with you, circling you and clearing and cleansing your energy. There is no beginning and no end, just the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Now, it feels like death…but it is a death to the old self…not a literal death. Do not fear. You are about to be reborn. Take heart and know that soon you will feel whole again.
I see now that events are moving extremely fast; this is a time of rapid change and creation, so rapid that you may wish to slow down, just a little. However I say to you clearly that the time to act is now; and that procrastination and hesitation are your enemies at this time. I can lead you forward through this time, and help you pick your way through the minefield before you. This is a time of testing and darkness, but through this you will grow strong. Be aware! If you have resisted your abilities, or felt blocked in terms of following your life path, these changes will take place very rapidly because they have been waiting for a signal to be able to come in, and they are working hard with you so you do not have to endure a long, drawn-out process of change. Truly, you are ready. Take flight with me, and know that taking your own path seriously and acting now with deep integrity, is the way for justice to reach you.
Do not give in to panic and do not run. Now is the time. If not now, when?
You have already tortured yourself in a thousand ways with your thoughts. You cannot avoid change; each day your cells renew, and all you have to do is breathe in and out for this process to take place. You are confusing stasis with safety – there is nothing to fear, there is everything to gain. A turning point in your life demands action on your behalf, and backing down or avoidance is not the answer. Draw strong boundaries and claim your space. Face trouble rather than turning away. Confront injustice and change the rules by which you have felt bound. Learn to work with your strength and your own ability to create deep change. Lose fear of your own power. Let your courage feel inspired and know that destiny has given you an opportunity to be the courageous being of action that you truly are.
I am Dragonfae, thus I am at once a being of copious laughter, and of earnest and deep study. Being Dragonfae, I know when to put aside my serious work and my mission, and play, laugh and love. I know the importance of devoting myself to the playtime that balances, soothes and heals my heart, and lifts the heaviness that sometimes accompanies my days. Can you do this? Or are you too caught up in being taken seriously? There is a perfect balance between serious, cosmic matters and playful light-heartedness to be found. Both Earth and star are necessary for all of us. We are indeed galactic beings ourselves. But most of all, your hope and optimism is paramount right now. Take heart, for delight and joy is yours.
You are about to experience a true reversal in your inner self: you will now think magickally and attain mastery of magickal consciousness. What you think, what you are manifests about you at all times: what you are now is the delicious light-hearted magickal being you were born to be. You are like a beautiful shining star; its light magikally transforming everything it touches. Rays of light beam out from you and your body is awash with healing green energy and fresh new life. You are dancing in the air, lifted up on the strength of your own experience and friendships, and you would do well to wear the divine colour violet, while the gentle zephyr helps your move in the direction of your dreams.
When we allow ourselves to shine we become who we were always meant to be; and by example we encourage others to become who they truly are. Drop the heavy nature of punishment, guilt and beliefs that no longer serve you. You are a powerful role model for others; you have experienced the joy of setting your sights high and the healing power of self-belief. You still have many experiences ahead of you on your journey, but this energy of the star is now your companion and your divine inspiration.
Okay, I will say I use this deck a plethora of times – yet the only time The Morrighan or Chenguang come to play is in this public arena. Thus, someone here is meant to hear the message again (are you listening)? I would also like to say thank you for your glorious emails and shares – I really appreciate and treasure them. Wishing you wiggle room and expansion with your comfort zone and a glorious Imbolc. Remember to plant the seeds and nurture them. Huge hugs and squeezes and new green shoots!
Thank you for the reading… Twas meant to kick me in the right direction. Chose number 2. Morrigan had made her point clear for me full strength of Love n Light for all our journeys to come ❤
Morrighan is amazing at being clear and gently inviting (or heavily nudging) us where we should BE.
Thank you for the reading… Twas meant to kick me in the right direction. Chose number 2. Morrigan had made her point clear for me. Full strength of Love n Light for all our journeys to come.
Morrighan is amazing. She is fierce but tender.