Hello gorgeous, gorgeous lovely! Happy Marvelous, Magnificent, Magnanimous, Momentous, Mystical, Merry, Manifesting Monday! How has your week been? How are you feeling? This week has been amazing, challenging and so many cool synchronicities and places of connection as I really stretched my comfort bubble. But more on that in a bit. Today, we are celebrating my lovely 4th child (in case you are a tad gobsmacked, I do have 5). It is his 19th birthday today and I have to say he is growing into such an amazing, caring, clear young man.
If you remember, every month we have talked about a theme and the theme for October is “Taking Inventory”. This is where we all really look at ourselves, our resources, our relationships and really see where they fit, if they fit and what can we possibly shift and change a bit. Within this theme are peak times and a bit more “introverted” times. With the upcoming Hunter Moon on Wednesday the 24th the energy is more inward, a little lower. Thus, if you have been feeling a tad lethargic, more reflective or wondering why you aren’t bustling around like a mad fiend, don’t fret.
This glorious Full Moon is in Taurus and the invitation is to get really grounded, calm, centred and solid. (Think of Taurus the Bull). It’s a stabilising, strengthening moon and one to help with discovering what our triggers and our weak spots are. It’s also a time of self care and nourishing yourself first and foremost, so that you can nourish others and your dreams. Yes? So remember on Wednesday to take at least an hour for yourself and do something that makes you feel really alive, vibrant but also grounded – kind of like a calm, strong touchstone. For me it is most certainly getting out under the gorgeous leaves (whilst they are here), walking and just exploring, then finding a luscious spot on a mossy rock, or a chunk of driftwood and breathing in the space and the energy around me. (So guess what I will be doing?) Full Moons are also a glorious time of release and an easy way to do this is take some time, light a candle, write down the things you would like to release and if you find that challenging then just doodle on a piece of paper trusting that mother earth will guide and support what you need to release, even if you aren’t sure of what it is. Then burn it! Yes, burn it! If you need a bit clearer outline of how to do this at Full Moon time I have you covered!
This last week I made a commitment to myself to streeeeettttcccchhhh my comfort zone somewhat. As an intuitive, introvert, empath (if we are using labels), I can often hermit a tad and as glorious as that is because that quiet, solo time is my nourishing time. It is also important to expand that bubble a bit. So that was what I did this week! If I was going somewhere that was under 5km I would walk it, just so that I could see places, things, people and flowers that I hadn’t seen. Within the first day I noticed that people didn’t really look at each other as they passed by, so I made it my mission to smile and say hi to everyone I passed! The first day or so not much of a response, but by yesterday I would say I had a 90% response rate! Whoot!
I went and did a workshop of landscaping with native plants and I did a very cool alliance workshop where 24 organisations and institutions had got together to work for the higher common good. Now for a lot of people these may seem rather mundane, but for me they weren’t. Why? Being in a room of 40 or more people that I don’t know, exploring deep social issues that I feel are important – such as social isolation, mental wellbeing, homelessness is fabulous, but for me also rather intense as I will always show up in that kind of space – open, present and willing to show up and I have to remember to zip my energy up so I can do that without taking on all the energy of everyone else.
On Saturday I went for an explore on foot (and by the way I am averaging 14km a day!) The sun was shining, I had just voted (as we had a municipal election) and it took far longer than I thought it would as I got quite exuberant and filled in too many boxes. Thus, when they processed my ballot they sent me back to do another one. I had to laugh as to me it was like being back in elementary school and told to colour within the lines. Anyhow, as I was exploring various areas I walked down this street and saw the most bizarre “yard sale” going on. It was very eclectic and there was a sign that said “Everything a dollar, but there’s a free table over there.” I glanced at the free table and noticed there were 3 humongous pottery planters all planted up, kind of tucked underneath. Have to say my eyes lit up at that! There was an older woman with silver hair standing with her back to me and as I said “Excuse Me” she turned around and I grinned like a mad fiend. She was wearing a black hoodie with one of my favourite sayings on it:- “We are the granddaughters of the witches you couldn’t burn.”
A slight shiver went up my the back of my neck as I asked about the planters. Originally I thought I could take out whatever plants they were and replant, but as I looked closer they were all filled with the most amazing herbs. Herbs for tea, herbs for healing, herbs for cleansing. These were “witches” planters! This woman’s face lit up like a sunbeam when she saw me and she started chortling away – “Let me guess, you want to ask about the planters?” We had the most bizarre and interesting conversation that felt like when I would talk to my Great Aunt. I felt seen, valued, and those pieces that I often hide under a mask where tenderly invited out. The bottom line was I got all 3 humongous “witches” planters for $3.00. I quickly walked home, grabbed my truck and booked it back to load them up (as they were far too heavy to carry). Later on that day all the kids that are here and kids that aren’t mine loaded up in the truck and drove up the peninsula to a glorious farm where we spent a good hour or so wandering through plumpkin patches and finally picking our own pumpkin for Halloween/Samhain out of the field. It was sooooo much fun, so now we have 9 huge fat orange plumpkins waiting to be carved next week. An hour or two skipping stones on the beach together and gathering treasures, shell pieces, cool rocks, driftwood. It was delicious.
So what have all these things got to do with one another? I perked this yesterday as I walked and chatted with random strangers. Community, connection and realising that we all need to be seen, heard, valued. Again, you may think that is rather mundane, but for a lot of people it is something that they long for or hope for, it’s a delicious bite of sanctuary. So here’s my call to action, or invitation for you. As you go about your day smile at everyone even if they don’t return it. Take a different way to work. Stop and just talk to someone. Stretch your comfort zone, even if it is only for 5 minutes and welcome someone else into that spot. Truly look at another human being and without judging how they are dressed, what they believe in, how their hair looks – send them a blessing. A gentle wish for well being, peace and knowing they are loved and valued. Are you willing to play?
Okay, I have rambled on long enough, sorry. Let’s get on with the reading. With the glorious Full Moon almost upon us and Samhain/Halloween, just around the corner (one of my most favourite celebrations by the way). When I asked which lovely cards wanted to come teach and guide us this week it was most interesting to see that the Oracle of the Shapeshifters were front and centre. Have you ever met this deck before? Let me share something with you that kind of encompasses the energy of this deck. “It doesn’t happen all at once, “ said the Skin Horse. “You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time are Real, most of your hair has been love off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.” – The Velveteen Rabbit. In other words – All meaningful and lasting change starts first in your imagination and then works its way out.
When I asked the crystals who wanted to participate it was nooooo surprise to me that Moonstone came out front and centre, as well as Cinabrite. Thus, there is Moonstone, Cinabrite and Black Moonstone.
So are you ready? Breathe into your body, fill the corners of your belly the sides of your toes and the back of your calves and then exhale it as a train out of your mouth. If you would like a lovely guided visualisation with a blessing to mull daily, feel free. If not, centre, ground and think about the full moon and what you want to release, think about community and connection and what that means to you, and think about how does it feel to be calm and grounded as the wind starts to whip your hair up. Breathe into that space and when you are ready pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
So are you ready?
Let’s see who wants to support you this week.
Dragonling is the faery caretaker of the newborn dragons. Her garden is their nursery, their safe place, where they first meet nature, flowers, bees, butterflies, shapeshifters, faeries, animals, and now….you.
In a new world we will live together – the fae, as am I; the animals who gather about the newborn one in the magickal grove; and you, a child of the New Earth. This grove is a womb, Nature’s sacred temple of the Goddess and God, and in this place we are caring for the newborn magickal ones – and witnessing the return of the dragons. All that we feared lost from the world is returning; all that we thought impossible to hope for has come back to us.
The whole world is singing, is in love, because the rebirth of magick is taking place. We cannot live without magick. The dragons, the trees, the animals, the fae, and the humans must – somehow – learn to live together. Now that the dragons have entrusted their babes to us, we know the world can be rebirthed too. You have come through this time of hardship, and you, like the entire planet and all of her creatures, are reborn. Rejoice in this great blessing! They have come back to you! Sing your joy to this world – you feel the happiness of Gaia’s heart, hear the bells ringing out at every birth, and know once again that you live in the times of legend.
You have claimed your place in the world, reborn and tender, yet strong and honorable. You now must shift the focus from the self lone into the we, the us, the bond between all. You will not lose yourself again, as you once thought you would. You must shift the focus from the old self – for that self has fallen away and died, and here you are anew. If you shift the focus from the old self and the thousand petty worries and complaints that you can conjure, you will be of service. You will do kind things. You will be cared for. There is no further need to worry – only to live well and in kindness, serving something greater.
Most of us are encouraged to stay safe, to avoid what may hurt us, and thus we shrink, day by day. Many religions and cultures have supported this notion of staying safe above all other enterprises for over two thousand years. They have encouraged us to feel separated from a place of beauty and peace called Heaven, suggesting again and again that we have been punished, because we are here on Earth. We fear pain and feel guilt when we experience suffering: We must have created it. But the truth is that simply by being alive, you will be challenged. The truth is, you have chosen to come here, to evolve. And your best opportunities for learning and being taught great lessons lie in the moments others call painful. Whatever frightens you now is exactly that which you must do. The truth is, as Poe is demonstrating, the humblest creatures – even the pigeons – can fly high and far, and have much to teach and show us. By taking that chance, by doing something outside of what we consider to be safe, we will learn and be blessed with the experience of divinity on this planet.
You are going to be offered a chance to do something out of your normal reality, and instead of thinking it through, again and again, and analysing its risks until you are immobilised, Poe’s Brave Flight asks you to take the suggestion of another and fly high. There will be a message that comes to you via a text or an email, and it will be up to you whether you respond – or whether you ignore the call. This could be a trip where air travel is involved, or an experience where you will have to take some chances and be uncertain of what will happen. You must allow uncertainty to enter your life – because your life is being slowly killed by safety. Take the chance: Travel, explore, and overcome a fear of flying – all will be worth it, for you will discover something wonderful about yourself in return. You are brave and capable of greater things!
This Beautiful little worm may seem very humble and unimportant, but he can teach you about caring for that which seems insignificant or a little strange, yet so very loveable. Many people find you strange, and you often think that no one cares, but you are important, and there are people who love you very much. This creature will give to you genuine care. He will encourage you to rest; to exercise regularly, gently; to be very kind to yourself; to check on your resources and know what you have and where you may need to build up supplies. And he will help you organise your space at home, so all is not a frantic blur of homework and assignments and the pressure of keeping up, and you will have somewhere to escape and relax. There you can have your own rose, your own space, away from the stresses and demands of school, work, and even close friends. This creature may be vulnerable but, like you, worms are intelligent, alert, and very able. Most of all, they are love, and they are important. At this time you will be helped by having a safe place to be, and you’ll feel still, calm, and quiet, even if those around you are going a little crazy!
When you are going through deep change, you often are more vulnerable than at other times. The process of change can take a great deal of your available energy, and while you may feel well and know you can get through it, at times something – a psychic dagger thrown by someone who feels rejected by your change, a bug who nestles into the hole left by your weakened immune system, or simply old negative patterns – takes its last stand, as it knows you are ready to move on and tries to stop you.
At these times it is very important to treat yourself as the most precious, gentle extension of divinity. It is time now to rest, to give yourself permission to sleep more, to eat only the best foods, and to make things easy for yourself, just for a few days. Choose a beautiful place to rest and recuperate. Cocoon and comfort yourself for a time.
This is a time of restoration, and you must slow down, wrap yourself in a metaphorical cuddly blanket, and drift, just for a time. It is now time for you to experience the solace you wish for, to take very good care of your beautiful self, to slow down, and to heal in a safe environment you give to yourself. It is time to remember how loved you are, and that there are people and beings (including magickal beings) who truly watch over you and care. Remember to treat yourself with love and tender compassion, and others will follow. Before long, thanks to the comfort you’ve given yourself and the time out, your energy will resurge again, vital, flowing, bright, and quick, after this time of gentle sleep and rest.
Ahhhhhhh, Holy Hannah that was delicious. For those of you who have asked, I do the reading, without knowing the reveal. I then write and then I do the reveal to myself and to you and somehow, someway it all ties in. The Full Moon of self care, the willingness to step outside the comfort zone, the willingness to look at yourself as part of community. Awesome. So my delicious lovely, with the Full Moon almost here. I wish for you a week of self care, release and gorgeous big fat orange plumpkins! We get to explore Samhain next week – whoot! Whoot! Remember to breathe, smile and know that you are blessed, loved and cherished. Huge massive plumpkin coloured hugs!
Yours are my very favorite readings!! I miss you much when you’re not here. Thank you for your beautifully generous wisdom!! XOXOX
Lori, thank you so much! I really appreciate your lovely words.
Oh my goodness. I feel like my Auntie Chery sent nd this message. Her birthday is Christmas Day. Unfortunately she passed away. She always compared me to the velveteen rabbit. Thank you! Thank you so much. I’m crying tears of joy fir the message and tears of selfishness because I miss her. It’s true you don’t realize what you have til it’s gone. I focused so much on the person who could show me live , my mother) and I almost missed the live I actually had. I love you Auntie Chery ❤️
Julie, that is absolutely beautiful!