Happy Magnificent, Magickal, Meditative, Mind-Blowing, Meritorious, Musical, Motivational, Mesmerising, Manifesting Monday! (How was that for alliteration?) How are you delicious lovely? So much to share with you this week with Imbolc (we will get into that), February Energy Shift, a Full Moon in Leo happening and you asked and I listened!
So grab a cuppa and let’s natter, yes?
Okay Imbolc was yesterday. Now you may be scratching your head and thinking to yourself – what the heck did she say? Imbolc (yes it does sound like it’s looks). Imbolc is a Celtic fire festival celebrating the emerging life in the world around us as well as the Goddess Brigid who represents the fire of creativity, the protective hearth fire and her firewheel all of which cleanse and purify. Imbolc is a celebration, because for those of us in the mid winter it promises us emergence, growth, renewal and hope and massive cleansing and purification. Imbolc is the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox and occured on February 1st/2nd.
Okay Jenn, what’s that got to do with me?
Well whether you realise it or not your body is connected to the seasons, to the energy underneath you, around you, above you and in you. Imbolc is one of the seasonal changes on the Wheel of the Year. However, the Wheel of the Year is more than just the seasonal changes from spring to summer to fall to winter. It also encompasses the 8 holidays, or sabbats. Each of these holidays has its own energy and its own place in the cycle that influences. Imbolc brings us the burgeoning Spring energy that feels like a whisper or a possible promise, it’s the gestation time. The time to get clear on what you want to create or bring into your life. If you want to go deeper and explore some rituals and more information on Imbolc, come on over!
Also, quite a few of you have emailed and messaged me saying you missed out on the Winter Solstice reading special and was there going to be another one? Yes! In honour of this gestation time there is an Imbolc Reading Special from today until Valentines, with 3 new Readings added as well! Yes? Thus, it will run for 12 days, but as the spots fill up the special will become unavailable. And don’t forget, you can gift these to others, which a few of you have done! (Which I think is superb!)
Okay, onwards and upwards. We also have another energy shift on a Shamanic level and the energy for this month is “Management”. And of course the best person to explain it is Lena! We initiated the year with two eclipses stirring the pot of intensity creating numerous opportunities to crack open the potential for growth, expansion, new ideas, and intentions. The energy has been forward moving, barely allowing us to catch up with ourselves enough to sift through the bounty and put it all in order. We are faced with the danger of falling back on what we know, where we are comfortable, putting all our energy into what is familiar rather into something new that has landed in our field.
Management as a theme for this month covers management of your inner life as well as the management of your outer life. Management is a responsibility for what you do now with your new-found inspiration even if you see a challenging road ahead. There will always be an aspect of inner management as well as one of outer management. Inner management has to do with lessons learned and the discipline to change belief systems, patterns and perceptions that only you can change. Outer management has to do with the practices, habits and behaviors that come from those belief systems, patterns and perceptions.
Last but not least we have a glorious Full Moon in Leo on either the 8th or 9th (depending on where you are!)
This is a delicious Full Moon and the second one for 2020. The February Full Moon falls on the 8th or 9th of the month, depending on your time zone. It rests in the sign of Leo, and its energy comes to tend to the fire that lives within our hearts. It comes to clear away all that dims our light and separates us from feeling connected to our journey.
“Leo is ruled by the Sun, so whenever we have a Full Moon in the sign of the Sun, it’s extra special. When Leo holds space for the Full Moon, it’s like a ray of light shining down on all that feels dark and heavy in our lives. Leo is a fire sign that reminds us to connect with all that lights us up. It reminds us to connect with our inner fire, with our inner Sun, and to remember that life is for experiencing rather than controlling.
What sets your soul on fire? What fans your inner flame? What brings you a sense of purpose as you move through the experiences of life? These are some of the questions the February Full Moon poses for us. It wants us to connect with these questions so we can work on clearing away all separates us from feeling present and at peace with our lives.”
Wow! So with our gestation time of Imbolc we are asked to figure out what lights us up and get clear. The theme of Management invites us not to fall back into the comfort zone and the Full Moon reminds us yet again to find that fire that resides in us and get clear about it. Are you willing?
When I went to the cards and asked who wanted to support and guide this week, the glorious Faery Forest Oracle were most adamant. I was tickled as yesterday I went exploring the woods, hung out with the trees and just noticed all the little random daffs and crocus that are pushing their way up with vigour!
Now, if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them (as it’s rude not to):- “Let us enter the wild green world together, friend, the faery forests where the great trees speak with us, the moss soft underfoot, the light pure and gentle. The homes of the once Sacred groves of the Celts, the Saxons, and the Vikings…and to the people who were here long before we had names with which to call them to us – the faerie people. May the wild green world and the wondrous beings of this Faery Forest heal us, inspire us and urge us all to become more who we truly are meant to be.” Lovely!
The crystals that woggled and waggled (like miniature labradors) are:- Bloodstone, K-2 Jasper, Chrysocolla.
You ready? I invite you to just BE and BREATHE (please don’t tell me you don’t have time, as you do). Allow any heaviness to gently drop to the ground as you breathe long, slow and deep. Let it become cosmic compost to feed and nurture something new. Keep breathing this way and think about the seeds you want to sow in the Springtime, what are they? If you need some more support or want to go deeper, there is a lovely guided visualisation for you.
When you are ready and you feel relaxed, pick the card or cards that call to you, nudge you or kick you in the arse!
Did you remember to pick?
Shall we go look?
Winter has descended upon the Faery Forest. You have ceased struggling and fighting to change what is outside of yourself. Because you have relinquished the battle, you have won the war within yourself. You are now suspending activity and being in the moment. Through this stillness and inner consciousness, you are beginning to understand so much of where you have been and where you will go – and because you are fully in the present and allowing, you can also come to a deeper, more peaceful understanding of what it is you want, value, and desire.
This is a moment of complete stillness and simply be-ing: a long moment where you are completely present. You are as still as a chrysalis, hanging seemingly static from a branch, fragile and mysterious. Like the chrysalis, you will “do” nothing – nothing at all, except become yourself. Your transformation is being worked invisibly, on the inside, and when the time is right, you will share it with the world.
In a situation where you seem to have no control, no power, you are learning the most valuable form of power there is – self mastery. You pause with dignity and strength, and simply by doing this you create the right conditions for the right change.
This time will ultimately bring great peace, wisdom, and choices that enrich your life, others lives, and the healing of the world.
Not so long ago, all was quiet, dark, and cold…..but something has changed, and it will manifest into your world in significant ways – through you, and all around you. This is a time of renewal, a time of new beginnings and connections for you. Your energy will be extending itself easily, and you will fall in love with the new world you are creating. This is a time for you to actively pursue what it is you wish to create in your life and to acknowledge the presence of the powerful new energies all about you.
Each day will bring these changes, and it is as if life force itself is surging through you, and every cell radiates this bright, strong, fierce new energy.
To be effective, this energy must be directed – not tamed, but given places to flow into – and thus you must choose and shape the energies you are experiencing. Nature and its energies shall pour through you and it is necessary for you to quickly begin to shape these forces in meaningful ways.
This is also a time when you no longer see sharp distinctions between what is outside of yourself and what is within – you feel linked, connected, a part of a great natural magickal whole, and this empowers you into brave, open-hearted action.
Go forward and thrive, dear one!
You are at a moment of great good fortune in this lifetime. You have created for yourself more than enough, and now the goodness that is flowing to you must be invested and used wisely. It is easy to squander youth or beauty or opportunity, as they seem such an eternal gift – but this card is here to share with you that it is time to ensure that this wonderful moment is worked with wisely. Invest in yourself and in your health, create more wealth, learn and study, and also offer your support and investment to worthy others. Take care of yourself, and truly make yourself into who and what you have always wanted to become.
This time will come around again, but it will not last forever – and so Frigga wishes for you to consider the gifts you are being given, the bounty coming to you, and consider with great vision and earnestness what will provide for you and your loved ones in the years to come. Be ready to act!
Your future can be created now – and the present can become so rich and enduring that nothing can shake your ability to continue prospering – your skills, your home, your mind, your body.
Take care of yourself, and watch the good fortune that flows from your wise investment, for many years to come.
Gosh, this made me smile as it’s positively perfect for the energy at this time! So my delicious lovely, yes the Imbolc reading special is on for a short while, and I have so many wishes for you this week. May you gift yourself with time to focus on your soul’s desires and write them down! May you remember that Spring is coming and take this time to prepare (I have something amazing for you come Spring Equinox!) May you be well, May you be safe, May you be at peace, May you live with ease.
Huge hugs and love! (Oh yes, and glorious mugs of tea!)
I picked 1 & 3…both so perfectly sicinque as they resonate in divine timing with my minds eye, vision. Something I’d been gifted by a special messenger within the last year or so. I now see it to be. As I’ve been clearing & purging my home space over the last month. Haha, with lots ahead of me, to cypher through. Not really knowing whats to come. I can see and feel how this vision fits into my life. Of course knowing the universe may still hold some twist & turns in the making of the fruition to come. I will journal this so not to side step as I purge ahead.
Thank you, lovely Jenny for sharing your gifts with the world…
I love that you said you would write so as not to side step as you purge! Well done!!!