Ahhh, it’s good to be back! How are you? Happy Monday! I hope you have had a stupendous couple of weeks, and have made sure to get out and do something that ignites your soul and makes you laugh until you want to snort!
We had a fabulous Thanksgiving the other weekend, great food, amazing friends and family, large fire and big laughter. It was absolutely perfect and ham/split pea soup and turkey soup ensued afterwards. Nom, nom, nom. It has also been the time to work on the renovations (have I said I loathe sanding gyprock?) and time to put the garden to bed. The other weekend I had over 200 bulbs to go in and I had picked up multiple bales of straw. So I grabbed my 10 year old and advised (don’t you love that word), that he was going to come give me a hand. Now don’t get me wrong, I love this little chap to pieces but he is certainly not uber keen to play in the dirt, garden, build or any of those things, however bless his cotton soxs, he zipped up his hoodie and out we went.
He couldn’t quite get what I meant when I said “We need to pop some bulbs in and put the garden beds to sleep for the winter.” Hmmm, how to explain this. ….. So we nattered about how the garden beds had provided glorious food and flowers for quite a while, he got that. How like humans we need to replenish, restore and rest, he got that. So I explained what we were doing was removing all the detritus (dead plants, old flowers etc) preparing the glorious garden beds and popping little bulbs into them. “But why are we planting things if they need a rest?” Good question! These little bulbs are like ideas, goals and dreams – think of that skateboard you wanted so badly and you thought about everyday and saved up for, he got that. Did your skateboard come overnight? No. These bulbs are the same, we whisper something lovely to them as we create a hole in the soil for them to get comfy in and then slowly put out roots, however, they won’t flourish or raise their gorgeous green spikes until they are ready in the Spring. Sweet! He go that and happily started planting daffs, tulips, crocus, snowdrops and a myriad of others. As he planted I weeded out the next bed and I grinned like the Cheshire Cat when I heard him whispering and talking to the bulbs! Once we had a few beds done then came the straw, big thick layers of straw gently placed and patted. But why? “Do you like your down duvet at night?” Yes. “Why?” It keeps me toasty warm and makes me feel safe and comfy. Exactly! The thick layers of straw that we are putting down are like gorgeous duvets for the bulbs and the earth. It keeps everyone safe, stops squirrels and racoons coming and digging up the bulbs and they feel cosy and comfy as they sleep their way into existence. He got it! As he heaped straw onto the beds he gently pushed and patted it down and talked to the beds and said he hoped they would be warm and cosy and he was looking forward to seeing them in the early Spring!
So even though this gorgeous little being is not super outdoorsy, he is very open to tending, caring, creating. We had a great time and got half the bulbs in! Whoot! Whoot!
With all that being said, I invite you to see in your Mind’s eye a lovely patch of freshly weeded dirt just waiting for something. Next to you is a basket of bulbs, you don’t know which one is which, but you know they will all burst up at their right time and amaze you. There’s a cute little red trowel leaning up against the basket and a bale of fresh straw to the other side of you. Think of the things you want to see, think of the things you want to be, think of the ways that you want to show up, serve, inspire and support. As those thoughts cross your mind, gently pick up the trowel and a bulb, make a gorgeous space in the dirt and pop the bulb in whilst you whisper your thought. Gently pat the dirt over. When you have finished your basket of bulbs gather up the straw and tuck your beautiful intentions in, make them nice and warm and cosy and whisper to them about how excited you are to see them when they are ready.
With that energy, I invite you to pick the card or cards that resonate for you. This week it was most certainly Sacred Rebels that were adamant they needed to come play. As I still have straw left it felt appropriate to do the reading on the blanket for the earth and intentions. Some of the last purple fall flowers came to join and most certainly the crystals of Snowflake Black Obsidian, Sodalite and Lepidolite.
Did you pick?
Ready to go see who wants to work with you this week?
In the chaos of modern life and the constant fluctuations of our minds, it can be difficult to remember that a sublime sanctuary lies within. Yet it is always there. Beneath the ceaseless activity, there is an endless, vast spaciousness that restores and connects us to something greater – something that exists outside of time. Some might call it “eternity”.
Within that sanctuary, sacred sound is felt rather than heard. That sacred sound is actually the reverberating heartbeat of the entire universe. Your own heart’s rhythm sounds within the greater universal heartbeat.
There is the way of the mind – which can make mountains out of molehills even when it thinks it is turning mountains into molehills! Then there is the way of the heart. It is subterranean and moves subtly beneath possible obstacles, intelligently shifting with exquisite sensitivity, sensing the way forward, through dangerous pathways and responding to what is before it even occurs in the physical world. However with the heart’s intelligence we cannot see and know in the same way that we do when we allow the mind to direct us. We have to be open to another way if we want to benefit from the innate intelligence of the heart.
Deep within, you know what to do and you know what is true. It matters not whether the mind and its plans seem to agree with your inner sense. Your willingness to trust your heart and to rebel against fear will serve you well. Let your heart lead you. Be sure of your faith and trust in what you feel. Your head and heart have been in conflict at times over the course of your life. This has brought you struggle and, sometimes, deep suffering. However, a truce will be declared and the appropriate outcome – of the mind waving a white flag of surrender – is imminent. Soon, if not already, you will finally be feeling that your heart is leading you! You will feel that your mind is learning to follow the guidance of your heart, rather than trying to be out front, seeing and sorting everything out in advance, in order to be safe. What a relief to let go of this old way!
You are now in a position that is more powerful than ever, because you are allowing yourself to be guided by your heart – a heart that beats in harmony with the heart of all existence. Your affairs are in accord with love and no matter what may appear to be at times, all is unfolding according to that greater love. You included!
The urge to create is the same within you as it is for the universal creator. It also has the same magical ability to draw harmony into being to to find beautiful order in chaos. This includes bringing harmony and the perfect balance of well being into your body, mind and emotions. This is also the part of you that wants to dream of beauty and bring it to life in as many ways as possible – in how you eat, dress, look, behave, make love, create art, relate to your community, write your poetry by moonlight or bathe by candlelight….
You are meant to dream of beauty and to create beauty, in its far more holistic and creative definition. Beauty is meant to soothe the soul, inspire thoughts of love, devotion and appreciation and to balance the nervous system. These are healing effects. Healing for the creator and those that receive it. They are worthwhile. Time that you spend dreaming of beauty and allowing it to be born through you in various heart-centred ways is worthwhile. Don’t disregard it or discount it. The most beautiful dreams can inspire the practical, hardworking dedication required to bring them to life for the betterment of the world.
There is a situation in your life right now where you feel uncertain about your ability to “fix” or heal. You lack the inspiration to be able to imagine it differently than how it currently seems to be. You may therefore feel inhibited in your ability to bring about constructive change. However, the perfect beauty of this situation is not revealed by what you attempt to do to it, or through trying to impose the right “dream” upon it. It is to be healed and perfected into all that it can be, through the revelation of the beauty that already lies within it.
In opening up to the beauty within yourself and your circumstances, you open up to change. You can overcome resistance and denial by approaching it with a curious mind, an open heart and acknowledging the hidden beauty. You have the power to be a positive influence in whatever situation holds the most meaning for you right now, and you need to know that.
Sacred vision is awakening within you. You’re becoming blessed with the ability to truly see. To see what is real rather than what appears to be. This is true insight. What was once considered consequential may soon be found to hold little consequence after all. What was once dismissed as an irritation or irrelevance may be seen to have great spiritual significance. As mundane as something once appeared it could now be worthy of absolute attention. The gift of genuine vision takes you into the being of the universal creator. This is sacred terrain, beyond logic, convention and that which is limited in any way.
The vision of love, the truth of all that is, can move us more than anything else possibly can. If you have been wondering about your life path or whether you should take action on a project or you need inspiration to really move you out of a slump you have fallen into, then this oracle brings you a message of hope. You will receive your vision. You will be graced with a way out of the stagnancy. You will be able to see things differently and more accurately.
You are leaving behind a smaller view for a more expansive one. You are watched over in life and held in protection. Shift your perspective and look at an issue of concern a little differently. Your ability to be inspired and see the light in all things is unfolding. It must be nourished in your heart with loving acceptance because you are going to help others through your vision, your art and how you choose to be in the world.
What a glorious reading. A lot of requests or invitations to trust, release and allow love to be the guiding force (which it is when we let it in). So my glorious one, I hope you enjoyed and I wish you a delicious week. Remember to get outside whilst the colours of either Fall or Spring are happening, feel your feet on the earth and if it is Fall time with you – play the game of trying to catch a leaf as it gently flutters down from its tree branch in the breeze and then make a Wish! Miracles abound everywhere, you just have to practice letting them in! See you next week and thank you so much for all the delightful comments and feedback, I really appreciate them.
Yes Jenny ur very rite yes my assention has started. The knowledge is comming. My gifts are increasing yes very true. I know more than what i say. I have the power to see and know. Thanks to God he has done this for me my Awakening has already started just wanted to tell you tha
That is sooooo wonderful!