For thousands of years we have been guided by the sun, the moon and the stars. The waxing and waning of the moon has fascinated most humans for centuries and justifiably so! Every full moon is surrounded by legends and lore of its own. Each month is a bit different from the last, and as the year progresses, magical energies change and flow, just like the moon and the tides. This month we celebrate the Full Moon on September 6th at 12:02 PST. Full Moon in Pisces. So not only do we have the moon energy, but there are thematic energies for the months.
The theme of August was RESET and that is exactly what both eclipses did in August, they invited and in the case of the fiery solar eclipse – demanded that you reset, released and renewed yourself, your habits, beliefs – fairly much everything. Lots of people have said that they feel or have felt depleted, zapped of energy, drained if you will but that’s all about the RESET.
However, the theme of September is ADJUSTMENT. You know something is different, and you know things should be different, you can feel it somewhere inside. Yet you might not be able to fully embrace the reality of it all until you adjust on all levels, assimilating and integrating as you go. So in this period of adjustment comes the glorious Full Moon in Pisces. Some may refer to this as the Harvest Moon, but that isn’t quite the case as the Harvest Moon is the one closest to the equinox, so this one is also known as the Corn/Barley Moon.
This Piscean Moon changes the energy up by inviting us to play in the depths and to learn where life is leading us. The energy is more mystical, dreamier, very intuitive and creative – also there is a waft of nostalgia and a yearning, a yearning for the change (even though you might not know exactly what that is) and the adjustment.
This is a glorious Full Moon to acknowledge your courage, expansion, showing up and your own power and ability to change, adjust and be more. It’s also a fabulous Full Moon for connecting with your inner psychic (and yes, you do have one). A Pisces Full Moon helps us to understand our true intentions and illuminates what is really guiding our lives. Under these realizations, we are all going to be able to bloom into our fullest potential, as long as our intentions and motivations are aligned with the highest calling of our souls and we make room to adjust.
How to do this you ask? Ahhhh grasshopper great question. As each Full Moon brings it’s own energy to play here are some recommendations to energise yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.
Get out in Nature and gather some energy from the earth, the sun, the sky and the unknown realms and allies around you. This could be taking a walk in a park, sitting by the water, picking flowers from your garden (but remember to ask them for permission and bless them prior to picking them).
Most certainly do the Full Moon forgiveness work.
Release any psychic debris that might be clinging to you and do an energy or aura cleanse, (this isn’t as challenging as it sounds).
Soak in the tub with glorious oils, some flower petals or some Epsom salts (remember to shower them off afterwards). As this is a Piscean Full Moon, water is a great way to celebrate it.
Use the crystals of this moon to help with keeping you grounded, present, releasing and manifesting. Put some garnet, red agate, carnelian and tiger’s eye in your pocket. Or create a small altar (a candle, a sprig from the garden and crystals).
When all this is said and done, be grateful. Do your gratitude work and get clear on what you already have in your life and what you are bringing in.
So there are some easy steps to celebrate, calibrate and enjoy this glorious Piscean Full Moon!
Thank you for sharing. Good to know
I love your readings and guidance. Our Higher Power has given you quite a gift, and for that I am grateful.
Thank you so much Denise.
You’re such a favorite. Thank you for this!
Thank you! That was so lovely to hear.