Happy, happy fantabulous Monday! It is wonderful to see you here! How was your week? Did you play with the full moon energy that happened last week? Are you enjoying sunshine, the smell of flowers and reveling in the abundance that is blooming forth?
Energy is starting to ramp up here as we head towards Summer Solstice and just prior to that – high school graduation. My lovely son (4th out of 5 kids) is graduating high school this coming weekend, so last Friday his suit had been altered and we had to go check it out. It made me laugh a tad as I watched this “child” of mine in track pants and a t-shirt enter the dressing room, to hear requests for help with all the buttons, to then watch him step out in a lovely suit, pink vest and pink bowtie. Hang on, my kid went in the changing room and a strapping young man dressed to the nines came out! (I had to go look inside and make sure it wasn’t a magic portal or like the Tardis in Dr. Who!).
Grad here is a huge performance and I will be honest, I don’t totally understand it and from a lot of the kids that are graduating there is an apathy about certain parts. However, it seems to be that we need to re-enact the graduation of people from 30 years ago with Cap and Gown on Friday night, then a Grand March on Saturday, followed by a Cavalcade through town, then off to their Prom and an After Party that follows that! Phew! It isn’t quite what I would pick as a rite of passage or a celebration by any stretch, but it is tough trying to chivvy against conservative traditions to say the least. Thus, we are going with the flow and it will all be wonderful (touch wood).
The cards that came tumbling out to help this week are the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle, so yummy delicious and very strong and clear. The crystals that insisted on their place this week are Sodalite, Sardonyx and Red Snowflake Obsidian, quite an interesting mix to say the least. So let’s see what’s in store for this week. Take a few moments to get clear and present, and if you feel inclined ask a question, pose a situation, emotion, thought that you would like some support with. If you feel like a bit of support with getting deliciously centred there is a fun little visualisation for you.
So trust yourself and pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
Ready to go have a little look see?
I recognise immense potential and talent within you, beyond what you can see for yourself. I know that you are willing to develop into all that you are, and so I shall become your divine mentor. I will encourage and guide you, as you manifest your potential, develop and express your talents and fulfill your divine destiny. Sometimes I will evoke the best in you through opportunity, sometimes I will coax forth the best in you through challenge. What you can be assured of is success on this path of self-development. Life has offered you much natural ability and talent. I will help you discover and develop it so that you can offer it back to life as a gift of gratitude.
You have been gifted with a talent, an ability. You may or may not be aware of this talent. It may be an ability to write, draw, paint, dance, or a myriad of others. Or it may be a more unusual and rare gift of being able to organise and rally people together for events with purpose and to motivate others to do their best. Or perhaps you have some other sort of talent that is hard to articulate, define or pin down, but is real nonetheless. If you have no idea what talent lies within, then this gorgeous oracle indicates a process of discovery for you as well as personal development. All you need to do is attend to your spiritual path and personal growth and all else will unfold as it needs to, whether you understand it at the time or not.
This is not a slight ability that may be fun for a while to explore, it is a genuine talent that needs to be developed for a life path to be successful. Taking this particular journey, discovering, exploring and developing this particular ability, will bring you into a sense of your calling, into a deep sense of spiritual satisfaction. If you are feeling pressured by other commitments, even by family members or social networks, to step away from your personal work, spiritual path and commitment to your inner journey. There is work you are doing that will be of benefit to the larger human collective. That sort of contribution takes commitment and you are not selfish in honouring that commitment. No matter how ordinary you may feel at times – you are special! You are unique, you have value. Learning to live truthfully as yourself, and being that self in the world, is a way to honour the life that you have been given.
Love yourself as the Divine Mother does, with great generosity and affection. You deserve no less.
You have a journey ahead of you. There is a particular path that you are meant to take, so that you shall be in the right place at the right time, to encounter the experiences that you are meant to have and the people that you are meant to meet. This journey will lead you across the water, far away from what you have known. To bear the crossing of the water, you must lose sight of the shore. It is part of your destiny, your sacred life path, to take this journey. So although you may feel excitement or fear, hope or uncertainty about whether you are up to the task, know that it is meant for you and Grandmother shall watch over you. She shall give you means for the journey and ensure that the crossing of the water is safely undertaken. Be light of heart, beloved, even as you may mourn what is left behind, for this journey is divinely blessed and will bring great success.
There are times in life when we must cross the water if we are to grow rather than wither and retract. To grow requires courage but offers the reward of radiance and fulfillment beyond what we have experienced. To cross the water implies more than simply taking a trip, it refers to a more life-changing experience of committing to and taking a journey. A journey is not only an external experience, it is an internal adventure too. Such an adventure offers us opportunities to mature – to open our minds, to become wiser, more tolerant, more curious and less certain of how life should be. We can experience ourselves in different ways. It can be uncomfortable but exciting, certainly it will involve venturing into the unknown. You may have to leave behind support systems in many senses and become more reliant upon yourself and the inner guidance or your heart. But don’t fret, the Divine Mother will provide the necessary tour guide or person with greater experience to help you along your journey. The crossings of water could be physical or it could be where you leave behind a state of being or consciousness in favour of another.
Do not imagine that where you find yourself is to be your resting place. There is more for you in your life, further adventure awaits you. There will be a sense that every life lesson you have struggled through and mastered will have bearing and offer support to navigate the journey you are taking now or will soon embark upon. The sanctuary, guidance and protection of the Holy Grandmother is with you to ensure the success of your journey. Grandmother watches over the weaving of past,, present and future. She understands that what happens now is the planting and fertilising of the soul seed which will come to blossom more fully in accordance with your divine life purpose. She will nudge you when you need to be nudged, comfort you when you become uncertain, and provide the means for you to take step after step towards your destination. You are being asked to grow, but the success will be there if you are willing to take this journey.
I have so much that I want for you. I want you to experience all that life has to offer. I want you to see your dreams coming alive in the world. I want you to feel at home here upon the earth, and to realise you have come here not only to serve, but to take delight, to become alive, to exercise your power of choice to manifest a destiny that is brilliant and beautiful and perfectly suited to you. So I have given you a sacred animal, a devoted body that has offered its entire life in service to your soul growth. This is a precious gift and one worthy of respect. When you love this sacred animal, and let him or her love you in return, your body and soul become as one, a divine wild love child of life. Only then are you able to experience all that I can offer you and to manifest your divine destiny as a radiant, vibrant expression in the world.
Be present to recognise and receive the gifts and opportunities that are rightfully yours. Take time to be open and connected to your physical body and the physical reality you can experience through being connected to your body. Look around you. Feel what is happening within you and around you too. Notice what is being offered to you and if it feels right, say yes. Receive. It may seem challenging at first – perhaps even scary – to be so present, so open to life in its entirety. You may not be certain you will always take pleasure in what comes your way. You are at a point on your journey where something in the spiritual realm wants to come to life in the physical world. There is an inspiration, idea or plan that is ready to take form, to take shape, to become more than a fantasy and become a living reality.
For this to happen, you need the birthing container of your body. Your body is like a holy instrument through which the sacred breath can flow and create sound. It is the vehicle through which the inspiration can become a manifest reality. It is the time to experience more heaven upon the earth. It is time for your spiritual life to become more physically-oriented, for dreams to translate into reality, and for you to experience the Divine not only in the spiritual energies but also through experience of your body and the world of nature. It’s time to heal the relationship between you and your body so you dreams can manifest more often and with greater pleasure on your part. There is no point in the body having great wisdom and power to heal itself if you don’t give it a chance to use that power for repair, then growth, then glorious manifestation!
Well that was certainly fabulous, as we went from talent/gift, to personal journey to integrating it into the body! I love the cards, I frigging love them (have I said I love them?) So delicious one I wish a week filled of ease, effortlessness and flow for you and that you take some time every day to feel your feet on the earth, your heart beaming out love and your arms reached up and high to receive all the gifts that are just waiting for you! As I mentioned prior, with Grad this weekend and tons of family here, there will NOT be a reading on Monday – HOWEVER – as it is Summer Solstice next week, we are going to have some fun and do a reading on the Solstice, so expect to see it on Wednesday. If there is anything in particular you want put into the Solstice fire just drop me a line and I will happily bring it in. Huge hugs and slobbery kisses and see you on the Solstice!
Reading, feeling and really taking in these words can be so powerful. Things have been changing quickly and I am interviewing for my dream job on Thursday in another state.
I had a hard time just picking one card this week and I now see that it was because I needed to read all 3. My confidence and strength have been affirmed and I know that I am never alone on this journey!
You are wonderful and appreciated!
Thank you
Yes! Sometimes we need one card, sometimes the whole smorgasbord of cards as we are in transition. So absolutely perfect Renee that you picked them all.
Whoa, that completely blew me away this time. I’ve been struggling with a decision, and this gave me the insight to decide. Thank you.
You are so very welcome Lena!
Lovely. What does that mean drop in The solstice fire? What types of things would it be? Thank you!
Nina, if there is anything you want to release, burn off, let go – let’s pop it into the fire.
Wow, way cool. ThE vessel of my soul is a bit tattered these days. I got a little lame with it. Time to pull up my boot straps and help. Yes YesYes. Sounds like a good idea…
Thank you Thank you dear one. The cards were so strong. First number three affirming my power to create. Oh how I love to be laying in the pool of ease, faith & desire. Two the grandmother Earth. Oh great blessings washed over me. One, Destiny, Destiny. I give up the need to know and willingly await the treasures.
You so inspire me Jenny to hold fast to my faith of love & Joy knowing it is available to me in every moment. I wish for you as good a life as the one i live. Namaste. Jojoy Brown Joyoligist.
I took number 3 and wow, that was lovely to read, lovely to be touched thank you.