It’s Monday, it’s Monday – fa, la, la (Trust me, I’m singing out loud!) Remember we are re-framing Monday and making it magickal, mystical, marvelous, meditative and absolutely magnificent! Gone are the days of “Oh F#@$#K it’s Monday!” So delicious one, how are you this most magnificent Monday? Did you take a bit of time on Saturday to play with the deep watery, emotional energy of the New Moon in Scorpio? Did you make your New Moon wishes? I had the joy of a window of time and going outside, lighting a fire, smudging and writing my New Moon wishes and have to say it was really, really good. As I was focusing on my writing I hear a rustle in the plants nearby and then another and as I look up there is a lovely skunk gently pushing through the plants and exploring. She stopped for a moment, looked me up and down and then gently went on her way (thank goodness).
To all our American friends Thanksgiving is coming up this week and I hope you take time to just BE, Play, be Thankful and Feel. For some people family holiday celebrations can trigger all sorts of stuff, some great and some rather challenging. So remember to take the energy of the New Moon and be clear about how you feel and what is okay for you. I have to ask what’s with the Black Friday Sale thing? I appreciate a good deal, but I went once to a store in the states on Black Friday and it was insane! People were pushing, shoving, being rude all for $100 off of an item they wanted. Totally terrified me and have never gone to a Black Friday sale in person again. With that being said I do wish you all a marvelous Thanksgiving filled with family, gorgeous food, connection, joy and big laughter.
I have had the luxury and the time this weekend to spend a lot of time playing outdoors in the woods, finding random paths and exploring. The snow that we did receive the other week has thankfully vanished and so as long as my elevation isn’t too high there are still glorious places to go play. To me this is “Green Therapy”, to get out for a couple of hours with no idea where the path will lead and just breathing in the crisp air, watching small little animals bustle about their business, random dens, abandoned nests and walking along huge trees that fell down years ago and are now covered in lush green moss. Aaaaahhhhhhh.
So it was no surprise to me that the glorious Oracle of the Wild Green World – The Faery Forest came to play. Love this deck for the magickal and insightful look at what we need. When you look at the cards, can you see the witch, the blackcat and the elven character? The crystals that were adamant they had to play are Smoky Quartz, Aragonite star cluster and Snowflake Black Obsidian. Smoky Quartz is a the aspirin of your crystal healing first aid kit, great for grounding, protection and soothing pain, both emotional and physical, it’s a crown chakra stone. Aragonite Star Clusters facilitate the release of negative energy, anger, anxiety and fear from the body. They radiate energy outwards in all directions, beaming rays of light and love out in all directions, Last but not least is Snowflake Black Obsidian this one is a stone of purity. It balances mind body and spirit. Placed on the sacral chakra, snowflake obsidian will calm and soothe and allow you to view unhealthy patterns in your own behaviour, thus opening the door to change.
So let’s take a moment and just stop, ignore the phone, back away from the day to day and just breathe. Breathe long and slow in through your nose and out through your mouth and as you breathe give your fingers a little wiggle and your toes. Feel the energy flow from above your head down through your body and out through your feet down deep into the womb of the earth. Then feel that healing, nurturing energy flow up through your feet and out through the top of your head to connect with Spirit, Divine and flow back down. Just breathe and let the energy pulse through you, cleansing you, healing you and wrapping you in a gorgeous blanket of Divine Love. Breathe and when you are ready give your body a little wiggle and pick the card or cards that are calling to you this week.
Ready to go see?
When the Faery Godmother comes to you, be aware that this is time when you will discover what has been long hidden to you – your true self will be revealed in surprising ways every day, and sudden moments of heightened perception will make this time especially significant for you. People finally get found out, manipulators can be seen through, true costs of circumstances are revealed, and any lies about you will be seen. This can be hard, but it is truly a hardship that is born of protection – you are safer for knowing in whom you can trust in order to make the right choices for your soul.
Throughout these revelations and insights will be a guiding hand – and this is the Faery Godmother. She is showing you what it is you need to know in order to create and foster life that works for you – and she is a protective force too. So what you need will come to you now, sometimes in very strange ways. Be mindful of counting your blessings at this time – for this is the energy your Faery Godmother can draw upon to keep transforming your life into one which is more abundant, magickal, meaningful, and joyful.
Note every moment of truth – they are all significant, and you are better for discovering what was once hidden from you.
Sometimes there is a stirring, a shimmering movement, subtle but unmistakable, in the web called wyrd that connects us all. This is one such time. The Queen of the Darkwood Elves has come forth to speak with you and ask you to be aware that something is approaching. When she appears, there is a kind of foreboding and unsettled energy, akin to when a storm is gathering its power. There is a very potent force readying itself in your life, and while its impact is yet to be truly felt and experienced, it is best to ready yourself now.
So, when this card comes, make good your defences. Tend to injuries and wounds, be they psychic, mental, or physical. Take care of unfinished business, and bring in whatever you can – gather up resources and be ready for when the moment strikes and descends upon you. Because something that was unexpected could have harmed you, could have taken you unaware – but now you are forewarned, and truth be told you are now forearmed.
There is no cause to be scared, frightened, or anxious – this card indicates that you have time to prepare, grow stronger, and meet whatever it is that is coming, face on. You will move through the time you are now warned of, and you will be even stronger due to the challenge. But make no mistake – there is a challenge coming, and you can now prepare to minimise its impact and ride out the intense wave of energy it brings into your life.
This is a time when you are passing through a veil that separates the worlds. When once all was clear and life felt stable and grounded, for now, there is a shaking of the firmament and a shift in your reality that makes you feel at times as though you are living in a waking dream. What once seemed solid is no longer to be relied upon, and throughout this time, you may be suffering ailments of the physical self.
This is a time when the thin boundaries between the worlds have dissolved for you, and there is a raw and unfamiliar energy to your world. When this take place, we can sometimes fall ill, suffer from a great loss of vital energy, and begin to feel we lose a connection with our minds that is strong. We can suffer, and in that suffering, we can begin to forget who we once were. And that, in some ways, is the purpose of this time.
You are now a walker between the worlds, and this time of being apart from the reality others seem to dwell within is going to bring you to greater wisdom, knowledge, compassion, and insights. This time will serve its purpose, and is the breakthrough that your soul requires for the next stage of their journey. But for your humanity, this is challenging indeed. Ask yourself, how can this create meaning and depth within my life, when I return to my own reality? And how can this experience be used to serve others, the planet, and the magickal world? That will give you great strength, even while you experience the shadowlands of the worlds between the worlds.
Holy Hannah, have to say – wow. The cards pick themselves, the crystals pick themselves and all of them tie in together. Some days I look at a crystal and think – really? Then I trust the guidance that comes and I take my ego out of the way and yes, Spirit knows far better than I. I love that the cards also reflect the energy of the New Moon in Scorpio which is dig deeper, trusting and being willing to walk between the worlds. So delicious one, I wish you an amazing week and if you are in the US – Happy Thanksgiving and next Monday there won’t be a reading as we are having a retreat planning time. However, I will be back the following Monday. Take care, drink water and keep your toes warm. Light a candle in your home and if you feel inclined as you light it set the intention of “hearth and home are holy and happy”. Huge hugs!
#2 burst forth in my mind like an erupting mountain. hmmm now a little concerned
This is amazing I picked cards 2 and 3 We as a family have to move house as the landlord has sold the property without us knowing, we have since found 2 properties both fell through, we have little time to find a new home, I am ill with anxiety, so these cards are so true, thank you. I trust in the Universe all will be good and work out.
Don’t be concerned, it’s all good.