Happy, magnificent first Monday in June delicious lovely! How are you? Did you have a glorious last week? We are now in the beginnings of June and I’m very excited, I love June. Why? Summer Solstice and this year my sister is going to be over from the UK and for the first time ever we will get to celebrate it together! Whoot, whoot! Huge happy dance.
The energy this month is deliciously delightful as well – remember how last month the shamanic energy was Re-Aligning your Values? Well for June the energy is all about Discipline and Follow-Through. “This month provides us the opportunity to show up and follow through in action with the realizations, understandings and truths we now have about where we are, what we want, and what we need to do. We have spiritual and intuitive openings that provide a much-needed anchor to the world of positive possibilities. At the same time, we can struggle with resistance to the physical discipline required to keep moving ourselves in the right direction. This is all seated in the 3rd chakra, the Solar Plexus chakra, the house of will, self etc.
Now this also feeds into something I have been exploring within a different community. I am part of the community of Medicine Keepers, a wonderful space and place created by the very talented and amazing Maia Toll. For the last 5 weeks we have been exploring how from Late Spring to Summer we are moving from Air (the element of Spring and the place of ideas) to Fire (the element of Summer and Passion). I don’t know about you, but I have lots of ideas (sometimes too many so I’ve taken to writing them down instead of chasing after them like a squirrel). However, as wonderful as it is to have all these ideas, if there is no fire, no Passion then they just stay random arsed ideas. It’s kind of like having a gorgeous beeswax taper candle that looks amazing, however, unless you ignite it with Fire it can’t burn. You can’t watch the flame dance in the breeze, you don’t see it’s light. Yes? You with me now?
Thus, I invite you to think of one thing (you can of course think of as many as you want), however, pick one thing, one idea that has been burbling (love that word, makes me think of a glorious big pot with yummy things in it bubbling away) for you. It may have come up last month when you were re-aligning your values, and decide how you are going to ignite it – what Passion are you going to bring into play to make it manifest? Sound good? For me, my main idea that I am going to focus on is a course that is near and dear to my heart that I have been writing on and off, it has really been burbling and growing over the last few months, but now needs me to step up and finish the content, shoot the videos and get er done! As her time is ripe.
So with all that to perk as we go into the reading, let’s go. (See – Follow-Through! Lol) The deck that really wiggled and was very passionate about coming to guide and support this week was “The Faery Forest Oracle”, which doesn’t surprise me as we all need some magick when moving from Air to Fire. Interesting to see though that feathers (representing air), a fire agate (representing fire) and a bunch of brass screws came to play. Now you may be thinking, ummm, err, what’s with the screws. But think about it, someone had an idea (air) but it took the application of fire to metal to create the screws.
So let’s take a moment and just get grounded and centred. Take a slow deep breath in and imagine there is a lit candle in front of you, and as you gently sigh out your breath through an open mouth, watch the flame dance and move. Keep breathing in this way and realise that you are playing with Air and Fire, ideas and passion. When you are ready, gently roll your shoulders up back and down and let them nestle along your spine like tucked wings and pick the card or cards that are tugging at you.
Did you remember to pick?
Let’s go see shall we?
About you now ideas and projects are gestating, constellations of ideas are birthing, your creativity is flowing from within, and ideas are developing in an easy, organic flow. For a time, you will be rich in health and loe and in physical beauty. While there is much that is new about you, what has already been developed within your world can now be brought to greater fulfilment – so children may begin to mature and grow older, and your ambitions and your dreams may need support to move from their beginnings to become truly established and make their presence strong and unshakable.
Your accomplishments will now be acknowledged, respect will be given as it is overdue, and your contributions and your work will now receive the value and recognition they deserve.
Your influence, power and reputation are all growing in healthy, inspiring ways. You feel good in yourself – a loving relationship with your body now develops, and you accept and receive loving support from others. No more will you receive disrespect – unkind words about yourself or your ventures will no longer be tolerated.
You are growing in stature – finally, the world sees you for who you are, a successful being who has followed their dreams.
When the Faery Godmother comes to you, be aware that this is a time when you will discover what has been long hidden to you – your true self will be revealed in surprising ways every day, and sudden moments of heightened perception will make this time especially significant for you. People finally get found out, manipulators can be seen through, true costs of circumstances are revealed, and any lies about you will be seen. This can be hard, but it is truly a hardship that is born of protection – you are safer for knowing in whom you can trust in order to make the right choices for your soul.
Throughout these revelations and insights will be a guiding hand – and this is the Faery Godmother. She is showing you what it is you need to know in order to create and foster a life that works for you – and she is protective force too. So what you need will come to you now, sometimes in very strange ways. Be mindful of counting your blessings at this time – for this energy your Faery Godmother can draw upon to keep transforming your life into one which is more abundant, magickal, meaningful, and joyful.
Note every moment of truth – they are all significant, and you are better for discovering what was once hidden from you.
You are at a moment of great good fortune in this lifetime. You have created for yourself more than enough, and now the goodness that is flowing to you must be invested and used wisely. It is easy to squander youth or beauty or opportunity, as they seem such an eternal gift – but this card is here to share with you that it is time to ensure that this wonderful moment is worked with wisely. Invest in yourself and in your healthy, create more wealth, learn and study, and also offer your support and investment to worthy others. Take care of yourself, and truly mke yourself into who and what you have always wanted to become.
This time will come around again, but it will not last forever – and so Frigga wishes for you to consider the gifts you are being given, the bounty coming to you, and consider with great vision and earnestness what will provide for you and your loved ones in the years to come. Be ready to act!
Your future can be created now – and the present can become so rich and enduring that nothing can shake your ability to continue prospering – your skills, your home, your mind, your body.
Take care of yourself, and watch the good fortune that flows from your wise investment, for many years to come.
Wow, wow, wow. Let me say again how much I love the cards! What a glorious reading to launch us into these two delicious energies of June! All about ideas, movement and manifestation. Whoot! It’s going to be a delicious month and we are going to do something fun together for the Solstice I can feel it burbling already. Anyhow delicious lovely, have a stupendous week, give yourself a few moments to pick an idea and decide what/how you are going to follow through with it and what does that passion look like. If you feel like sharing, please do, let’s witness each other during this fantabulous month. Huge hugs and squeezes and see you next week! (Remember to drink water, laugh, smell the roses, watch the bees and play as well).
Thank you so much Jenny;number 2 has given exactly the right information !I feel blessed!
Thank you I chose 2and 1 and they are both so apt for me right now, even if in the southern hemisphere we are in winter and coming to winter solstice
Diane, that’s right you are. So Fire is a big part of that celebration as you start to welcome back the light.