Happy Miraculous, Magickal, Majestic, Mellow, Momentous, Mystical, Merry, Mischievous, Marmalade Made Manifesting Monday!
(Had to slip Marmalade in as for me marmalade on a glorious piece of fresh bread toasted – nom, nom, nom!)
Okay delicious lovely, grab a cuppa as we have lots to cover this week!
We are talking about the energy of January, which is Acceptance and Discernment (and if you remember last week’s reading we explored the energy of 2023, which is a 7 year and invites you to step into your soul life and showing up as your true self).
We are also celebrating that Mars has gone direct and Mercury does near the end of this week as well! Whoot!
Then the fabulous icing on the cake is we welcome the first New Moon of 2023 and this delicious lovely New Moon is in Aquarius, and Chinese New Year is always at the first new moon of the year – so you may need to grab a biccie or two to dunk with your tea!
Let’s let talk about the energy of January and the best person to do it is Lena.
The themes for this month are: “ACCEPTANCE-DISCERNMENT”.
“We started the year with a neon sign telling us to SLOW DOWN.
Slow everything down, go inward, rest more, keep a “don’t know mind” about everything, reflect, feel, process, and align your heart with your mind.
Acceptance, one of the traits of the year, will be of great help in keeping frustration, impatience and irritability at bay. Resistance will only cause suffering and keep you from being fully present for the actual opportunities that a time like this has to offer.
The Discernment theme of the month will help in your choices of what to keep on your plate and what to push until later or discard completely. Once the energy shifts (around the new moon on the 21st) to a more active time, discernment will be crucial in your decisions about what to take on and move forward with and what no longer fits with who you are.”
Hold those pieces of Acceptance and Discernment in the back of your mind as we move onto the New Moon energy, okay?
Fresh energy flows from the cosmic skies under the Aquarius New Moon.
Arriving on January 21st, this New Moon is a gentle time to plant seeds, set intentions, and consider all you would like to draw close to you.
So let’s unpack this a tad, every moon has energy based on the sign that they are in and what type of moon they are. New Moon is a time of planting seeds and Aquarius has the energy of making this a very potent window for manifesting your highest vision for your future since Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, planet of future outcomes.
Aquarius calls upon us to develop our ideas so they don’t just remain pipe dreams.
However, this isn’t a push energy, there is a need to move with awareness, to be gentle with ourselves, and to ultimately, not put so much pressure on ourselves. (See how it ties in with the 7 energy of the year, and the January energy of Acceptance and Discernment?)
“Setting intentions and crafting goals can be beneficial to shift your life into greater alignment. It can fill you with a sense of purpose and bring meaning to your day-to-day life. Setting intentions and putting your wishes out to the Universe are great tools that can yield positive results, but there is a call under this New Moon to be gentle in your approach.”
Thus, if we look at the energy of this month and it’s all about acceptance and then work that with the energy of the New Moon. Woosah!
It’s as if we have received glorious seed packets from the cosmos. So we gently release a few seeds of desire, purpose, plenty and passion into our palm and give them the loving, gentle, nurturing that they need – and then watch what happens!
This Sunday, January 22nd is Chinese New Year, the Year of the Water Rabbit! (Also known as the Black Rabbit).
I don’t know about you but I love bunnies and rabbits, in fact we have so many wild bunnies frolicing around here it’s fabulous! It sometimes makes me feel that I am living in a Beatrix Potter story!
The rabbit symbolises patience, luck and hope. Which is perfect after a very tumultuous Year of the Tiger.
As you may or not be aware, I love to celebrate!
So Chinese New Year is a time of filling up little red envelopes with money and distributing them along with oranges! (Yes some of my neighbours may think I am totally bat shit crazy when I knock on their door with a red envelope and orange in hand). Red envelopes or hongbao in Mandarin and lai see in Cantonese, are a symbol of good luck and in Chinese culture the colour red is associated with energy, happiness and good luck.
Why the oranges? Two of the most common food symbols of the Chinese New Year are tangerines and oranges. Whereas tangerines represent wealth, oranges are a popular symbol of good luck. … Oranges and tangerines are a traditional favourite, though, and can also represent happiness and abundance, as in an abundant harvest.
So why not run around the neighbourhood gifting red envelopes and oranges?
We also prepare a gorgeous Chinese feast of amazing foods and spend time eating, laughing and playing games. As I have two Rabbits in my family, we are going to have fun!
So let me ask. Are you seeing how all the energies are melding?
When I asked the cards who wanted to come support, guide and lead this week I was tickled to see it was the glorious guides of the Sacred Forest. Now if these guides are new to you, let me introduce you.
“At the edge of the mind awaits the holy wilderness of the soul. It beckons you, like a great forest filled with vast mysteries and wonders. While this mystical realm exists in a higher dimension, beyond normal reality, it is real nevertheless. To enter this mystical realm, it’s simply a matter of having an open heart and an open mind.
In this healing and holy place, long-sought answers to your deepest questions become known. Ancient wisdom emerges. Revelations about your future are revealed. Hidden talents and abilities are activated with you. It’s a place where miracles unfold, and your spirit can fly. In the deepest sense you remember who you are. “
Perfect guides for this week! Whoot!
So my darling one, slow it down, take a breath and pause. Let the energy of Acceptance and Discernment swirl around, then gently pour in the energy of this New Moon and sprinkle the whole lot with the Rabbit energy of peace, luck and hope.
What does your heart need? What does your soul want? Breathe that in. Then when you are ready pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
If you need a wee bit more to help you get into the zone, I have a wee guided visualisation for you – let’s go play in a boat.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look.

“You are safe”. These words seem to emerge from the land and radiate from the trees to echo in your soul. You hear these words again and again. The Sacred Guardians of the Land are whispering to you, “You are safe.”
You know that you are protected and cared for. You can feel tendrils of their loving energy wrap around you and embrace you. Their unleashed power cocoons you in safety.
You are enough, just as you are. No matter what has happened or occurred in the past, the truth is that you are absolutely and unconditionally enough as you are.
You are loved. You are cherished.
Do not be concerned about outside forces and the judgments and expectations of others. You are protected in your own energy field. But do please remember to protect your energy. While the Guardians of the Land will help out, you must also be responsible for your own well-being.
Envision a protective shield around yourself and around your home. Spend time with people and in situations that uplift your energy rather than draining it.
You are safe and surrounded by a protective shield. You are not alone; your life is guided and protected by higher forces. Within this you can soar to great heights.
The early morning forest is shrouded in low lying mists. As you step into the meadow, you glimpse heavenly blue flowers seeming to float above the mist. Their deep colour draws you closer. Each bell-shaped blossom bows down on its stem, as if in prayer, humility; or gratitude.
Gratitude is the secret to a joy filled life. True thankfulness can work like modern day alchemy, yielding happiness and peace beyond imagination.
And it’s so simple: Find what’s good and wonderful in every moment. No matter what’s happening around you, there’s always something to be grateful for.
Whatever you appreciate in life will grow, so discover what you’re thankful for – even the people and situations you’ve found challenging – and watch miracles unfold.
The Universe is grateful for you!
Appreciation for everything flows through you in great bounty. Cherish the preciousness of life and everyone and everything around you, and miracles will abound. In addition to gratitude, bluebells are thought to symbolise humility. As you step into the soft, gentle energy of humbleness, you’ll find that your gratitude for even the smallest things in life expands.
Bluebells open the door to magic. Legends describe “ringing” the bluebell, like you would a bell, in order to bring faeries to you. In the spring, bluebells grow throughout the woodlands in a lush carpet, and you can feel the magic by being near.
You watch the dragonfly whisk across the surface of the forest pond with elegance and grace. Her iridescent wings and body shine in a kaleidoscope of colours, depending on how the light falls on her. She hovers, flies backward, and even darts upside down with seeming delight.
It’s all right to change directions. It’s okay to change your mind. You do not need to be consistent at every turn.
This is the time to put the traditions and expectations of others aside. Instead, you are called to create your own traditions! You are free to express yourself and let your spirit fly.
Dragonflies are acrobats of the sky. Not only can they fly backward, they fly upside down and turn 360 degrees….and while looking graceful as they do so. Dragonfly Spirit urges you to take on her same fearless daring.
Go beyond predictable behaviour. Just because something has always been done a certain way doesn’t mean that it needs to continue to be done that way. While you can’t control the exact circumstances of your life, you can control what meaning you give to them.
Select meanings that empower you, for this is the time to be carefree, wild, and unpredictable.
Dragonflies are ancient, taking to the skies 300 – 350 million years ago. They have adapted through millennia and thus survived when many creatures have not. These masters of change are a reminder that change will heal you.
Be willing to change your perspective, and glorious fortune will follow. Sometimes you need to back up to go forward. As people get older, they find it harder to change, so to activate youthfulness, be willing to make changes without hesitation.
Okay, have to say, perfect guides to meld with the glorious energies we have been discussing!
Wishing you a stupendous week of really uncovering your true self and dancing with that self with acceptance. Big hugs and squeezes.

Thank you for your message I really appreciate it and I really enjoy your mediation.
I’m glad the meditation helped.
Hi Jenny Wow everything that was in your letter was sooooo spot on.I can feel myself already different energy Thsnk you
Whoot! I’m so glad.
How wonderful and uplifting. I chose cards 1 and 2. And yes, they resonated with my soul. Thank you for all you do! For your light, your love, your presence, your generosity.
Thank you so much Leslie, I appreciate your wonderful words.