Happy delicious, divine, marvelous magical Monday! How are you? How is Mercury Retrograde working for you this time round? Personally, my oven blew up, the printer stopped working, the power went out for hours and I had to get a new phone lolol. It so makes me chuckle as all of these things happened when I felt “stressed for time” and that “it had to be a certain way”, ahhh yes, well the glorious Divine had a different message such as – slow down, be present and remember to laugh, trust and breathe, feel the peace. Which I most certainly did (and laughed at it all as well). How was the last week for you – working with the tenet of Hope? This week we are working with the energy of Peace.
The other day I noticed a sign in town that was counting the days down to Xmas – it read something like “Only 18 more shopping days until Xmas.” Really? That’s what Xmas is about, shopping? Hmmm, didn’t work for me and I was a tad grumpy that there was no sign that said “Only 14 days left to Solstice and then the days start getting longer!” Ah well, we each do it our own way, but I have noticed people getting more tense, shorter fused and most certainly not smiling as much and that to me is not celebration, that feels like obligation. This is a time of connection, this is a time of celebration and creating memories (as is every day in my world). A time of Hope and Peace.
I had an interesting experience the other week I would like to share with you. I was happily sitting and writing away in my own little bubble and there was a huge WHOMPH of energy that came flooding in through my feet, down through my head and whirled like a mad thing around my body with a very clear message – What about those who need a little bit of help and extra TLC? WTF? So I sat with it for a little bit (although the temptation to bolt and run was high) and images of little people and Xmas, people cold and alone, single parents looking feeling despair and less than as they look at what they have and wonder how on earth they can even fake a Christmas dinner, pay the rent and buy a gift for each of their kids. I cried! I mean I cried a full body, holy hannah fat tears dripping onto the paper kinda cry as this had hit a really personal chord, but that’s a story for another day. I will be honest, I kept trying to pretend that this whole scenario hadn’t happened, as after all I was too busy to do anything about it, and came up with every frigging excuse under the sun. Yeah, let me tell you – don’t even attempt to run from messages from the Divine, she comes and finds you, even if you are hiding in the bottom of the closet under a pile of coats!
What ended up happening was I contacted the elementary schools and asked if they knew of any small people who might need a little TLC and support this Xmas and also if they knew of any families that might need help. I contacted the homeless shelter and asked them what they needed and blankets was the resounding answer. Within a week I had been advised of two families that could really do with a loving hand and 60 little people from 4 – 12 that could do with some TLC. So I talked to an organisation that I love and work with – The Royal Canadian Legion and they stepped up loud and proud and are doing a blanket drive and creating two amazing hampers of food, gifts and certificates for the two families. Then I threw it out on Facebook to my community to see who could help with all these little people as we only have 2 weeks and I wanted to see who was willing to be a glorious, gorgeous Secret Santa. Quite a few people in the community stepped up and were assigned a small person to get a gift for, but what gob smacked me was the support from people in different areas of the world, France, Southern US, Vancouver. Thus, as of this moment we have 35 out of the 60 little people covered with a cool gift, all wrapped and ready for them come Xmas morning. Which to me is frigging cool. So on those days when you think you are alone or don’t matter, trust me, you most certainly do. This reminder gives me that beautiful sense of peace and trust and massive joy. Each of us can make a difference, it doesn’t have to be massive and lavish, it can be heartfelt, loving and little.
Okay, so keeping with the energy of the shorter and shorter days and coming to the place on Solstice of being willing to step into the dark to bring your light beaming bright out into the world – The Divine Circus Oracle stepped up loud and proud! Now, if you have never worked with this glorious Oracle deck, this deck is for those who find it hard to follow rules, conform, bend to authority and generally do what they are told. May your rebel heart always be bold. Interesting to see the glorious crystals that wanted to come share their energy today. We have Septarian – a shamanic healing stone, Smoky Quartz – Grounding and protects from negative energies and last but not least Shungite – a glorious purifier and transformation crystal. Let’s go play with the energy of Peace this week and a little more into the dark, it’s safe – honest.
So gorgeous one, get anchored and grounded by breathing long and deep in through your nose and out through your mouth. If you need a little help with tapping into the energy of Peace that we are working with this week there is a little visualisation to help. Otherwise, just breathe and drop into your body. You are safe, you are loved, you are Peace. Ready?
Let’s go pick, shall we?
Take another glorious breathe and feel it fill you from top to toe and then let’s go see, yes?
Bells are ringing from deep inside. Something that once had to hide is seeking your attention. It want out! It wants to be free! As you release what was once shut away, your discomfort shall turn to glee. You are a spiritual adventurer! You are not afraid to go to the edge of what you know, of who you have believed yourself to be. Even when before you there lies the darkness of unknown worlds, of undiscovered parts of you, even when you feel uncertainty, discomfort or doubt, you are still willing to figure out what it’s all about,
So you’ve come to a place in you, and in your life, where you don’t know. You don’t know what’s happening. You don’t know how to work through it. You don’t know who you are (well, not all of who you are). You don’t know what you don’t know. You are at the point of not knowing because you are growing. There will be surprises. There will be discoveries. You’ll feel awkward at times, like you are trying to see in the dark.
Don’t be afraid to let there be some inner rattling and rampaging. You are at a time when you are naturally diving into the darkness for a healing purpose. So ask the difficult questions. Do things you wouldn’t normally do. Experiment with thinking in ways you wouldn’t normally think. Be willing to let everything change for the better by first letting go of how things are now. The messier your inner world seems to be right now, the more you can expect complete and utter transformation as a new order comes into form. Expect the unexpected, for you were born to grow into what is happening now. It’s time to let the wild thing out!
There are advocates for love on this earth, those that are passionate defenders of the freedom for all beings to grow and fulfil their divine destiny. These warriors for the soul know they can either use darkness to serve the growth of the light, or allow it to consume their sense of hope, trust and faith in the right outworking of the destiny of all living things. You are being initiated in the ways of working with darkness constructively, to become a soul warrior with all living beings.
Some things in life are worth fighting for – but how do you fight with love? How do you fight without becoming bitter, hateful, tired, disconnected from the whole reason you needed to fight in the first place? To be a warrior for love and the soul, you have to be smart. You have to know how to fight without fighting, how to use the natural darkness on this planet as a way to birth a new consciousness that is unafraid. Nebula Warrior isn’t afraid of the dark. She isn’t interested in the rules of war established by fear-loving minds. She creates her own rules, not based on what people want her to believe, but based on what works to keep her free and liberate the minds and hearts of all beings.
She comes to you now because whatever situation needs healing in your life, or in the world, you have the power to bring it about. If you go for the goal directly, trying to force a change, you will be putting your considerable energy into pursuit and unintentionally set up resistance and repulsion. Guiding rather than forcing the solution to come into being , is a more effective use of your power. Do what you can do, each day. If you cannot do something you want to do, ask for help from the universe and then let it go. When you need rest, take it. You are a warrior of love and you will win any and every war, through cool compassion and smart, simple strategy.
Some blessings are obvious – the door that opens, the person who says yes and the instant success of an idea. But not all blessings are instantly recognisable. Some blessings are so veiled that at first you might consider them to be an unwanted development. A concealed blessing is either already at work in your life or on its way. Don’t worry if you feel like things aren’t working out as they should. Soon enough, the disguise will be dropped, and the blessed unmasked in all its beauty.
Blessings are the mysterious workings of the universe, there to help us along our unique life path to live our truths and fulfil our potential. The universe has the knack of knowing just what it is we need, even when sometimes we might think we need something altogether different. This is how it can be that something we resist and reject in our lives can become the very thing we’re most grateful for later on. We realise it had been a blessing masked, something actually helping us, even though it might have come in the form of a challenge or a struggle before we eventually gain great benefit from it.
The real beauty of a situation isn’t obvious to you yet. But trust and have peace of mind and a realisation that the universe does really know what it’s doing. It’s in your corner, on your side, cheering you on and helping you avoid unnecessary pitfalls, even if you don’t know they exist. There is no need to worry, even that which appears to be most troublesome is going to reveal itself to be working in your favour!
How did that feel? Remember to give yourself moments every day where you just drop into the lotus flower in your heart and breathe in Peace and release “Shoulds”. Breathe, Receive and Allow. You’ve got this! Wishing you a fantabulous week and next week we explore Joy!
Divine Disguise and that beautiful stone.. shungite. Perfect, perfect , perfect. I also loved your story of giving to those in need this holiday season. I have had the same thoughts running through my head but so far have not followed up except to give kitty food and litter to the local shelter and visited the lonely kitties in their cages for a little while. You have inspired me dear Jenny. Thank you!
Those are great ways to give back Judy! Love it.
Thank you!!!
Thank you… great reading!! Spot on for me xxx
So glad Sabine.
I loved my card (3)! I’m going to trust and believe!
Perfect Grace!