Holy hannah honey – there are so many celebrations this week, I love it!
We had a celebration this week for the youngest monster who turned 7 on Saturday. When asked what he would like for his birthday, his response was Crystals. Ummmm, what??? (Keeping in mind this little monster will line up all my crystals, talk to them, stuff them in his pockets and take them to school!) Hmmm, okay. “Yes, yes, I would like crystals and the Lego Avengers game for the PS3.” So that’s what he got! We had so much fun shopping for crystals together and it was so, so very cool to watch him touch them all, hold them in his hand and either keep it or put it down and move onto another one. By the time he was done he had quite a glorious collection. However, let’s talk about the more global celebrations that are happening this upcoming week.
First one is Valentine’s Day on Wednesday (or Single Appreciation Day). When the kids were little, little, I would make Valentines bags and stuff them with jokes, riddles and cool sweeties. For example, what did the stamp say to the envelope? “Stick with me and we will go places.” Snort, chortle, chortle. Now as they are getting bigger, we create heart shaped food and make love notes that are left randomly all over town. Public washrooms, the odd mailbox, a bus bench, a windshield – you name it, just little reminders for people to find at those odd moments and be reminded that they are loved and never alone.
Second celebration is the New Moon in Aquarius and a partial Solar Eclipse (such yummy energy happening with this one), on Thursday. If you want to learn how to tap into this delicious energy and practice a little ritual around New Moon to get clear on intentions and wishes (one that can also include kids, partners etc.) I have you covered right here.
Now the delightful Third one is Chinese New Year! This is the time we come out of the Fire Rooster energy and enter the Year of the Male Earth Dog. Calmer, more about community, loyalty – think about a dog, what are they like? Playful, loyal, soothing, protective, pack driven (thus community) etc. There is tons of stuff out there about how this year is going to play out so I leave you to explore that.
On Chinese New Year our family creates a feast! There are all sorts of dishes from ginger beef to gyozas, spring rolls to fried rice, chow mein to peking duck – you name it! The house is cleaned and cleared, there is a bowl of oranges on the table and everyone who comes to the glorious feast receives a small red envelope with a coin in it (a sign of good fortune). Games are played and the conversation is one of joy, ease, celebration and laughter. (In case you didn’t know, I love celebration – gathering together of wonderful people, sharing food, laughing, playing games, being grateful and just appreciating life to the fullest at that nano second in time).
Thus, if you were to pick one celebration this week, which would it be and how would you celebrate it?
Interesting to see that the deck that was a tad rude on their insistence of being front and centre is The Wild Kuan Yin Oracle. I love this deck and I’m not surprised at all that they insisted on coming out to play. Even the dedication is delicious. “This deck is dedicated to the wild ones – those with a spirit that longs to be free and a heart that must love with great passion – who year to bring beautiful visions to life. May you always trust the divine wild child within you, for you are one of the new humanity awakening, ensuring that life upon this planet flourishes with love, kindness and radical optimism. May the guidance, blessings and enlightenment of Wild Kuan Yin touch your heart. “
The crystals that were very clear it was their time to shine are:- Moonstone (Since earliest times, Moonstone has been a tangible connection to the magic of the moon – an amulet of protection for travelers, a gift of lovers for passion, a channel for prophecy, and a path to wisdom. Our ties to the moon are strong.), Morganite (Carries a very powerful vibration of Divine Love, providing one with compassion and unconditional acceptance of one’s self) and last but not least Black Moonstone (A powerful connection to the Divine Feminine, lined to the Black Madonna, or the Magdalene, helpful to the over sensitive by filtering energetic information from other people). Wow! Perfect crystals for this time of year!
So let’s take a moment. Get still and breathe out, a big exhale out your mouth and feel the air leave your lungs. Then breathe in through your nose nice and deep and feel all the corners of your lungs and belly expand and then breathe out as a delicious sigh. If you want a tad more help on just BEING and getting CENTRED, there’s an easy visualisation for you to do. A lovely one where we go play with fire and water.
So are you ready? Did you pick?
With this glorious week UNFOLDING let’s go have a look shall we?
You may question whether you are walking your true life path, in alignment with your divine destiny. Perhaps you have a choice to make and are uncertain s to which decision will be the right one for you. Perhaps you are wishing there were more choices available to you, that there only seems to be one path before you now and yet you are not convinced that it is the right path for you. Fear not. There is no mistake here. Trust in your unfolding life journey, for the path before you is one that I have blessed. Even if you sometimes lack confidence to trust in the path that you are upon, know this – you cannot miss your true path, or your divine destiny.
You are on your path. You are right in your sense that there is a greater purpose calling you forwards. Do not fall into the trap of imagining there is some other way to get there however. You have not made some error simply because your life doesn’t necessarily look or feel the way you imagined it would at this point. This too shall change in due course as your path curves ahead. Your life situation each day is like a breadcrumb dropped by the Divine, guiding you towards your destiny. You get to choose how you respond to that breadcrumb – happily gobble it up and continue on your way, or ignore it and try to venture off elsewhere out of anxiety or doubt.
Don’t make things more complicated than they need to be. Don’t rush in out of fear or panic to try and sort out an issue. Be patient and allow it to unfold. The universe knows what you are in need of, and the Divine Mother is with you always, giving birth, through you, to the fullness of your destiny. Take pause when needs be and rest. Then take the next step. Trust.
Sometimes there is benefit in focusing on the new, seeking out untried paths, developing untapped resources and exploring possibilities. The intoxication of hope, inspiration and optimism combined can be hard to resist. However, if fear, boredom or lack of commitment is beneath the quest for new adventures, if we are believing that what we need or want is always just beyond, we may be dissuaded from applying ourselves to the worth tasks before us right now. If we are an imaginative and visionary type of personality, we may rebel against the mundane tasks of applying ourselves daily to bring an idea to life. However, if we were to stop and look clearly at what we already have in our lives, we could realise that there is much of value waiting to be put to use.
Do not step away from what you are cultivating, even if it seems to have lost its steam, run out of energy or be utterly dead in the water! There is something within what you have been working on that is going to yield something of great benefit. There will be much more success, prosperity, happiness and maturing of your ultimate life goals and journey in tending to what is already further along in development than in something new. Grandmother Dragonfly offers you vision that is wide and unlimited by preconceptions. You may need to look differently at what you have nurtured and how to tap into what it has become to be able to share it with others and allow its sustaining grace to nourish human life in its own way. You will help people in many and varied ways. It is all a part of your natural development and you can trust in it. There is no need for you to ever be impatient or doubting of this.
I recognise immense potential and talent within you, beyond what you can see for yourself. I know that you are willing to develop into all that you are, and so I shall become your divine mentor. I will encourage and guide you, as you manifest your potential, develop and express your talents and fulfil your divine destiny. Sometimes I will evoke the best in you through opportunity, sometimes I will coax forth the best in you through challenge. What you can be assured of is success on this path of self-development. Life has offered you much natural ability and talent. I will help you discover and develop it so that you can offer it back to life as a gift of gratitude.
You have been gifted with a talent, and ability. You may or may not be aware of this talent. It may be an ability to write, draw, paint, dance, or a myriad of others. Or it may be a more unusual and rare gift of being able to organise and rally people together for events with purpose and to motivate others to do their best. Or perhaps you have some other sort of talent that is hard to articulate, define or pin down, but is real nonetheless. If you have no idea what talent lies within, then this gorgeous oracle indicates a process of discovery for you as well as personal development. All you need to do is attend to your spiritual path and personal growth and all else will unfold as it needs to, whether you understand it at the time or not.
This is not a slight ability that may be fun for a while to explore, it is a genuine talent that needs to be developed for a life path to be successful. Taking this particular journey, discovering, exploring and developing this particular ability, will bring you into a sense of your calling, into a deep sense of spiritual satisfaction. If you are feeling pressured by other commitments, even by family members or social networks, to step away from your personal work, spiritual path and commitment to your inner journey. There is work you are doing that will be of benefit to the larger human collective. That sort of contribution takes commitment and you are not selfish in honouring that commitment. No matter how ordinary you may feel at times – you are special! You are unique, you have value. Learning to live truthfully as yourself, and being that self in the world, is a way to honour the life that you have been given.
Love yourself as the Divine Mother does, with great generosity and affection. You deserve no less.
So gorgeous one, enjoy this glorious week. Celebrate whatever you want to and in a way that fits for you. Remind yourself how fantabulous you are and how so very loved you are. Wishing you a stupendous week, be kind to yourself. Plant your seeds of intention and always remember to laugh and drink tea! Also, a huge glorious thank you for all your lovely emails and comments, I greatly appreciate them! They are a delight to read.
Just what I needed to hear, Jenny. Thanks so much.
Linda, I’m so glad!
OHH, How grateful I am to have the “Kite Dancer” as a mentor. As I reflect back, I see it in the visual you portrayed. So warming in my heart.
Have a BLESSED Day and every day to come…
Thank You, Jenny
Connie, isn’t she delicious! Most welcome honey bee.
“The kite dancer, walking the path before me”
Thank you for sharing – the timing was immaculate!