Happy fantabulous Monday delicious one? How are you? How has your week been? I most certainly hope that you took the opportunity to do something fun and get outside into nature. I was sooo thrilled that the weather is finally becoming more Spring like and that I was able to do this reading outside! Whoot, whoot. That made me exceptionally happy. Also the fact that Beltane (May Day) is approaching is stupendous!! However, we will talk more about that next week.
It’s been a rather “interesting” week with lots of “opportunities for growth”, as I call them. In other words my darling teens have been delightfully challenging. In fact on Thursday I decided to whip up some cookies as I was leading a group of women in business growth and strategies the next morning and holy hannah my 18 year old boy must have been bathing in the “entitlement” fountain and drank too much “how foul can I be”, soda. So there are I am with one bowl of dry ingredients ready to go and one of the wet and he’s beaking away and I just thought – if I stay here there might be a likelihood that I will start hooking into this and probably rip him a new arsehole. So I bundled up my bowls, stormed over to a friends and baked the cookies there lolol. Thus, when I was running my group the next morning and one of the women asked what type of cookies they were my response was “Temper tantrum cookies, so some may taste great and others may have got the majority of the salt.” Lol.
On Saturday I bounded out of bed with the intent of a huge hike up the mountainside, through the woods and playing by the rushing streams (as the snow pack is just beginning to melt). So I loaded up the hounds and off we went, I think we had managed to get about 1km up the mountainside when within minutes the sky went black, there was a huge clap of thunder immediately followed by horizontal rain, which rapidly turned into hail and then snow! WTF! When a huge tree limb broke off and fell within an inch of the dog I figured it was far smarter to turn tail and run for the truck! It was just wild and the dogs were only too eager to get away from the bolts of lightning and the hail.
By about lunchtime the weather had cleared up and so I went out into the garden and looked around and there was a huge feeling of overwhelm. Do you ever get that, where there seems to be so much to do and you wonder how it’s all going to get done? This was were I wanted to turn tail and run as my rebellious teen was kicking up and wanting to go do something more interesting, but instead I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and made a list of all the things that had to happen from raking, to digging, to pruning – you name it, ll of it went on the list. Great, I now had a detailed list, and now what? Well I cranked the music, donned a pair of gloves and just started with one small thing and then another and within about 4 hours my garden and outside space looked spectacular and I felt a delicious sense of grubby (and believe me I was) contentment, as I love to hang out outside when I can.
I think the birds and animals appreciated the effort that had occurred as on Sunday when I was sitting out with my cuppa tea and just breathing in the beauty and the sense of quiet I looked around and there must have been 40 – 50 fat little Junkos hopping all over the lawn and in the garden beds and there were 2 fat squirrels that were frolicking at the feeder. Ahhhh, life is good and I was offered many glorious reminders to let go of how I perceive things should be and not to hook into overwhelm and negativity.
Thus, it was no surprise to me that the deck that insisted on doing this weeks reading is The Faery Forest Oracle. The dedication for this deck is as follows:- “May the wild green world and the wondrous beings of this Faery Forest heal us, inspire us and urge us all to become more who we truly are meant to be.“ The crystals that wiggled and jiggled to grab my attention are Amethyst, Apatite and Moonstone.
Let’s get still and present. If you need more support with that there is a delightful visualisation to help you.
Otherwise rub your hands vigorously together and generate some heat between your palms. Cup your hands over your eyes and allow the heat to seep into your face relaxing all those tiny facial muscles and just breathe long and deep in through your nose and out through your mouth. Then when you feel ready gently remove your hands open your eyes and pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
Let’s go pick shall we?
Ready to have a look?
There is a time to hold on and to endure – and there is a time to open our hands and let the soul fly free. You may be remembering that death is a sacred rite, and be learning about the nature of the physical transition that is taking place. Death is a huge taboo in modern culture, yet it is a path that is sacred and walked by all of us fortunate to have lived.
So the Merciful One comes forward with love, respect and compassion to ask you to hold the space for those who are departing, and to allow yourself to let go, either of your own self, an outdated belief, a relationship that no longer serves, or of another being who is readying themselves to return to the Otherworld.
This is the card of deep, sacred change, from one stage to another, one form to another, but most truly at its heart, it is the card of letting go, and the great mercy that this letting go brings to those of us in pain, and unable to stay as we are. The Merciful One lifts pain, makes passing easy, ensures we are surrounded by loved ones, supported and held, and respects the great moment that this is. Know now that a death of a kind is coming, and the Merciful One wishes the letting go to be dignified and sacred. So let go, and let an ending continue with beauty, dignity, and mercy.
When you are pure of heart, the whole world is full of potential. And this is the message from this innocent Green Witch to you. She is green as in the fresh new shoot from the seed pushing urgently towards the sun. She is green and connected to the earth, flowing with the cycles of Nature. She is green in that she looks as much to the natural world for company, friendship, and fulfillment as you currently do to fellow humans.
She is your reminder to begin to reconnect to the wild green world, to the faery forests all about you – to go back to a place where you empty yourself of expectations and stories and knowledge and just admit that in some circumstances and at some times, you are as a babe. You are newborn, and in that moment of unknowing-ness, and of admitting and embracing your own powers of renewal, you can finally learn what it is you are here to learn.
Be not so certain, or so experienced when The Green Witch comes to you. Be new. Be fresh. Be unwise, be unknowing. Be innocent. And then the new cycle can truly begin.
Let me be a reminder to be true to yourself, to your own personal truths, to the code within your soul. Truly, at this time it is essential for you to let your conscience be your guide, and to live according to your own creed, with open eyes. Do not fool yourself into believing another person’s vision and ideas are more important than your own – question agendas, and be aware of people’s history. For at this time, there is one about you who is attempting to persuade you to their cause, to join them in what they see is a great task, but which in truth is simply a harnessing of your power to their agenda, which is not for your highest good.
All tricksters are charming and know exactly what to say to persuade you – but this is mere language. Their deeds will not match their words, and what you are agreeing to by joining with them will be a loss of your own personal dreams for the furthering of theirs. If you allow yourself to be coerced, cajoled, and manipulated at this time, it will weigh heavily on your very soul.
Be more wary than is natural for you at this time. Do not betray yourself, or ignore the warning signs, which are all about you. Do not foolishly give away your power, but exercise it, and weave a future that is truly the one you wish to create – one, which will provide you with honour, plenty, and the satisfaction of having been true to yourself.
Well that is most interesting, all the cards are to do with letting go, being true to yourself and starting new cycles – all of which are so appropriate for the onset of Spring and Beltane just around the corner! So delicious one wishing you a gorgeous week of release, being willing to try new things and a reminder to be gentle with yourself when having to deal with ridonculous people or situations. Also, I would like to say a huge thank you for all the amazing emails, sharing of stories and feedback, I really, really love receiving them. See you next week!
The Green Witch! WoooHooo!!!! Yeah!!!! Yippie!!!!
Jenny the visualization is amazing and beautiful! Thank you for sharing that.
So very welcome April.