- Welcome to March, Resiliency and Spring Equinox!
Happy, Happy Magickal, Marvelous, Magnificent, Merry, Manifesting March Monday!
Whoot! Whoot! March is here and I am thrilled (trust me if you could see the happy dance I am doing you would laugh).
Whoot it’s the first Monday of March (frigging love March), as we head to Spring Equinox, we are slowly coming out of hibernation, the flowers are popping up and there is that sense of promise and hope in the air. (Aren’t those delicious words right now?)
Why am I so pumped about March – because Spring Equinox is almost here!!! Now you may be shaking your head and thinking – yeah, so what Jenn. Oh little one, Spring Equinox is a huge energetic time as it’s the time of Birth. The Birth of ideas, goals, desires and dreams – it is positively delicious.
Now you be thinking – I don’t have the energy for that as the world feels like it is in chaos. I totally get it, as yes, there is a lot of fear, chaos, and downright garbage being pumped out.
However, more than ever this is the time to Birth the new, the communities, the dreams and that is where Resiliency comes in.
As to step into our power and our gifts we have to be practicing resilience more than ever in today’s climate!
What does it mean to be resilient?
Resilience means being able to adapt to life’s misfortunes and setbacks.
To stand in your centre from a place of truth and Sovereignty and calm whilst chaos swirls around you.
Funnily enough for the last couple of months this theme has been coming in and offering me insights.
Then in the wee hours of March 1st (the White Rabbit day in my world), I woke up at 2am and got a massive download about Resiliency.
So with the approaching Equinox – the time of Birth, desires and dreams. It seems the perfect time to offer a glorious course that can be done as a home study or as a group study on Resilience.
And by Resilience I mean, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and most certainly the nervous system!
What does it mean, how to embody it and how to integrate it into your day to day so that you hold your centre, stand in your truth and Sovereignty and move forward with calm and ease.
So keep your eyes peeled (such a gross expression, where does it even come from?!), as there will be more information coming and we start at Equinox (March 20th).
Interestingly enough the energy for March is “All About The Heart”
“We could have put many themes on this intense month but the bottom line is that the focus is on the heart; relationships, issues around love, healing the wounds of the ego and dealing with old patterns (some ancestral) around self-worth, betrayal, regrets, and karma. Phew!
March also promises some upheaval and unexpected shifts supporting change and transformation. This does not come without challenge and potentially painful truths, but is necessary in our personal evolution. There are many cycles ending and many cycles beginning this month forcing the letting go of past attachments and welcoming in new beginnings.”
The heart needs to take the reins and, using its intuitive intelligence, set a direction that is aligned with your emotional truth and values.
Which totally ties in with Equinox and living from a place of Resiliency!
Okay, enough chuntering on, let’s go meet your guides for this week.
These are glorious new guides who invite you into the realm of time travel.
So darling one, just relax for a moment. Give your shoulders a wiggle, move your jaw from side to side and take a glorious deep breath in and then sigh it out. With the energy of March swirling around you, breathe into your heart. See it strong, calm, true and at ease. Then when you are ready pick the card or cards that make you tingle.
Did you remember to pick?
Let’s go have a peek, shall we?
Nomads, Steppes of Mongolia
We are visiting Mongolian nomads on the plateau of central Asia, an area currently landlocked between China and Russian Siberia.
Here, the sky is incredibly expansive. It feels like we can see forever on these vast vistas.
We feel a sense of freedom here as we travel with a tribe following their reindeer. These nomadic people have lived here for thousands of years, migrating the immense grassy plains, mountainous regions, upland steppes, and deserts of Mongolia.
Every time we stop, we set up a camp. In the middle of the night, when we step outside the yurt, it seems that there can be no other place with such a vast expanse of the heavens.
In the morning, as we stomp our feet on the ground to warm up, the horizons seem to stretch in every direction, seemingly all the way to eternity.
Widen your horizons to see the bigger picture.
This is not the time to think small. Think outside the box.
There is the potential of big changes ahead. Be willing to be unconventional in projects, relationships, and ideas. Know that you can choose any direction you desire, but before you go forward, look in all directions to see the potential outcomes.
Vast vistas are ahead for you. It’s easy to get caught up in the small details of life and forget the bigger view.
This is a time of expansion and even a time of travel and new adventures.
If you receive an opportunity to travel, go for it.
If you can step into a different direction in life, don’t hesitate.
Take it!
Vikings in the New World
What an exciting adventure! We’ve landed in Newfoundland around the year 1000 C.E to visit the newly arrived Vikings.
We’re here with Leif Eriksson, watching his people prepare the foundations of a new settlement. As we walk through their community, we’re impressed by the vigor, physical strength, and grace of these men and women.
It seems to radiate from the center of their being.
What remarkable courage these early settlers had to cross the Atlantic Ocean in their longships – open-air, wooden boats – during huge storms and inclement weather.
They set forth without certainty about where they would land or when they’d get there.
Guided by the stars, the winds, and their connection to their gods, they travelled forward into the unknown.
There are times to hold back and deliberate about life, and times to move forward with passion, power and daringness.
If there is something you wanted to do or say or act upon, now is the time to go forward.
Don’t back down; face your fears.
Act on your impulse now, and success will follow.
Being courageous doesn’t mean that you are not at all afraid. Being fearless means just that – to fear less. There are no certainties about the outcomes, but be willing to take a risk and step forward anyway.
Be resolute in honouring your truth, and speak up for yourself. Live with passion!
As a warrior of the light, you must step beyond self imposed limitations to be a way shower for others.
Through you, others will be inspired to find and act upon their truth.
Trust that you are unstoppable.
Planet Jupiter
Today we are time travelling to the planet Jupiter. What a ride it is!
As we land, we can feel our muscles strengthening in its strong gravity field.
Even though Jupiter is physically uninhabitable by humans, the mystic energy here is remarkable. You and I are both in awe of Jupiter’s 79 incredible moons.
Everything feels so stunningly expansive – understandably so, as this planet is 318 times as massive as our own planet.
In Roman mythology, the god Jupiter, for whom the planet was named, was considered to be sky god and king of the gods. (In Greek mythology, he was known as Zeus.)
In astrology, Jupiter is connected with principles of growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles.
Your life is expanding in profound and wondrous ways.
Vitality and wide open opportunities are at hand. Focus on what you desire to increase in your life, and let it flow to you. Timing is everything, and the time is now, so seize the day!
Anything and everything is possible.
If there is anything in your life that you want to expand, this is the time to nurture it.
Good fortune, growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, and miracles await you.
Activate this escaping power and activity by believing that anything is possible……..and it is.
Focus on your deepest dreams and allow the energy of Jupiter to propel you.
Woosah! Glorious guides as we step into March. So darling one, take time this week to do things that nourish you and bring you back to centre. Turn off the TV and the news, reach out to a friend, go for a walk. Be gentle with your gorgeous self and keep your eyes peeled for more information on Rooted in Resiliency.
Massive hugs and squeezes,