Dearest Gentle Reader,
How are you? We have had quite a bit of snow (which we don’t normally get) and freezing temperatures and I think this huge city has 1 snowplough! So it has been “interesting” getting out and about, lol.
So here we are in February and this week we are going to explore the energy of the month, the glorious Leo Full Moon and the Love day.
February comes in with the energy of Discernment
Discernment is one of the themes for the year and it begins to influence us this month with an invitation to be careful what we ask for, careful about who and what we believe, to whom and what we listen to, where we put our energy, and to be most careful and discerning about what we think, say and do. Lena
Very good advice!
On top of that we have the Full Moon in Leo on Wednesday, February 12th.
“The Leo Full Moon holds some erratic energy, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. Perhaps we need a shake-up. Perhaps we need to look at things from a different vantage point. As the poet Rumi once shared- ‘Do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know the side you are used to is better than the one to come?’ And that feels to be the motto of this Full Moon.
Change is in the air, and perhaps some instability too, but we are being called to step into our power, find our courage, and stand proud in what we know to be true in our hearts. We are being called to trust ourselves and to listen to our inner wisdom. The truer we are to ourselves, the easier time we will have working with this Full Moon energy.”
Do you see how Discernment and the Leo Full Moon are weaving together?
As I started writing this reading my guides came in with an amazing soundtrack of love songs, songs from my parents era “Love is in the air”. Tina Turner rocking “What’s love got to do with it”, and a shed ton more!
I had “thought” I was going to write about Valentine’s Day and how it is in essence a made up day that Hallmark and whomever sells the choccies and red roses are doing very well with.
Yet again, I got a huge smack down on that from what I call my “posse”, and when they smack, I pay the frig attention, so it’s not going to be what I thought – so stick with me, lol – or don’t, your choice.
So most certainly in Western cultures Valentine’s day is being celebrated. The stores are filled with gitchy things to buy, a single rose is $7 and the price of chocolate has gone up by 35%. Wow.
Personally I find Valentine’s Day irritates me, not because I don’t believe in love, but why on earth do we need just one day where we are meant to be loving, and why is it only focused on romantic love?
What if you aren’t in a romantic relationship? What if you’ve lost your partner? I mean for criminies sake, why aren’t we celebrating all forms of love – family, friends, community, nature, spiritual and most importantly self love?
Because, let’s be honest – without self love and appreciation for your own gorgeous being, you don’t have anything! (And NO self love is NOT selfish!)
Had to clear that up as one of my clients a while ago said that they felt selfish taking time for themselves and doing something nurturing.
Self-love is all about nourishing your mind, spirituality, and physical body. Try to aim at all three of these to create a more well-rounded self-care plan. Focus on activities you get excited about doing. This is all about you after all, if it doesn’t give you a little thrill, why bother?
To fully love, forgive and accept yourself is magickal and allows the Divine to flow through you.
So I invite you to think about love and romance in a whole different way this year.
Look at ways you can increase your self-love. How can you take better care of yourself?
How can you be your own best lover and your own best partner?
Offer yourself all the things you would love to have from a lover.
Book romantic dates for yourself.
Make love to yourself slowly, and with intention.
Spend time journaling your feelings.
Say all those wonderful words that you say to your best friend, to build them up, to yourself.
If you’re struggling, get the help and support that you need to release the doubts and fears.
Fall in love with your glorious self every day, not just Valentine’s Day.
And remember, love all of yourself – even the jiggly bits lol, because you are so, so very worth it!
Use the energy of this Leo Full Moon that comes on February 12th, to really tap into your emotions and write a love letter to yourself, of the changes you have witnessed and who you are becoming!
I’ve created a glorious Self Love Spell, which is an easy and lovely candle ritual for you to do.
Okay, I have chuntered on enough, so let’s crack on with the reading.
When I went to the cards to ask who wanted to share their wisdom and insight with you this week, the glorious “Love Your Inner Goddess” guides came out big and bold.
Seriously, the perfect guides for this time. Woosah!
Okay dear heart, just settle into yourself. Allow your breath to find its natural rhythm. Just breathe into all the corners of your glorious being, and allow in your mind’s eye a glorious vortex to start swirling. As it opens, see it filled with love, all sorts of love and allow it to soothe you and to remind you that you are love incarnate. Then when you’re ready pick the card or cards that dance around your heart.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a gander shall we?

You are here to march to your own beat. You can be happy and free, whether the world looks at you with awe, admiration, confusion or love – or all of these at once.
Normal is not for you. Don’t be afraid of that! Deep down you are the good kind of crazy, an individual. You would never be happy trying to be the same as everyone else! You have an inner sense of justice and a need to question authority when it doesn’t earn your respect. This may make some people uncomfortable, whilst it inspires others to think for themselves and not automatically assume that everything they are told is correct. We need more of this in our world!
You are a free thinker with a different point of view to most people. This isn’t a sign that something is wrong with you, but a sign of something special – a gift to see and express things differently. The world needs much more of that too!
Your weird streak is a proverbial breath of rhea air, preventing unimaginative collapse into the boredom of sameness. It also makes you a divine poster child for others who want to break free from conformity and unapologetically be truly themselves. It means that you get to dream up your own destiny, and you don’t have to worry about what anyone else has to say about it. The Universe will support you every step of the way – because it so enjoys you just being you!
You can choose right now to feel good about yourself. If you’ve been beating yourself up, stop it now. Don’t let anyone else decide how you should feel about yourself. Taking responsibility for your actions means that when you have done something that you feel is out of integrity, you do something about it that is constructive and useful. Shaming yourself with judgement, or allowing another to steal your self-esteem, is neither of those things.
The Divine Mother is telling you to forgive yourself and use your energy not to live the best life that you can. It’s time to take your life back.
You are one tough sweetheart, a spiritual gangster,a beautiful bandit, stealing back from the unworthy that which rightfully belongs with you. You have certain spiritual rights that cannot be denied you. Your dignity, power and grace, your sense of beauty and self-esteem, your chosen belief systems, your energy and your right to take up space in this world rightfully belong to your soul. Your faith in your spiritual connection with the Universe and your sense of your life purpose belong to your soul, too. So do your joy, your laughter and your enjoyment of life, your belief in your own purity of heart and the goodness of your own being. Your right to love yourself is owned by your soul, too.
Even when you make mistakes, the great Mother loves and forgives you, knowing that you are doing your best and are her precious one. You have a spiritual right to be free from torment, cruelty and mental anguish. You alone own the right to choose your thoughts and claim your freedom to make your own choices. You are fierce with wisdom.
Anything that you feel has been taken from you unfairly shall be taken back by you. Claim what is yours by spiritual right.
Daily life can get us down before we even realise what is happening. Trying to do it all can push us beyond our limits, draining our energy and stealing our joy.
One moment, we are on top of the world; the next moment, we wonder what happened and why we cannot rally our spirit. If we do not learn how to rest, exhaustion, crankiness and illness eventually force our hand. It takes longer to break down and recover – and is much more painful than it is to learn to rest as part of our lifestyle.
Rest is not only a way to prevent unnecessary suffering, it also has its own value. When we are in restful quiet, we can hear our inner voice and the guidance of spirit much more clearly. We can feel gratitude and take delight in what brings us pleasure. Rest is part of how we live well.
Peacock Priestess reminds you that you can see taking rest as an act of love and a way to be a good role model. Don’t allow guilt or shame to stop you from taking delight in your downtime. What kind of rest you need will vary. It could be a long nap, painting, listening to music, writing poetry or practicing meditation, a bath with candles, visiting a temple or church to sit quietly , working in your garden, playing with animals or going for a walk and being in nature, soaking up her beautiful healing energy.
There are many ways to rest. Try some. Find out what you enjoy.
If you feel impatient for something to happen – or worried that you are not accomplishing all that you want to achieve quickly enough – then take heart.
The Universe is working with you, not against you, to bring your dreams to life. Even times when not much seems to be happening are a part of this creative process, balancing out other times when energy becomes active and intense.
What will be most helpful for you and your dreams right now is to rest. During that pleasurable rest, behind the scenes, some spiritual magic is going to be created.
Woosah! Those were glorious messages for the week!
So gorgeous one, sending you big love, squeezes, warm cups of tea and a soothed soul.
May your heart be full and your spirit light! Try out the candle ritual and remember – You are loved, you are worthy and you are amazing!

Thank you so much! Appreciate your wisdom. 🥰❤️😘
Aw, jenny! i *just* shared this w/ my local coven fb group along with an excerpt from my memoir, about my mom’s cancer diagnosis, and her numbers are 333, which became so around the time of her death – and then i open to read and see you posted at 333. a wink from her, through you. love you.
Oh Sarah,
I’m so glad! I love how the time shows up when we need it.
Love this week’s reading 🤗😍 thank you
Welcome honey.