Happy Magickal, Mischievous, Musical, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!
Thank you so much for all the wonderful messages and emails with regards to your Luscious Lughnasadh Companion Gift. It tickled me pink to hear about how you were celebrating, journaling and which rituals you tried. (My sister would have been very happy!)
Okay, we have a lot to cover and explore this week as today is the Lions Gate Portal and we have the glorious Sturgeon Super Moon in Aquarius on Thursday the 11th, so the energy has been off the charts. So let me ask – how are you? How are you feeling?
Many in our lovely community and in Creatrix Circle have shared all the unusual physical symptoms they have been having from feeling incredibly unwell (which was me all last week), to fatigue, feeling as if the top of their head wasn’t there, chest pains etc. Let alone the most random external experiences that were occurring. One client thought she was going quite bonkers, but when we talked about the energy and I tapped into hers we found a solution to keep her grounded.
So if you have been feeling off, odd or just very itchy, twitchy, bitchy or spacey – KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
The energy of August involves a lot of change, allowing yourself to release past wounding, large life evaluation and practicing proactive resilience.
The words Courage, Determination and Flexibility would stand you in good stead this month.
So let’s look at what the Lion’s Gate Portal is and how to use the energy to support you this month shall we?
The lion’s gate portal opens every year on August 8 (so the 8th of the 8th), when the Sun, Sirius and Earth take their perfect places for this energetic shower. Sirius is the 2nd brightest star and is sometimes called our “Spiritual Sun” and is known for her energy giving powers.
This creates a glorious portal of manifestation.
Eight is known as the powerhouse number, and it acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. It’s also the number of power and wealth. So having a double 8 is quite auspicious.
Now you have a quick nutshell version of what the Lion’s Gate Portal is – how can you actualize all of this powerful eight-energy?
The portal opens in Leo season so play with your inner Leo (even if you aren’t one). The sign of Leo contains and represents love, generosity, leadership, and creativity.
Focus on love. Allow the Lion’s Gate Portal to open the portal in your own heart. Do things that bring you joy!
Prepare for massive shifts.
Tap into your spiritual side.
Practice gratitude. The more love and gratitude you pour out in the world, the more it comes back to you multiplied.
Next up is the glorious Sturgeon Super Moon in Aquarius on August 11th. This Moon is named the Sturgeon Moon to symbolize and represent the freshwater fish that were easily caught during this hot summer month in North America.
Have you ever seen a Sturgeon? They are so frigging impressive and look prehistoric and can be traced back over 200 million years!
Sturgeon can grow to be quite large in size and often live to be over 100 years old.
So – align your spiritual intentions this month with the strong and impressive sturgeon. They’ve survived millions of years by adapting and persevering through many different challenges. You are just as powerful and resilient whether you realize it or not.
The symbol for Aquarius is the Water Bearer, symbolically and eternally giving life and spiritual food to the world. The water from the vessel washes away the past, leaving room for a fresh, new start.
The sign of Aquarius is forward-looking and growth-oriented. Take this opportunity to let go of old pain, release what bogs you down, and open your mind to renewed flexibility and clarity. Great waves of life are flowing all around us at this time.
August is a powerful month of releasing and reevaluating your life. It’s time to let go of anything that is holding you back because you want to be open and ready for the new energies that are coming in at this point in the year.
So with that glorious energy in play, that both meld together – let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the glorious cards and asked who wanted to guide and support you this week I was delighted to see some new guides who wanted to show and shine.
In case you have never met them, please let me introduce you (as not to is rude!)
These glorious guides give you needed glimpses into your everyday life and help you see where changes can be made to enhance your life here on Earth. There is so much more to our world than we often perceive.
There exist many dimensions and numerous beings that reside in these realms. All of these elemental beings are interconnected with us. We do not live independent of one another but are interdependent. These wonderful beings are here to help.
They not only take care of the Earth, but they work hard to take care of us. We are familiar with many of these beings, such as angels, faeries, and elves. There are many more we are not conscious of, but they, nevertheless, contribute to the workings of our planet. Remember as you go through your day, to ask for help from the elemental world whenever you need it. The need is never too small to call on their help. It is through helping us that they advance in their spiritual development. We are their work. We in turn can spiritually evolve through allowing them to help us. To all these amazing beings we say Thank You.
Okay, let’s just take a moment and I invite you to take a lovely deep breath in. In through the nose, out through the mouth with a glorious sigh. Breathe yourself back here to this moment. Allow the worries to drop like water droplets down to the earth to nourish something new. Then, when you are ready, pick the card or cards that tug at you.
If you want a little bit more of a “tune up”, let’s go play with water in a lovely guided visualisation.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look.

The keyword here is Infinity.
To truly understand life, you must understand that you have always been…and always will be. You are a part of the Divine Source that rules the Universe. Your spirit and your soul are immortal. As the physical body passes from existence your energy body survives, eventually to move back to join with the Spirit. Your connection to the Divine Spirit is never severed.
You are never alone. You are always connected to the Source. You are the vehicle through which the Divine Spirit manifests on Earth.
Understand your divinity and your importance on Earth. Appreciate that every other being on Earth is equally important to the Divine Plan. You may have a desire or wish for a special person in your life who will promise to always be there for you. First, you must always be there for yourself!
Perhaps in the past those who should have stuck by you did not. Those you thought were true were not. Release old pain and habit patterns and allow your highest good to manifest in your life.
Express your gratitude for you!!
This primes the pump for a real lasting relationship. And always remember the elementals that are helping you along the way. Their devotion to you is infinite and unwavering.
“I ever was,
I always will be.
I am Infinity.
My soul reaches out far beyond this shell,
Within me Spirit has a place to dwell.
I am.
So be it!”
Play a song over and over and over again.
Think of the Spirit Realm and the realm of faeries and the faery within you.
You are being invited to use your inborn ability to tap into spirits of the mystical realm. You may find that you are enhanced with an otherworldly, magickal, faerylike quality. You may come from a long line of faery ancestors, carrying the bloodline of ancients. Others may notice something just a bit different about you.
The word eccentric might come to the minds of some who are acquainted with you. But do you care? No! And that is how it should be!
You may see, hear and know things others do not. Administering healing energy may be your talent. There is a special twinkle in your eye…these are the eyes that can see faeries, and communicate with all the elementals. You work with the heavenly as well as the Earthly spirits. You are a gifted person…..intuitive and capable of easily channeling the energies of the Universe.
Remember to always use this power for the highest good. Always ask that you be guided in its use and that no one comes to harm through your ministering. Remember to keep your ego out of your spiritual work, for therein lies your downfall.
Give credit where credit is due…..Spirit does the work.
“I joyously embrace my uniqueness.
I embrace all that comes from Spirit.
I allow Spirit to move within my being
And to assist the growth of others as well as myself.
I know that all healing comes from Spirit
And I graciously accept the gifts bestowed upon me, and as such,
I bring only honour to the name of Spirit.
So be it!”
Sprout your wings today!
Honesty, such a beautiful thing. It’s time for you to keep your eyes open and your ears alert. Someone is not being as honest with you as they can be. This can be a business affair or a relationship. There is a stretching of the truth or a covering up of facts.
You are likely to find out too late unless you pay attention. Bring your intuition into play and combine it with fact finding. No one can keep the wool over your eyes for very long!
It’s also an important reminder to be scrupulous with your own words and deeds. Remember that what you send out is what you get back. This is the law of the Universe.
Be honest with yourself.
Trouble can almost always be avoided by paying attention, choosing your words and actions wisely, and by listening to your higher self.
Ask the faeries and angels to help you tap into your highest and best energy!
Remember, you do not need to draw negative situations into your life. Choose to bring joyful and positive situations instead. Sometimes the best action can simply be no action for the moment.
“Truth is within me.
Honest people surround me.
I am guided in all things,
To the perfect course of action.
My world is bountiful
And I work with the tool of truth, trust and attraction.
So be it!”
Stir things up today!
Oh gosh, I love these guides for this week! Wishing you an amazing week, delicious lovely, remember to beam love (especially to yourself), dance with the Lion’s Gate Portal energy and really utilise this amazing Full Moon to release, relax and rejuvenate. Big hugs and see you next week!

Thanks Jenny, Trouble fits perfectly for me right now as I’ve been converting neg into positive, been having awesome dreams as I awake, (my best friend my Pug Tyrone he passed Dec 2020) is on my bed, he has a new body and was happy to come visit. That will be remembered and not forgotten. A couple of other meaningful dreams as well….
I’m starting to get happy again.
Thanks ❤️ Todd
Todd, so lovely to hear from you! I am glad you are having meaningful dreams and that Tyrone is coming to visit. It’s so good to hear that you are beginning to get happy again. Massive hugs! Jenny