Happy Magickal, Mystical, Marvelous, Magnificent, Majestic, Merry, Motivated, Manifesting Monday! How was your week? How are you getting on with “Next Step” energy and did you remember to make your New Moon wishes? Remember too that the New Moon sets the energy and holds your intentions for the 29 day cycle, so even if you didn’t have a chance to write down your wishes, you can still work with the building energy throughout the month! (That’s very handy for those of us who love to procrastinate!)
I have had the most bizarre week (actually it’s been a few weeks, but this last one has been even more “interesting” than normal, to say the least. (I once read that to bless someone by saying “May your life be interesting”, was actually a curse). Gulp!
For the last little while I have been pretty sure that I was losing my marbles! So if you feel inclined, grab a cuppa tea, get comfy and let me share the experience I have been having with you, and in the process I am “outing” myself a tad.
So just over a few weeks ago I was trundling through my day, minding my own business – tra, la, la, la, la (get the picture). I was sitting out on my front porch with my evening cuppa tea watching night descend and the stars start popping out and all of a sudden this huge (and I mean HUGE) download came in that left me scrambling for a pad of paper and a pen and writing, writing, writing. When I finished I read over what I been told to write and there was one of those huge inhales of breathe and a sense of “Oh My, this is going to be interesting to say the least.” Anyhow, I put it aside, took my supplements and hopped into bed with the full intention of trying to ignore it all. No such luck. My dreams were filled with it all and in fact one just kept looping over and over, so much so that I woke up swearing my head off! Lol.
Now you may be thinking – “Jenny what the heck is the big deal, you got a download, you wrote it down now get on with it or let it go.” Good point of view, but have to say there was no letting it go, or more correctly it was not letting me go and to be honest it terrified me a tad as I have always thought of myself as a highly logical, empathetic, spiritual being and now I am being asked to talk about Magick! Yes I did say Magick. In other words Practickal Magick, the Magick that is in all of us, we were born with it but for most of us we have put it in a little cardboard box and stuffed it at the back of the closet. This is the Magick that wends through our day to day, our work, the intentions we set, the dreams we have, the way we think, our beliefs, our mindsets, the legacy we want to create, absolutely every single fibre of being in your body and all the delicious threads of life. It’s retrieving and reclaiming those lost or hidden pieces of ourselves. It’s living highly intentionally in tune with ritual, seasons, all the elements and a myriad of other things which in turn allows us to manifest on an exceptionally high level and to show up and serve at an exponential level. It’s Practickal Magic.
So why does this feel like I was losing my marbles? Think about it! You get a huge download, your ego flares its humongous wings and you try to run and hide, but there is no escaping. The manifestation wants to come to life and so finds you in your dreams, follows you in nature, whispers to you as you work, even picks the movies that you feel drawn to (that’s been most interesting!) You open your mouth to talk to a random stranger about the weather and half an hour later you have been talking about magick, ritual, alchemy, herbology and they have opened the box in their closet a tad to share. You find yourself digging up the front lawn and creating a garden that is a myriad of circles with paths that are East, South, West and North. Books are strewn open at random pages that all speak to each other and the synchronicities that have been occurring have been mind blowing to say the least. Tell me you wouldn’t feel like you had just stepped off the planet into another realm (or had gone totally bat shit crazy but no one was telling you!)
The other evening I phoned a spiritual mentor and poured out the last few weeks. He was fabulous and quietly listened, with the odd murmur. At the end of my vent, rant, sharing of having totally lost my marbles and why hadn’t anyone told me, he chuckled softly and very kindly said. “Jenny, you are totally sane, this is part of who you are and what you are meant to be doing.” He asked me if I could control what was happening and when I shared I couldn’t and the more I ran and tried to avoid, the worse it got. He then reminded me of the Serenity prayer. “Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference.” We talked for a while longer and he ended the conversation by asking me if I had the Serenity to accept and the Courage to follow it through. Ahhhh grasshopper, a very good question. So I am embracing Serenity and Courageously going to step forth, create and share. Yes, it may mean I use the word Witch (which will certainly tweak some people to the max), but to me Witch means – “ Someone who is connected to and has a love for all life and a joyfulness to work with it instead of against it. Someone who pays attention to the life they have, celebrates the magic within them and works with energy, nature, herbs, stones, ancestors – the whole gamut to help and support the interdependent web that they are part of.”
As someone who has been a solo practitioner for years, to me this download is like creating an amazing community of like minded people, where we explore, learn together, and through rituals (which is taking thought (Air) and turning it into form (Earth) which in turn moves through every cell of your body and locks in your intention) we learn to really BE, CREATE and SERVE at a supremely high level.
So there we have it. I haven’t lost my marbles (at least not all of them), I have felt supremely uncomfortable for the last few weeks, but I feel this is exceptionally important for all of us, and it’s interesting for me to see that the energy is getting stronger as we approach the glorious celebration of Ostara, or Spring Equinox (Fall Equinox) if you are down south. So I’m breathing into the Serenity and the Courage and it feels pretty frigging delicious to be honest. A prime example, other than all the writing for the programme I want to offer to create this amazing community, was putting a shovel in the garden and within a week I have created a glorious design, the grass is all gone and there is a plethora of beds where native plants, hawthorns, herbs galore, along with flowers and veggies will be planted to entice hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and faerie folk to come play. Oh yes, and just to get covered in dirt and have that glorious sense of physical contentment of creating sacred space. Nothing beats it! Now that is Serenity in motion!
So a word of advice. If you are ever thinking you are losing your marbles, pay attention to the messages, breathe into it for a bit – don’t run and then check in with someone you trust implicitly! Because, if you can do all of those, you aren’t losing your marbles! (Just saying).
Now if you know me (which you may or may not), I write and then ask the cards who wants to come. I never pick the cards and then write to them. Does that make sense? So to write the above and then go to my decks. I laughed and thought “OMG! You seriously can’t make this stuff up!”
The cards that wiggled and jiggled to come to the forefront made me laugh outloud. The Oracle of the Dragonfae were most adamant that they take centre stage and share with you their guidance for the week. Now if this deck is new to you, please let me introduce you to these glorious guides. These guides are the magickal and mystical that weave through the threads of every day, they are the Dragonfae, Gods and Goddesses who dwelt in dimensional lands….Eden, Avalon, Ys, Atlantis and Mu, they are Morgan, Guenevere, Merlin and others – fully alive and filled with magick! They are the deliciously magickal beings that have always been there, we just forgot, and when we connect with them, we reconnect with the lost parts of ourselves, allowing us to fully explore the gift of life on this beautiful green and blue planet, known by some as Gaia, by others as Dana, and by many other names.
The crystals that jostled and jiggled to come and support you this week are:- Amethyst – a stone of spiritual protection and purification, cleansing one’s energy field of negative influences and attachments, and creating a resonant shield of spiritual Light around the body. Clear Quartz – clarity, manifestation and focus. And last but not least Cinabrite – a powerful stone for unearthing the divine powers within you. Oh yes, and just as I did the reading one of the 30 tulips I have in a vase dropped her petals to share.
There is a lovely guided visualisation to help you tap into the Spring Energy and really strengthen your intentions if you so choose. If not, just breathe. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth and allow yourself to settle in. Then when you are ready see in your mind’s eye a glorious young green shoot. This is your intention, your desire – invite it in and as you breathe into this gorgeous green being pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
Did you remember to pick?
Shall we go have a peek?
Never think that you are alone in this world…you do have guardians and I am one of them. I will literally ring alarm bells for you when you have need of forewarning and foreknowledge. There is nothing to fear when you receive these messages; you simply need to pay attention, take note and act when the time is right. I will always alert you and it is my particular domain and charge to watch for the new sky as the sun rises and to let you know that what you have hardly dared even hope for has every chance of coming true. Watch for the sunrise and know that as she does, so too do your hopes. And these bells will ring out for you to let you know of the approach of new growth, new warmth and a new energetic time coming for you. Listen and hear the bells ring for you. And then you shall awaken from your soul sleep!
It is time to be alert and aware; to arise early and to pay attention to the signs that abound around you – selectively. Focus on your mission at this time and work towards it. Be determined and do not allow others to distract you. Call on the Dawn Watcher to assist you to focus on the messages that are most worth hearing, and so that you do not go into fear. The Dawn Watcher is a very powerful guardian and will help you greatly be alerting you with plenty of time; all you need to do is pay attention.
Listen more respectfully to the bells of dreams, deja vu or of physical reactions to particular energies. The Dawn Watcher only weakens when you pay her bells no head, when you will not wake up and hear the calls. Know that you are always being watched over and being told through your body, your mind and your spirit of what is to come
See how my garden has grown about me? See how my children, the darling buds, clamour for my attention? They cry at night and can be so touchy during the day! I must shelter them from harshness and keep them in a safe place, till they are strong enough to branch out….even then, my watchful eye will look out for their care.
You see, so many people see the beauty, and do not understand where it sprang from; the rich, loamy soil. The sweet water poured from the water-Dragonfae into this earth, the minerals of the natural realms, the light of the Sun and the shining sweetness of the crystal moon have all anointed my garden with their blessings. And then there is me. So many see my garden, and wonder at it, but they do not see the work and the care that has preceded my domain. Its beauty is a result of love, care, natural growth and attention to each and every one of its inhabitants.
When your growth appears around you, from the seeds you have planted, take time to tend this garden. Enlist the assistance of like-minded souls, and just as you would not feed these tender buds poisons and pollutants, do not feed your ideas the opinions and energies of those who are not in integrity. Stay true to the vision of your creation and truly take a little time each day to tend this garden, be it of love, ideas, little ones or creative endeavours, until they are robust and begin to grown into their own energy. For now, it is the tender time, the time when the buds are at most risk from the frost of rejection, the poison of judgement, and the choke of cruelty. Be vigilant, and you too will have a garden for all to enjoy and love.
Many will feel you’re fortunate indeed to have created such a beautiful Eden, but they will not see the care you have taken to grow this. But I have seen. I have seen it all.
How much have you missed because I could not have the space, the wild quiet, the blessed peace in which to whisper my secret straight to your soul? How much more could you be aware of if you simply took the time to be still and silent? The whole world can be heard in a moment….and now it is your time to be still, and to be silent. Listen and truly understand what it is you are hearing. Listen with your being, your entire being, not just your ears. Allow your senses to be the soul’s messengers. Sometimes we need to be quiet and listen. But first of all we need to be quiet. So many people talk so much of the time. And the talking and the talking and the filling up of space simply drowns out the messages.
The Dragonfae do not decry conversation and robust dialogue, the joyous clash of friends talking with each other, or the singing out of voices….especially when raised in joy, celebration, song and good cheer! But this card speaks of a time when it would be right for you to be still, and to listen, as the world whispers her secrets to you. We do not want to be making so much noise that we drown out our own signs and messages. So be still. Be silent. And be ready for the messages to come in sweet, subtle and magickal ways.
It’s time to remove yourself from the hustle and the bustle, from built-up urban and industrial areas, and go deep into nature and find the still pace of solitude in which the soul can speak – and be heard! Turn down the stress, the demands, the social whirl, the noise that can drown out meaning. In the words of Shakespeare, chatter is often “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” You would do well to seek the counsel of spirit in nature, to rest in a quiet grove within. Furthermore, when the soul speaks, listen, come into alignment and act from that space of integrity. The Listener does not feel the need to tell all about what she has heard. In fact, she is content to simply act, without broadcasting her moves, and to allow her dreams into being, to follow the guidance of her message without exhausting the energy of the message by talking it out.
The Listener is silent and she seems still. But all of her actions are powerful and purposeful because they are born from a pure, still place of energy. Hers is the quiet glade and sudden, glad truth of the soul, and in these truths are great wisdom and delight.
Wow, wow, wow. Pay attention, Growth and Listen. Perfect messages as Spring Equinox approaches. So my delicious lovely, I wish for you a glorious week filled with Magick and Purpose. Delicious sunbeams that caress your face, moments of serenity and courage, as well as Spring flowers or Autumn leaves. Oh yes, and gobs of hot cross buns toasted and lathered with butter! Huge hugs and squeezes. Oh yes, and if you want to learn more about joining the amazing community of Practickal Magick please make sure you are on the email list.
Thank you!
Such a great message filled with wisdom. I can be a little chatty and love to share everything. To be told to keep everything to myself and spring forth in my actions. Resonates firmly within my soul. Thank you for your wonderful messages!!! You are an angel on earth!!! ❣
Lasha, that is awesome! I too can be a tad chatty and then there are moments when it’s like – nope, nadda, ssshhhhhhhhh. Listen.
Please put me on the Practikal Magik mailing list. Thanks for all you do, Jenny!
Hey Robbin,
If you go to the site, there is a place to sign up for the email list. Thanks so much.