Happy Magickal, Manic, Marvellous, Melding, Meaningful, Mindful March Monday! How are you gorgeous one? As we are all aware, this has been a crazy, panic loaded week for a lot of people. I mean seriously, just turn on the news and it’s enough to make you want to curl up in bed with 30 books!
Talk about a huge portion of the population going down the rabbit hole! Which to be honest, I most certainly did on Thursday. Why? I have spent weeks creating two glorious Equinox bundles for you (one for the Northern Hemisphere and one for the Southern) that help you align, flow, delight, embrace the sacred, ignite desires and step into all your are. As Equinox is this Thursday the 19th in the Northern Hemisphere, and on the 20th in the Southern.
Wednesday night I looked at these gorgeous creations, each over 30+ pages long, packed with deliciousness and an amazing guided visualisation, smiled in glee and went and had a cuppa. When I came back they were gone! The laptop had crashed and I hadn’t saved them to Dropbox! WTF!
Thursday morning after not sleeping I dragged my sorry arse out of bed and thought “fuck it” I will go work at the local grocery store, and as I popped the kettle on I inadvertently turned on the news and went even more into that energy and got dragged down into the sink hole of fear. Should I rush out to buy 40 packs of toilet paper? Then the winds picked up to 90km an hour and it felt like the apocalypse was here!
What to do? Go for a walk and swear at every tree, which I did. Go buy cheesy bunny pasta and gobble it all up, which I did. And during all this I reminded myself that I live, eat, breathe and love what was in those bundles, on a day to day basis. I walk my talk. So I came home, sat my arse down and with an iPad wrote, and wrote, and wrote. 40 hours later Ostara and Mabon bundles are even better than before!
But why did I bother, why not buy into the fear and the energy of failure? Because for me to create something that delights, inspires, that is full of alchemy and manifestation, nourishes, heals, guides and supports ALL of us to embrace a sparkling life, our strengths, our magickal gifts, our soul, to live purposefully and with ease is my purpose! I’m pretty clear about that. I even did FB live on Friday (which you know I’m not a huge fan of) as to me even more so now, this was important.
In my world I show up and shine my light as far as the Divine see’s fit! And to be blunt, I love, love, love what I do.
So this got me to thinking about Love and Fear and I remembered A Course in Miracles talking to this point. You can’t have Love and Fear inhabit the same space. Read that again. As the course says: “Every thought you think, word you speak, and action you take proceeds from either your true nature or a distorted illusion. Innocence and guilt, peace and upset, healing and illness all spring from that one fundamental choice.
At various times during the day, especially if you become upset or you face a challenging situation or decision, ask yourself, ‘What is the voice of fear or guilt saying to me now?’. Clearly identify the words and energy of the critical voice. Then ask, ‘What would the voice of love, kindness and encouragement say to me by contrast?’. When you recognise the energetic difference between the harsh demanding voice and the gentle releasing voice, you will clearly see what to do and how to live.”
So what I’m saying is that at this time in space, and with all that is happening. It is VITAL that we be kind and loving with ourselves and with others! I have gone into grocery stores where the energy is one of panic and frenetic “mine, mine” – for goodness sakes I watched a woman buy 25 squash this morning! Why? Because she had to know that SHE was okay. But what about her neighbour? What about the elderly gentleman living down the street from you that smiles when you walk by? What about the young mumma with 3 wee ones under 6? This is a time to connect! To connect to source, earth, yourself and to others. To beam love and light! Pick up the phone, write a letter, make some soup, smile at someone – be kind, beam love and trust.
Do you remember an old kids cartoon called the Care Bears? They each had a symbol on their chubby bellies; love, friendship, fearless, kindness etc. And when they met a challenging situation or someone who was struggling they used to say “Care Bears Unite” and they would beam all that energy towards the other.
We need to be Care Bears. Look in the eyes of the person who is buying 40 cans of shitty soup and smile, show them they are seen. Share what you have. Be kind. Remember, Love and Fear can not inhabit the same space. Which one would you rather be breathing in hourly? We are all in the delicious, crazy journey of life together – reach your hand out to offer help or to ask for help. Both will be there.
Okay, now I gently step off my soap box.
When I went to the cards and asked who wanted to share this week I nearly cried. What perfect guides for this time. Blessed Be. Please let me introduce you to Blessed Be as these guides may be new to you. “May these cards and guides offer you ways to enter into deeper appreciation of your life and its manifold blessings. May you have hope, understanding and kindness. And most of all, may you know deep within your soul, that thou art blessed.”
Oh my gosh, positively perfect.
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled are Rose Quartz – is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Amethyst – is a powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others. Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser. And last but not least Carnelian – restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions.
And the petals came from my “Unicorn” rose that the ocean gifted me with the other day!
So let’s settle in shall we? I invite you to gently come back into your body and into the present moment. Just here, just now. 10 minutes ago is gone, 10 minutes to come hasn’t happened. Just breathe and be here. Let your breathing gently slow and roll your shoulders up and back to release the tension there. And in your minds eye I invite you to see a golden orb of light, this is the light of Blessing, just for you. Breathe that in and smile.
If you want more support I have a delicious guided visualisation for you.
Did you remember to pick?
Shall we go look?
A blessing to bring awareness, to shape and set the energy of the day, and to frame it with light and the possibilities of healing, adventure and gratitude.
May your soul feel called by the song of the day. May this day be gentle and good, clear and sure, filled with grace and gentle reminders of your own divinity. May the people you meet this day show generosity of spirit, be hospitable and welcoming, and open and candid in all their dealings.
May the sky be filled with blue and white, may the green beneath your feet be solid and soft to walk upon. May the rain fall soft and nourishing, and trees whisper to you the secrets that you need to know.
My any challenges you encounter find an answering strength and courage within you, and when you come to your rest this night, may you remember the many blessings this day held, and account for them with the Gods, and be thankful for each of them, no matter how small.
A blessing to help soothe the mind at storm with itself, and bring about calm and peace once again.
When you awaken, and trouble is sitting there, with you, right on your shoulder, speaking to you of all you must fret and be fearful of, let this blessing come to you, and be felt truly in your mind, where the turbulence has reigned for too long now.
Let the quiet of the natural day steal in, let the soft call of your spirit whisper to you that you have worried too long, and that it is time to set down your burden and let the angels and spirit beings deal with what cannot be unravelled by the labyrinth of thought.
Let it go, and let it be, for it is not for you to do what others will not, cannot, or remain ignorant of. It is for you now, to care for you. Let peace, that quiet blessing, softly take up residence in your mind, and speak calming words to you, soothing every objection your mind at war with the world creates.
Let the nurturing of the Mother, the planet herself, who loves you so and cares so much for you, take hold, and take root within your mind. Let yourself do only what must be done this day, and be very kind and very gentle all this time with yourself.
Speak softly, remove yourself from anything that provokes the disquiet unnecessarily, and calm yourself through the taking of moments to soothe yourself. Let your mind release, one by one, those terrible thoughts that have tortured you. Let your body relax, and move, and in the movement free yourself from the stress and tension. Let the idea of being at war with the world, isolated and alone, go, and for a time, seek out only those who show kindness and sensitivity to you.
Be patient with yourself, and in this patience, let the blessing of deep peace be yours.
A blessing to be able to be free of the burden of grudges and vengeance, a prayer to help you open up to the blessing that is forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a tricky beast – and yes, for all it is a gentle word, it is a great beast, forgiveness. For when we seek to forgive, we must wrestle with the wrongdoing that lies at the heart of our resistance to let go of the pain we are holding on to. When we need to forgive, it is often that we are too raw, too far away from justice to be able to even touch the sides of the balm of forgiveness.
Yet staying angry for long periods of time can develop into a compacted bitterness, and bitterness is a gall to all who wish to live freely. It is a struggle to forgive, when we are in the midst of the fallout of another person’s actions. There is a great deal of victim-blaming within our cultures, but in older times, in the Celtic world, there was restorative justice and it would have gone a long way to forgiveness.
May the blessing of this self-forgiveness be bestowed upon you now, dear friend. Know you will gently untangle the doubt and the recriminations that have settled like thorns about your heart, and invaded your mind’s peace. And as you begin to forgive yourself, you will also begin to find forgiveness for the injustices you have endured. For in that forgiveness, and acceptance, and ability to know clearly that wrongdoing was done, you will begin to return to yourself.
You will be wiser, yet unpoisoned. Slowly, may the pain and the bitter buds wither, and in their place may you be reborn – honestly able to remember, wiser, in order to prevent this event taking place again, and able to recall, without pain. And the justice that the Universe will deliver to you will be restorative – bringing back to you threefold what was taken by another. May you be free of the pain, at last.
Let the anger burn down into coals from which you, phoenix-like, can arise. And know you have forgiven – forgiven the other for their dark gift. Forgiven life.
And most of all, delivered the pure medicine of forgiveness to yourself.
Wowzer, what glorious Blessings for these interesting times! This is where you can gift yourself the Equinox bundle to support, inspire and nourish you. My wish for you this week is one of connection, love, health and ease. Open arms, Open eyes, Open Heart.
Remember it’s always your choice between Love and Fear. Please remember to smile, look into the eyes of the person opposite you and beam your belly light of love and strength everywhere you go, and let others reflect it back to you. Huge hugs and love.
What beautiful words were spoken to me, I feel at peace this morning now. Your voice soothed my very soul. I had chosen card 2, so needed as I watch the world in turmoil. I self isolate…however I am as one with myself for many years, so it is easy, more meditation and to be at peace. Blessings Jenny I feel your hand in mine………oh hang on you can’t touch me ..where’s the soap… love……
Howie, Thank you so much and gosh I laughed when you said about the soap!