I love Fall, the colours, it’s as if Nature is getting all dressed up and inviting us to celebrate and appreciate all the gifts and bounty we have received (think fields filled with gorgeous fat orange pumpkins). The smell of the air, and the crispness of the early mornings, the harvest fairs and there is a sense of urgency in the air. For me there is also a melancholy that goes with Fall as I watch the trees release their gorgeous leaves and the ground starting to frost and chill, there is a sense of loss as the snow is coming and the clouds are going to drop down.
Autumnal equinox offers us delicious lessons that run parallel with our lives. Think about it; the first lesson is the balance of the dark with the light. On the equinox night and day are in perfect equal balance and as human beings we are invited to balance our own inner dark and light. Joyce Rupp, a Catholic writer and poet challenges us to befriend our inner darkness: “I gratefully acknowledge how darkness has become less of an enemy for me and more of a place of silent nurturance, where the slow, steady gestation needed for my soul’s growth can occur. Not only is light a welcomed part of my life, but I am also developing a greater understanding of how much I need to befriend my inner darkness.”
Another lesson is that of Impermanence. Spring brought the glorious buds, Summer brought the flowers and expansion and now Autumn brings the leaves falling and bare branches. Things change and they move through their cycles, they don’t stay in one space. Imagine if you were a flower and you had gone through your budding process into your glorious blossoming period and then it was demanded of you that you continually stayed in that state. It isn’t sustainable, you need to be able to turn inward, nourish your roots, cocoon if you will so that you can go into another state of budding and blossoming.
The last lesson I see that autumnal equinox reminds us of is Letting Go. Think of the gorgeous leaves that gently flutter down to the ground. The tree isn’t trying to cling onto them, nor are the leaves struggling to stay where they are, they are gently released and offered back to the earth to nourish the soil. With this we are reminded that fall is a fabulous time for putting down our burdens, for letting go of things that no longer serve us and to get out of our way and allow Spirit/Universe/God to take charge for a while.
(Can you tell I am passionate about Fall and the Equinox!)
So as a birthday gift for you I have created the Mabon Magick Manual. It is packed with information, ideas, rituals and for those of you bold enough – a spell. Before you download, you might want to take a moment to centre, ground and get present. So I have a lovely visualisation for you. Imagine you are a tree!
Sending you huge blessings for a glorious Mabon (Fall Equinox on Monday September 23rd.
Enjoy your Mabon Magick Manual – let me know what you play with!!
Happy Birthday Dear Jenny….May your year ahead be full of health, abundance, joy, and all your heart’s desire. With Love and Gratitude..Aloha, Mary
Oh gosh. Thanks so much!
Wishing you the Happiest Birthday Yet !
Thank you so much!