Happy Magnificent, Magickal, Marvelous, Majestic Memorial Monday (to all my US friends), and happy Spring Bank holiday to all my lovely UK friends! Wow, May seems to have just flown by! It just seems a few days ago that I was talking about the energy of AWARENESS for this month and pffft, the month is almost done. Although, I will say I am reveling in the warm weather, the garden growth and all the amazing smelly flowers that come out and dance for us in Spring.
So this last week I was feeling rather stuck, not physically as I tend to do about 15 – 18 km a day, but most certainly mentally, energetically and spiritually. There was something brewing and it most certainly wasn’t burbling up to the surface, instead it was trying to drag me down the rabbit hole. (Which I did do for a day, to be honest). So the next morning I got up and told myself very sternly that I needed to shift my mindset or it wouldn’t be pretty and I also didn’t like how it was making me feel. (Not a huge fan of stagnation and all the rest of that).
So that day, I took a bit of a break in the afternoon and went for a huge yomp with the doggo and instead of chanting (which I do every morning) , putting on music, or being alone with my thoughts I quickly scanned my Audible library. As I was frantically filtering through it there was a whisper saying – “There is something here you need to listen to!” ‘Lo and behold, a book came up that I had bought a year ago and had never listened to and when I started playing it I laughed at the Divine Guidance that just flitted in behind me and kicked me up the arse with a large Doc Martin (in a very kind way).
Guess what the book was called?
UnFuck Yourself
Yes that’s right, that was the title. (Do you think the Universe was telling me something? lol) So as I yomped I started listening and by the second chapter I was in love with the book. It also helped that it was read by the author who is Scottish and I am a sucker for a Scottish or Irish accent.
So what’s the phrase you may be wondering that can really Unfuck you……… Ready? Super simple, but super powerful when faced with confusion, stagnation and all the rest of that dross.
The phrase is “AM I WILLING?” e.g:- Am I willing to do the work to make a change? Am I willing to get off the sofa and go to the gym to lose weight? Am I willing to release those relationships that drain me? AM I FUCKING WILLING TO MAKE CHANGE? Then interestingly enough the author goes on to say, if you can’t come up with anything to put on your AM I WILLING list. Turn it around and ask yourself the same question in a different way “WHAT AM I NOT WILLING TO DO OR PUT UP WITH?” e.g:- I am not willing to put up with this abusive relationship. I am not willing to continually struggle. I am not willing to be continually dismissed. I am not willing to feel unhealthy………..
Are you getting it now? Dare you to give it a try, it’s quite fascinating to play with, write down and it most certainly unravels those threads that can make you feel like you are tied up in a knot.
Interestingly enough I worked through my I AM WILLING list whilst playing with alcohol inks for the first time. Let me tell you, if you want a lesson in releasing control, giving up perfection, being open to the possibilities and creating something stunning – play with alcohol inks! They flow where they want to and where you send them with your breathe. The more rubbing alcohol you put on them, the more diffused they can be, but if you leave them fairly straight the colours are so vibrant and intoxicating. Plus, they play nicely with each other and create new colours together (we always like things that play well together!). So as I was trying them out with no idea what would happen, or what would be the outcome I had to ask myself “AM I WILLING” to let go of perfection and allow the process? Ahhhh, and now the list started flowing.
Okay so with that food for thought let’s crack on. The cards that were very clear that they wanted in, in a big way this week are The Divine Circus Oracle. Now, if these amazing guides are new to you, please let me introduce you (as that’s always polite, right) – I laughed as these glorious guides are playful, but deep. They think outside the box and invite you to do the same. “What is life if not a Divine Circus? Life might seem ordinary at times, yet when we look more closely, it is bursting with creative diversity, constantly evolving, pulling rugs out from underneath our feet (usually just at the moment we think we have everything under control) and opening doors we couldn’t even see were right there before us moment earlier. Life is magical, thrilling, sometimes strange and even scary. It can inspire you and touch your soul, inviting you to discover the unique magic within you, to dare to live it, to express it, to play with possibilities and embrace what sets you apart from the crowd. “
Crystals that came to play are:- Sodalite – brings mental calmness and rational thinking, Morganite – It cleanses the emotional body of stress and anxiety, old wounds and hidden traumas, and enkindles lightness within the spirit, as if a burden has been lifted, Orthoceras – which is a fossil (do you see the little fish in it), assist you in moving from the old to the new and to be receptive to the fresh, innovative forces that are available to you. Fossils can assist you in your quest for transition, transformation and personal growth, helping you to understand the process of change. The flowers are glorious phlox that fill the house with an amazing scent.
Okay, take a moment to drop back into your body, breathe yourself back, long, slow and deep. Gift yourself at least 4 long breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth and allow the phrase “I AM WILLING…..” to drift up into your mind eye. Put no attachment on it, just let it dance there and then when you are ready to pick, pick the card or cards that can help answer that question and support you this week.
Did you remember to pick?
Shall we see who has what to share?
There is an original you, the you that has always been and will always be you. No matter how much the outer forms of your body, your work, your lifestyle, your world seem to change, the original, essential you is always there within, unique, precious and just as you were created to be.
Within you is an intelligence that helps you adapt to various life circumstances and situations. You might do this consciously or unconsciously, but the point of any type of adaptation is survival. There is more meant for you in this life than merely surviving. You are actually meant to thrive. You thrive most fully, abundantly and deliciously when you are just YOU. Not the version of you that another may prefer, nor the one that helps you fit into the crowd, but just YOU – as you have always been.
It’s time to get back to the essence of you. It might be time to go back to the things you dreamed about in childhood, or something that really feels like it expresses the true you but that you cast aside for some very logical and sensible reason or other. That might be a talent, passion or lifestyle you were pursuing, or a deep-seated need to create or express yourself through art, clothing, music or dance. It’s time to reclaim it. Love yourself and let yourself live, thrive and express the original genius of you.
A rare prize is to be bestowed upon you. The universe is confirming that the most luscious dreams of your heart are being nurtured into manifestation. To this end, you shall be given a saving grace, an intervention if needs be. To be open to receive, surrender doubt in favour of unconditional trust. Through your trust and optimism, you make it easier for the universe to give you a most deserved gift. A rare prize is worth the effort to attain it. Your efforts will need to include loving discipline. Loving discipline is not about trying to bend the world according to your will but rather about readying yourself to align with the spirit of what you want to receive.
To receive, rather than attempt to take by force, requires strength, trust, spiritual intelligence and courage. It is easier to try and force things from a fearful place, but it is more effective and empowering to learn how to attract and receive through consciously chosen surrender. This allows the universe to do its best work for you! So it’s time to change your consciousness. Release issues around self-worth. Why should you not be empowered and assisted by the universe to create a life that fills you with joy and feels ‘just right’ for you? Of course you should, can will be! Release any lack of self-worth that would get in the way of your opening in complete trust to the universe.
Your most prized dream is within reach, through a combination of letting life unfold as it will and your own disciplined efforts. Don’t give up. You cannot make the fruit on the tree grow faster – that will happen according to the rhythm of life – but you can certainly do your part to be ready to climb the tree at the right moment to savour the sweetness of success!
In a world where we are bombarded daily with differing opinions and ideas, remaining true to you and your own point of view is nothing short of brilliant. Let go of confusion, distortion, comparison and compromise. You do not need to compare yourself to another or measure up to anyone or anything else. What matters to you and your successful life journey is to be in touch with your own truths. You know what you feel, no matter what anyone else says or believes. Stay true to you!
We have to trust that the inner vision, the hope, the dream within us, is going to be strong enough to stand the rigours of birth, and be able to come to life in the world. Sometimes we have to trust that we are enough, that we have goodness, value and worth, and so are worth the time, effort, patience and commitment required to transform our ideas into realities.
Stay true to you and your course. Do not allow yourself to be swayed by another, no matter how well-meaning their intentions may be or how impressive their arguments may seem. Do not water down the strength of your vision, your dream. You are meant to be birthing something unique into being. The world needs your originality! Pray for courage. Trust yourself.
When I saw the cards that chose to support, I giggled with delight as they all tie into the theme that I wrote about – WILLINGNESS and letting go of control. Seriously, you can’t make this shit up! We have a new month rushing in quickly which is a great time to get a monthly reading, the energy is going to shift and change and guess what? Summer Solstice is coming! (So love Summer Solstice!) Wishing you a week of exploration and Willingness, days filled with curiosity and laughter and most of all massive hugs and squeezes. See you next week.
I am the Velvet Queen today. What a mirror for my day and thoughts I have been having! I work with people with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Today I was inspired to have them do something outside of the box and do a fireworks (in memory of Memorial Day ) painting with watercolor dripping all over the place over a white birthday candle wax scribble and lots of water. Love this and all the rest of your posts! Thank you.
Sandra that sounds amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this, I so love it!