Happy, happy misty, exceptionally wet Monday! When I got up this morning I peeked out the window to see that the clouds had settled low over the mountain tops and it was dark and rainy. Ugh!! As much as I love where I live, I don’t like winter here, the clouds come down low and there are times when you look out the window and all you see is grey, there’s no lake – just grey, no mountains – just grey. It’s enough to drive you a little bonkers to say the least! Or want to hibernate for 5 months (which really isn’t an option). Thus, what I have learned for myself is that I have to have a few practices in place and play with the weather and the energy of the day. So I ensure that no matter what the weather I get outside, I take large amounts of D3, I set the intention every morning that something Awesome and Amazing is coming my way (Pam Grout, Thank and Grow Rich) and I do something to make me laugh each day. So with the grey, mist and rain this morning I pulled on warm clothes and headed out with the hounds and I found a lovely spot in the woods where the canopy kept off most of the rain and the mist filled the valleys and it was deliciously magical. One could imagine fairies riding large leaves down the creek and elves peeking out from behind moss covered cedar trunks. When I got home I gave myself permission to take the day off and just be. From that place of BEing, 6 loaves of fresh bread were created (warm fresh bread slathered in butter and dripping in honey – OMG), along with a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies. I played with my cards, read an inspirational text and laughed as the cat tormented the dogs, oh yes and had a wonderful Facetime tea date with my sister. Thus, all in all it’s been a good day so far – no matter the weather.
The deck that chose to come and work with us this week is the “Wild Kuan Yin Oracle” deck. I love the dedication of this deck “This deck is dedicated to the wild ones – those with a spirit that longs to be free and a heart that must love with great passion – who yearn to bring beautiful visions to life. May you always trust the divine wild child within you, for you are one of the new humanity awakening, ensuring that life upon this planet flourishes with love, kindness and radical optimism. May the guidance, blessings and enlightenment of Wild Kuan Yin touch your heart and heal the world.” I invite you to re-read that whilst you take a lovely deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathe into your heart space, your wild, free heart. See a lovely golden light emanating from this space and as you breathe see the light expand further and further out from your heart until everywhere around you is filled with this delightful loving wild energy. Keep breathing long and slow. Then when you are ready and from this space pick the card or cards that are whispering to you from the mists. Trust yourself.
Shall we go see?
I descend with wild love and bring we me such grace that there shall be an inflow of harmony, serenity, goodness and order restored to your life. There is no limit to the way that I can land in your life, to the order that I can call forth from the wild chaos that my truth my first evoke. I see from higher perspective that which can be altered so that the patterns of your life can heal and you can step forward on your path, with clear purpose. I bring you the embodiment of my mantra, opening your heart, and granting your prayer immediate answer. Om Mani Padme Hum.
Let go completely and allow the Divine to take over. Harmony and order is promised, but it may involve you, and your life, being shaken up a little first. This oracle is the Divine Mother saying “Giddy up! I’ve got work to do with you! Let’s go!” She is not in her calm and tender form, but in a wild love, free and fearless form, urging you to go willingly with her on the wild ride she is going to take, right through the centre of your life! So best to surrender and hop into the saddle behind her as she prepares to descend and create some living, compassionate and wild mess in your life.
You are being asked to forget about nice plans and things that make sense and about routines and strategies. It is a time to take your hands off matters. It is time to let your priorities be adjusted and your viewpoints be turned inside out. You won’t be eating at the banquet of life off clean dish, or politely sitting at the table with fork and knife. You’ll be messily munching away, sitting on the ground, feasting on chunks of life the Divine Mother shoves into your mouth to satisfy your wild and hungry soul. It is not a time to look pretty and worry about appearances. It is a time to come out of your head, into your body and allow yourself to feel and experience it without recrimination, analysis, shame or judgement. This is your irresistible invitation to the divine party where there is aliveness to be experienced beyond that which makes sense to your mind, even your values and philosophies.
It takes a brave soul to be willing to run the risk of realising you have known very little up until this moment. But the gifts in return for this messy, risky journey are abundant and delicious. You won’t be the same person after an encounter with the Wild Red Rider, but you will be more of your true self – more alive, empowered and vibrant – than ever before!
My ways prevail. I subjugate the lower to the higher without any force. Through my ways, correct alignment to the higher divine order is established. My authority is supreme, yet I’ve no need to enforce it. Devotion to me is absolute, yet I bestow freedom. I show you now , the whispering way to tame great force. I initiate you into the way of strength without coercion, the way of attraction without demand. Follow me and learn the art of feminine power; that fear shall always succumb to love.
There is something that you want to attain. A situation exists that you would like to change. It may be something in your way of thinking or being, or a habit of body or mind. It may be a pattern within your emotional world, or an actual physical situation or obstacle you wish to changes. Perhaps you want it transformed completely, or perhaps you simply want some of the rough edges smoothed. No matter whether it is a small or large change that is desired, you have been attempting to bring it about through exertion of your will. Now there is a time and place for such approaches. Yet there is another way, a gentler and more peaceful way, that will evoke little resistance within you and help you attract what you want rather than to have to carve it out of your own blood, sweat and tears. This is the taming power, the magnetic lure of attraction that can tame even beyond the capacity of will.
You must be willing to become empty in order to be filled. You must be willing to accept the very thing you wish to be transformed. You must be willing to become flexible in order to stay true on the path. You must be willing to become childlike in order to be wise. It is in embracing what is that empowers you to transform it. You can, of course, choose the other way; to pursue, push and direct. However, you will find it an uphill battle all the way and it will only get you so far. This way hold more finesse, attains a greater result and will lead you further along your spiritual path as you learn that the opposites are only an appearance of reality, no reality itself. What you want is possible.
I am bringing you the gift of kindred spirits. These are helpful friends for your life journey. You have the power to help others and are worthy of being helped too. You are the keeper of the wisdom of the heart and you understand that there is no need for competition or comparison. There is more than enough for all to experience abundance of blessings. You know that when true spiritual success comes for one, the resources available for all only increase. Enjoy the sacred connections that I am sending your way. Nourish and be nourished, as you gather in my name.
You are one of kind. The way you share yourself with the world is particular to you. You have a path to walk this lifetime that is solely your own. You may meet others encountering similar issues at times, and yet your own path will never be exactly the same as anyone else’s. The type of frequency you hold is as individual as your fingerprints. Tht uniqueness cannot ever be taken from you, co-opted by another or compromised in any way. Whilst your energetic signature remains distinctly your own, it can create beautiful healing harmonies when allowed to synchronise with the energetic signatures of others. You could imagine it like individual scents intertwining with each other to make an enchanting perfume, or individual notes combing as emotive and uplifting music.
Don’t be scared to let go of relationships you have outgrown, that cannot serve love or restrict the flow of life because they are fundamentally critical or exploitative. Instead, let go and be willing to open up to new people who hold less fear in their hearts. The power of group endeavour, where there is an intention to generate love and be of service, cannot be underestimated. You are strong enough to maintain your individuality and uniqueness and still be part of a group.
Trust your heart when it comes to choosing your relationships – from how much time you give to family, to where you work and with whom, to your friendships, and even the community in which you live.
I love the cards, I really do. Look at the unfolding here – The Divine wanting to come play with you, becoming empty and trusting, finding your like minded tribe! Wishing you a fabulous week filled with warm bread, comfie thick socks and opportunities. Remember to be willing to connect with the magical and mysterious!
Thank you. 2 had a lovely white light that emanated straight down to it with a tiny splash onto 3. I worked with an energy psychologist today and feel that both those cards were quite in touch with what we discussed. Thank you! If you ever want to check her out (I feel you two would get along well) her name is Sabrina Piergrossi.
1 and thank you. Again, yummy spot on. I wrote on my board not long ago, “My wild heart runs free!” Wrote a poem for it. Yup. Yummy.
ShielaMarie, that gave me shivers! Would love to read the poem if you are open to sharing.