Happy Marvelous, Magickal, Magnificent, Miraculous, Merry, Majestic, Manifesting Monday delicious lovely! How was Mother’s Day for you?
I realised yesterday that asking that question can be rather loaded as there are so many energies that float around that day, there’s:- love, frustration, loss, disconnect, yearning, joy, expectations, connection, being invisible – and so very many more.
It reminded me of years ago when I was in a lovely Kundalini yoga class and my most amazing mentor invited us to bring in our Mother, to feel that energy of safety, unconditional love and peace.
Well, I have to say that was not what happened for me by any stretch, instead it brought up loss, abandonment, grief and some very dark emotions which had me sobbing the whole way through class! (Gotta love how energy moves).
Afterwards I went up and shared with her my experience and she could really hear how that didn’t feel safe inviting that person in. So instead she invited me to bring in someone who represented that mothering energy instead – so the next time I happily brought in my Great Aunt, another Aunt and a lovely older female friend, amazing women who had “mothered” me and some still do. Which in turn created a totally different experience!
This also got me to pondering the Roe vs Wade issue that is happening in the US at the moment. (Ready for a soapbox moment?)
To be honest, I had never wanted children when I was younger. I wasn’t one of those young women who said “I want to get married, have kids etc.” Hell no!
So to ensure that didn’t happen I took every form of birth control known to humankind, in fact at one point they took the pill I was taking off the market due to heart issues. Condoms, spermicide, diaphragms, IUD’s, the pill – you name it, I took them.
As a woman, and a mother of 5 I have been pregnant 10 times.
I chose to terminate two pregnancies, with great conscious awareness and gratitude that this was available to me, though I will be honest – the first termination I was 19 years old and the doctor made it a living hell for me and lectured me from a place of judgement, patriarchy and disgust. I have miscarried 3 times. And I am also blessed with 5 amazing children, who I have learned a lot from, and they have helped me grow up.
But to be told that I could have no control over my body, my own choices, that I had to bear a child? I’m sorry, that is fucked in my books (and if that offends you let’s appreciate to differ shall we?)
Okay, I will step off my soapbox now, but whichever side you land on this argument. Please ponder it. Ponder it deeply. We all should have choice. We all should have a voice.
This coming weekend ( in fact on May 15th), we will have another eclipse.
This is a Blood Moon Eclipse in Scorpio – so what does that mean?
Eclipses are harbingers of change — they usher in evolution. At a lunar eclipse, the shadow of the Earth falls across the face of the Moon bringing unconscious feelings to the surface, grounding them in reality. Lunar eclipses are culminations of emotional cycles that have run their course, and they encourage us to let go of emotions and attachments that are no longer serving us.
All Eclipses activate our soul contract, bringing forward events that are necessary for the growth and evolution of our soul. Even though Eclipses can bring challenges our way, they always put us where we need to be.
As Forever shares:
“Under the May 2022, Blood Moon Eclipse, we are being guided to close the door on a chapter in our lives. This Eclipse represents endings, closure, and completion. Something needs to end, and this Eclipse is going to be the trigger.
As this Eclipse falls in the transformative sign of Scorpio, we may also find ourselves retreating within to shed layers and move into a deeper and more authentic state of being.
Scorpio is represented by the scorpion for its ability to transform itself and shed its skin. But Scorpio energy is also connected to the Phoenix too. The Phoenix has the ability, the strength, and the power to birth itself from ashes. From the ashes it rises into its true and highest form.”
Eclipses are brilliant illuminators, revealing a truth about a condition that you never in a million years knew existed. Once you are given the information, the news can act as a catalyst to a major decision or action you will take. Most often we are shocked or surprised by the information that comes to us, for the eclipse is one of the most dramatic tools the universe uses to get you to sit up, pay attention, and take action. Eclipses are always your friends, for they are there to help to protect you.
Always be grateful for the truth.
Hmmmm, I don’t know about you but I feel that as a collective we need to shed quite a few things. Don’t you?
Okay, enough chuntering on, let’s crack on with the reading. The cards that were most adamant to come and guide this week are The Oracle of Shadows and Light. Now if these guides are new to you, let me introduce them (as that’s the polite thing to do), Wisdom for Misfits, Mystics, Seekers, and Wanderers. Bittersweet. Unheard. Unconventional. Rebellious. Cheeky…Whimsical…Invisible. They’re not the words you often hear associated with the spiritual world, are they? Nevertheless, some of the most spiritual beings who have ever lived are those who have been most at odds with what we call the mainstream. They do not fit in. They have had moments of despair. And they know being truthful, and being real, is one of the greatest strengths and spiritual paths of all! They ask you to step out from the shadows, to no longer hide your light away, and to consult with an oracle that acknowledges your individuality and strange genius! How’s that for a warm welcome?
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled to come to the forefront are Smoky Quartz – this is an amazing stone for grounding, leaving behind baggage and surrendering. Stone Canyon Jasper – is known as the ‘supreme nurturer’. It bestows a feeling of tranquillity and integrity, by providing warmth, nourishment, and protection. Amethyst – aids in healing and intense spiritual growth.
The flowers are lovely Bachelor Buttons and Poppy petals.
Let’s settle, yes? Just breathe nice and slow, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Allow your shoulders to gently drop and nestle along your spine, like gorgeous wings at rest. Breathe into the corners of your belly and down to your toes. Then when you are ready pick the card or cards that whisper to you, inviting you to “see” them.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a peek!

This magickal being is holding tight to two beautiful cats; both of them offer her growth in her femininity, independence, and satisfaction on many levels. Both of them are very young, very tender. She feels nurturing and protective toward them both. “How can I put one down?” she asks, torn. She is being asked to choose between the two, to separate one thing from another, and she is shocked that she must make this choice. When this comes to you, tune in. Ask yourself, your body, what it wants to do. Make a decision. You can no longer go on at this point attempting to walk in two directions at once. And that which you most fear – causing pain – will not happen when you choose. Cats are about your independence, your ability to leap high and to make it through many tricky situations. Choose. Choose now.
So are you having trouble making an important decision? You can’t see which one to choose? Which way to go? Both seem equally good or equally flawed? Hmmmm. We have come to show you the difference between two choices. You know you can take only one road at this time, and you know you must trust that that which you leave behind – that which you are telling yourself you are abandoning – will be safe and cared for. You will make it through this choice without feeling agonies of guilt. You will. The Universe trusts you to make the right choice! Feel it – you can now choose between seemingly indivisible ways. There will be a solution to this impossible situation.
For now, put one thing down and choose the other, or no real growth can take place.
You are changing the way you view yourself and speaking up and out. Others see you as an advocate for justice and fair play. You defend others by being who you are, simply by refusing to hide away or be fearful. By waking up every day, despite hardships, you are showing so many the way to live. You have made friends with your strength, and while people have mistaken you for a pushover, you know when the time comes that you are a strong person who cannot be stopped.
Like a wolf, you have fur and claws, and brothers and sisters who will help you if you only so much as call on their energy. But to find them, you must connect with the wolf within. It is time to travel on a new path, crossing a wood that seems empty and cold, but you will not be alone or as helpless as others seem to think you will be. You are not prey. You will have strong and unconventional allies. Like a wolf, you must be prepared to defend yourself, even if it means facing a fight. There is time to stand your ground and face the enemy. That time has come, brave one.
As little Red Riding Hood says – once I was hunted. I do no not hunt in return, but watch. And I am strong. I am myself, and I am proud of who I am. No one can harm me now that I have this knowledge, and with my mystic familiar – my lone wolf – by my side, I continue to walk my path. While I have lost some of my innocence, I have my life, my strength, my voice, my ability to stay myself no matter what others do or sy. I will no be a victim. I am not a victim. I am alive. And I will never give up.
A bee appearing in the beautiful natural world is a wonderful sign that true health is being restored to you. Bees speak of timeless wisdom – as in the ancient proverb “Ask the wild bee what the Druids know” – and are adept at creating shapes, patterns and, of course, honey, which provides food, sweetness, a natural antiseptic, and air-ionizing healthful wax, and can be made into med. It is also said that after completing the ritual of the labyrinth in ancient Crete, the priestesses of Ariadne offered the initiates honeycomb to celebrate and acknowledge that all their needs would be met from that time forth. Bee can symbolise abundance, but, most importantly, it symbolises that all you need is being provided – and love is sure to come.
You ask me where the honey is, where the sweetness of life, the ease of life is? You wonder where the casual health and robust days have gone, and where the bright flowers and the sunshine have vanished to? No one took these things from you. You denied yourself your own needs and pleasures. I am here at all times, yet you have turned away from the natural world. For you to bring back its sweetness, you must spend time with flowers, ones that blossom generously – flowers of the plant kingdom and flowers of the human kind.
You have spent too much time among the bare-branched ones, who have told you that you will never acquire the luxury of feeling safe and comforted, but I am here to share that living life sweetly is as simple for you now as being outside in the sunshine for a few moments every day. The flowers will bloom; the bees will come back; your joy and delight will return.
Wowzers! Choice, Speaking Up and giving yourself the gifts of delights! All super strong messages in this month of All About Balance. How did your card resonate for you? Well, delicious lovely, have a fabulous week, don’t forget the Blood Flower Moon Eclipse this weekend. Wishing you spring flowers, warm showers, ease, effortlessness and flow and most importantly peace and laughter. Huge hugs and squeezes, see you next week.

All of your message resonates with me Jenny and Card 3 is very reassuring!
Thank you and chat soon!
Karen 🌻
I’m so glad, and I do look forward to us chatting soon! Massive hugs!
Always on point. I chose #3 today. Another message confirming rebirth, shedding baggage and next chapters. I just sold and moved off my boat. The end of this chapter. Heading to Corfu, Greece to spend time with some Alchemists the second week of June, then going to tour around Europe for a bit. I have an open return ticket. Talk about new beginings! Thank you for sharing these readings.
Oh Kim, how exciting! You are a bold, amazing woman and this is going to be an exceptional adventure for you.
What a fab reading , as they all are. This was is perfect timing and fits in very well with whats going on for me right now. Card 2 little red riding hood. Thank jenny. Much love love and light 💚🌕
Thank you Aine and to you as well!
Oh Jenny! How do you do it. This couldn’t come at a better time. I am going to be moving across the country this weekend. I have closed a very successful business, donated many things and I am ready for this change…also anxious, overwhelmed, excited, terrified, and hopeful. My big decision has to do with my business. It would be easy to restart in a new place and be able to provide myself income, but I really want to start something completely new (it is very close to being able to launch), to have a better life. The idea is a little “out there”, it will take time to realize income. I am exhausted from my previous business…and I am afraid that it would be too easy to just fall back into it. I chose card number one. It’s no secret who the kittens are!!!! Thank you, thank you, for this little joy.
Oh Karen, this if fabulous!
I’m glad you are feeling all the feels, and moving into the liminal space and trusting in the unfolding of the new. Whoot! Huge congratulations!
Thank you for sharing with us the truth about your life choices. I agree! But even if I didn’t, authenticity is admirable and welcomed. Respectful discourse is so needed these days.
Thank you Lisa. I agree! We need to honour each persons right to choose what works for them and not belittle or berate them about it.