Happy Marvelous, Magnificent, Magickal, Manifesting, Miraculous Monday!! How are you delicious one? For those in Canada or the US, how was your Canada Day or Independence Day? Have to say my long weekend was very fun and filled with music, sunshine, farmer’s markets and lots of laughter! Then it was Pride here in Victoria for the last week and as this is all new to me I had glorious fun as an ally going to the Big Gay Dog Walk and then helping out at a tent at the festival (lots of sequins and wings were worn to say the least).
I have talked to quite a few people lately and they have been feeling rather activated and a little fragmented. No shit. We had a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 2nd and we are coming up to a Partial Lunar Full Moon Eclipse on the 16th in Capricorn. And if you remember Eclipse season really ramps up the energy and not just for the day but for the weeks and months to come……. Just saying.
With a new month the energy has changed! Yup, not only do we have Eclipse season, Fire Element energy but Shamanically there is an energy theme. If you remember, May was AWARENESS, June was ADAPTING and guess what? The energy for this month is FRICTION!! Doesn’t that sound fun? Lena shares what this means:- “Friction is caused by two hard surfaces grinding against each other, the resistance then producing a spark capable of ignition. The hard surfaces in this case can be anything from old calcified belief systems meeting new truths that challenge actual experiences, to discussions from polar positions that turn heated and argumentative, to new exciting desires and intentions that meet old fear patterns of resistance.
July is a “hot” month of intensity channeled either into positive conceptions, ideas and bursts of creative energy or into irritation, damaging aggression and explosive destruction. The choice is obviously yours. You will need to pay attention and monitor closely how you react and use this friction as well as setting good boundaries against those who are not using it so well. Friction is necessary to ignite a new spark, a new fire that will fuel something new in your life. However, if you do not focus this energy, it will burn up more than you bargained for. The image is that of two pieces of wood that are used to create a spark that can be used to build a fire. Fire was a revolutionary discovery for the human experience. It can be used to cook food, keep warm and to nurture your personal environment. It can also be deadly when it gets out of control and burns everything in its path.
The ignition from tension and friction this month should be used very wisely. Be present and aware of what is causing it in your life and how it can support change and fuel new projects, relationships and improvements. If you are passive, in denial or allow others to take over, it may not go so well. So, set your boundaries and protection but at the same time, look to your own inner friction and allow it to ignite something that will have a positive outcome.
I highly suggest reading more of Lena’s input. However, why doesn’t this energy report surprise me? We have Fire season, Eclipse’s happening, and let’s throw in Mercury retrograde! (Don’t run to the closet, just pay attention lol). So with all this happening why on earth wouldn’t it produce Friction?
I personally have been feeling Friction with a massive amount of bells on, to say the least! Everything has been turned upside down and I have to remind myself to take a breathe, learn through love and chant like a mother trucker.
I have been wondering for the last week whether to share this with you all or not. But then I was guided very clearly to be open, vulnerable and transparent, as I normally am and as you all are with me (which I love and appreciate). So here goes.
What’s the phrase that makes your heart hurt and that you hate saying? For me the last 2 weeks it is “My sister is dying.” Every time I say that there’s a grief that swells up and grabs me by the throat, a huge intake of breath and tears well up. I so fucking loathe having to say that, this was not meant to happen at all.
I have been very blessed that I have had some amazing people in my life that I love with a depth that has opened me up in such a beautiful way. My glorious older sister is one of those people. She has taught me so much and has shared her challenges, her thoughts and her whole amazing being with me and I love it! At the end of October she was diagnosed with colon cancer, WTF! Two full treatments of chemo happened which made her feel so shitty and didn’t really help. Near the end of May chemo was stopped to give her a bit of a break and the cancer went rampant. Throughout this time we would FaceTime every other day, send Messenger voice messages daily and every morning I would go to the beach and pick a rock for her, say a prayer and see her held in white light. But as the cancer went rampant the communication started to dwindle as the bone crushing fatigue would slam her regularly. Last week my brother in law let me know that she wouldn’t be here for her birthday at the end of the month. Wow. The anger, sadness and grief is overwhelming as I can’t fix this for her and I soooooo want to, and my inner child rails that this isn’t fair. She’s my person, someone I love to the moon and back and even more than that. So I’m heading back to the UK to be with her, to hug her, tell her how much she is loved and all the beautiful gifts she has placed in the lives she has touched. But holy hannah, scrambling to get there and having to say to people when they cluelessly ask why I’m going to the UK – “my sister is dying” is brutal. This is a phrase that I never thought I would have to say, let alone outloud to strangers who then have no clue what to say. Grrrrrrrr.
So for all those who are asking for readings, I will be taking a break until August. As I am not willing to split my energy, as I want to focus it on my sister and brother-in-law. Hope you understand.
So with all that over share let’s get on with the reading.
When I asked the cards who would like to come, guide, support and share this week I smiled when I saw them. This is the glorious Isis Oracle. Have you ever asked who Isis is? Goddess of the Skies, Magick and Wisdom are just a few of the titles she is given. Let me take a moment to introduce you to this lovely deck – “You are a powerful Soul and you are awakening. Your thoughts, feelings and inner world is changing, and so too is your outer world. When a Soul is growing in power and strength, it can benefit from guidance to help make the path into a new way of being in the world that much easier. Isis offers Her wisdom and guidance to you to assist you at this time of spiritual growth and transition. She loves you, and wants you to shine and be your radiant self, filled with power and wisdom.”
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled to come play and participate are:- Brecciated Jasper – a detoxifying stone for strength and clarity. Jasper Heart – stimulates the Solar Plexus Chakra and amplifies self-confidence and courage, bringing energy and enthusiasm to one’s life and relationships. Mookaite – a stone for the here and now and harnessing the earth’s energies.
Ready? Breathe out like a sigh. Then take a deep breathe in through your nose, hold it for a few moments and then exhale with a sigh. Allow yourself to be present for a few moments, give yourself that gift. Then when you are ready, with the idea of how to resolve friction floating in your mind’s eye pick the card or cards that tug for you.
Did you remember to pick?
Let’s go have a look, shall we?
You are entering a fertile period of your life. Focus on your innate creativity and how potent this is becoming, and watch it rapidly glow! You are guided to think of yourself as a creative being and to surrender your control over how things will manifest and instead allow them to do so. Don’t resist change, instead flow and let it happen. Now is the time for your blossoming.
Your Soul is hungering for creativity and manifestation of the beauty in your inner world, to witness it and live it in your physical world too. Much of your spiritual energy is directed into creative process and your creative powers are growing fast now. As you are gaining more potency in your creative flow, it is important that you use this growing ability wisely. Become aware of how easy and quick your thoughts and feelings are manifesting into conversations, situations and responses from the Universe.
The time is ripe for you to choose to align yourself with love each morning so that your thoughts will serve you well and the manifestations you set in motion will be ones that enhance your life experience, rather than more of what you do not want to experience.
The Flower of Life holds the secrets to allowing creative change and transformation of circumstances, manifestation and healing in the easiest and most enjoyable ways possible. The Flower of Life contains repetitive patterns, each interlacing and inter-relating to the other, like the holograph that contains the whole within each part. In this way, all that is required is to tap into one part, one element, one thought or one behaviour that related to your desired creative outcome – and integrate it into your life. All the rest will follow through natural connection.
Beloved Isis gazes upon you now and behind Her vast eyes, mysteries are unveiled. A new clarity around your direction is unfolding. Be willing to wait for the full reveal but also recognise what is happening at this time. You will be gaining valuable insight into where you are being led and for what purpose. It is an exciting moment in your unfoldment. Have reverence and an open heart and mind and wait patiently for the grand revelation that is on its way.
Currently you are being offered assistance in unveiling your Divine Destiny. You will be shown your purpose in a broader and more meaningful way than ever before. You can expect to have many “aha!” moments where your life experiences and journeys suddenly make sense from a much bigger perspective, helping you understand how everything that you have though has brought you to where you are today, which in turn helps you trust even more where you are being led!
The High Priestess Lady Isis and your own Divine Soul are calling you to trust in the unfoldment of a mystery into revelation right now. Pay attention to sacred signs, dreams and intuitions right now as they are accurate and more prophetic than usual. Provided the guidance in these spiritual insights is guiding you deeper into love, which you will recognise as a feeling of deep trust, safety and knowing, even in the most unfamiliar circumstances, then you can trust them completely.
You are venturing through a time of significant spiritual growth and healing. There are many changes occurring internally and they will be reflected in your external world soon also. You are protected during these times by the love and strength of the Winged Mother, Lady Isis. You can relax and allow your transformation to happen. Let your Divine Guardian protect you now, as you learn to let go and trust in your own unfoldment for the greatest good.
Big spiritual growth can bring difficult challenges. Through such challenges, an Initiate can gain wisdom, power and awareness, and leave behind fears that once held them captive, free from past restrictions, free to live a life that is truly extraordinary and inspirational. Yet the challenges can feel deeply confronting. The Initiate may be tested to stay true to their own beliefs even if their loved ones do not understand or support them. Or they may be required to let go of what they have known to embrace something completely unfamiliar and this may be uncomfortable for them, and they may fear losing lose, support, safety or friendship as they venture into a new life.
You have been receiving impressions and inner nudges that are from your higher guidance, which has been helping you with situations that are currently unfolding in your life and will continue to do so. You are, spiritually speaking, on the right track. Life does not have to be fixed or even clear at all times in order for you to be safe. Isis is with you. All is well.
Wow. Perfect, perfect, perfect for this moment in time. So my delicious lovely, have a superb week. I look forward to connecting with you in August. Be gentle with yourself, take a pause before saying something that might hurt yourself or someone else. If there is water nearby, I highly suggest you go visit it and drink a shed ton in this season and time. I will see you in August. May you be well, May you be safe, May you be at peace, may you live with Ease.
Huge hugs and squeezes.
My thoughts and prayers to you and your family during this time. Safe travels and many hugs to you and your sister.
Thinking of you at this moment in time sending love and prayers to you all. Healing thoughts to your sister and a safe journey to Uk
Thank you so much Diane.
Huge thanks.