The moon is such a powerful presence in our lives, pulling on the oceans tides and creating a rhythm of life for all of us. There was a time when we were deeply connected to these rhythms, but, over time, technology and our modern culture has separated us from those celestial vibes.
Aligning yourself with the cycles of nature as a practice can be exceptionally transformative and tapping into the energy phases of the moon is a good place to start.
A new moon is the perfect time for reflection and intention setting. She brings with her the opportunity to explore creativity as she is dark and “empty” – fertile ground for new seeds of intention.
The New Moon’s spiritual meaning symbolizes a very peaceful and tranquil moment in the lunar cycle. It’s a time of new beginnings and renewal.
The New Moon is a reset and a chance to start again, giving you a clean slate. This is why the New Moon is associated with manifestation work and intention setting.
If you are a beginner to practicing any sort of ritual don’t be put off. New Moon Rituals are generally centered around setting intentions for that which you wish to manifest.
This is the darkest phase of the moon, the dream seed time. What do you wish to dream up? What new ideas are germinating in the nutrient rich soil of your soul? Your New Moon rituals should focus on what you want to call into your life.
Each New Moon brings with it the energy of the astrological sign that it is in. However, I will be very clear here – I am not an Astrologer! I use astrology in my own life and with clients, but if you asked me to decipher your transits and all that, I would look at you as if you were bonkers!
(Although I can recommend some incredible astrologers to you, who make sense of it all).
Thus, I often bring the Seasonal Lens to my Moon work.
What does that mean?
For me, it’s more about where a moon falls on the wheel of the year.
Each moon cycle has a distinct natural energy – even moon cycles that fall within the same season. You can have two moon cycles that are both in summer, yet they will feel very different. So when I talk about the moon cycles it’s all about the seasonal energy each new moon holds, as well as some of the astrological energy.
Ask yourself – what is nature doing around you right now?
How does that make you feel?
Is nature stretching & growing or are things drawing inward?
Because if we are honest and tuned in, whatever’s happening in nature is happening within each of us too! And you can see the personal growth work you’re experiencing simply by watching what’s happening in nature.
I find the new moon each month is a meaningful place to pause, and to look at what’s happening in nature. And explore how that relates to what’s happening in my own life.
Then from that place set clear intentions that work with the energy and the season .
When you’re paying attention, you can lean on the natural energy present each month to feel nourished & empowered.
Which makes it even more delicious.
I highly suggest you get yourself a beautiful book that makes you smile and allow it to be your Moon Magick book. A glorious place to track your New Moon wishes and your Full Moon releases, and the super cool thing, you will be amazed to see what has transpired in the last 6 months as you will have a written record of it.
(I have a gorgeous Moon Magick book that was gifted to me by a glorious friend, and holds all my intentions, releases, rituals and desires).
Aligning with your intention is the easiest way to attract what you want into your life and connecting that energy with the energy of the moon is a great magnifier.
Take the time each month to honor the New Moon, taking note of your intentions and seeing how things progress. Soon it will become a habit and over time, you will notice a shift in your body as you become more connected to the cycles of nature.
So let’s go explore this New Moon shall we?
There are many New Moon rituals you can do, or you can do one specific to the energy of the Moon you are working with.